Astrophysics Science Division


The Astrophysics Science Division supports the GSFC astrophysics projects by providing scientific leadership and undertakes a research program to achieve NASA's strategic science goals. The key questions addressed by the Divisions research programs include:

  • How do galaxies, stars, and planetary systems form and evolve?
  • What is the diversity of worlds beyond our solar system?
  • Which planets might harbor life?
  • What powered the big bang?
  • What is Dark Energy?
  • What happens to space, time and matter at the edge of a black hole?
  • What are the cycles of matter & energy in the evolving universe?

To do this the division conducts a broad program of research in the realm of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Fundamental Physics. This is the study, by way of photons, particles, and gravitational waves, of processes in cosmic sites and the physics processes operating therein. These involve complimentary studies using sub-mm, infra-red, optical, uv, x-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths, gravitational waves, and energetic charged particles. The division scientists develop theoretical models of the origin and structure of astrophysical objects and processes, design experimental approaches and hardware to test these theories, and interpret and evaluate data gathered from the experiments, archive and disseminate the data, provide expert user support to the community, publish conclusions drawn there-from, and undertake education and public outreach programs centered on the Divisions science missions.

The Astrophysics Science Division contains several laboratories and offices:

Seminars & Meetings
