Heliophysics Science Division
Sciences and Exploration Directorate - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Heating of the Magnetically Closed Corona

Members of this HSD 671 work package study how the magnetically closed corona is heated to multi-million degree temperatures with the ultimate goal of producing a physics-based model of the solar spectral irradiance. This encompasses modeling and observational studies on scales from individual current sheets to the global corona. For more information about the projects being undertaken in the group, please see the funded proposals, progress reports, and presentations listed below.

Publications and External Presentations supported by this and the previous work package:

Workpackage Reviews

Upcoming Meetings

  • 3/1/2024, TBD

Presentations given at previous group meetings:




Dec 2021:
Parker Lecture: Jim Klimchuk, Coronal Heating: A Coupled Multi-Scale Problem Dec. 2021 AGU meeting, New Orleans, LA
August 2021:
NASA Robert H. Goddard Honor Award for Exceptional Achievement in Science to James Leak and Lars Daldorff for outstanding research leading to a breakthrough in understanding a key aspect of the fundamental physical process of magnetic reconnection.


Meetings are usually Wednesdays at 2:00 pm ET in GSFC building 21, room 242.

For more information about attending meetings contact PI Jim Klimchuk or deputy PI Terry Kucera.


February 2022:
Jim Klimchuk's Parker Lecture from the Dec. 2021 AGU meeting is now on line: Coronal Heating: A Coupled Multi-Scale Problem
August 2021:
NASA Robert H. Goddard Honor Award for Exceptional Achievement in Science to James Leak and Lars Daldorff for outstanding research leading to a breakthrough in understanding a key aspect of the fundamental physical process of magnetic reconnection.