Earth Sciences Division


How to Nominate

Showing 1 to 24 of 668.

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Outstanding Referee Award

January 1, 2023


EGU Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics

GISS Best Publication Award

May 5, 2024


The article "Atmospheric response to a collapse of the North Atlantic circulation under a mid-range future climate scenario: A regime shift in Northern Hemisphere dynamics" by Clara Orbe et al.. was voted the best research publication by the science staff of Goddard Institute for Space Studies to have been published in 2023. The paper appeared in the Journal of Climate.
GISS Best Publications Award

Esmond B. Martin Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Prize

April 8, 2024

The prize recognizes “outstanding achievement by an individual in the pursuit and/or application of geographical research, with a particular emphasis on wildlife conservation and environmental research studies.”
Esmond B. Martin Royal Geographical Society Prize

NASA Honor Award - Group Achievement Award

January 1, 2023

Recipients: GLAMR Team

NASA Honor Award - Early Career Achievement Medal

January 1, 2023

NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal

January 1, 2023


NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Public Service Medal

January 1, 2023


NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Service Medal

January 1, 2023


NASA Honor Award - Outstanding Leadership Medal

January 1, 2023

Recipients: Joel McCorkel

NASA Honor Award - Distinguished Public Service Medal

January 1, 2023

Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS)Editor Award -

February 1, 2024


Wallops Individual Science Award

January 1, 2022


For "Outstanding leadership over Code 610W through ever changing priorities, leading GPM Ground Validation, and supporting the IMPACTS mission"

Wallops Group Science Award

January 1, 2022

For "Outstanding scientific and technical support to the GPM Ground Validation program"

Best Paper Award

December 7, 2023

Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland

AGU Joanne Simpson Medal for Mid-Career Scientists

December 1, 2023

For sustained leadership to advance landslide hazard prediction and practical application of novel earth observations for societal benefit
AGU Joanne Simpson Medal Recipients

AGU International Award

December 1, 2023


For dedication to improving lives in Southeast Asia and Africa through development and training in the use of hydrological datasets and tools
AGU International Award Recipients

AGU Outstanding Reviewer

September 25, 2023

AGU Outstanding Reviewer - JGR Research: Solid Earth
American Geophysical Union Eos science magazine

Editor Award - Journal of Hydrometeorology

September 1, 2023


American Meteorological Society

William Nordberg Memorial Award for Earth Science

August 15, 2023

For pushing the envelope of innovation in cloud property remote retrieval, interpretation, and worldwide dissemination.
The William Nordberg Memorial Awards and Lectures

Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)

January 1, 2023


Robert H. Goddard Award – Mission & Enabling Support

January 1, 2023


Robert H. Goddard Award – Engineering

January 1, 2023

Recipients: IMPACTS Microwave Instrument Team IMPACTS Microwave Instrument Team

Robert H. Goddard Award – Merit

January 1, 2023
