Space Weather Laboratory

Gerald M Heymsfield


Gerald M Heymsfield's Contact Card & Information.
Phone: 301.614.6369
Org Code: 612
Mail Code 612
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Employer: EMERITUS


Research Associate

University of Chicago - Chicago, IL

September 1976 - May 1979


Research Meteorologist

Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, MD

May 1979 - Present



Ph.D. - 1976 - Meteorology - The University of Oklahoma
M.S.- 1972 - Geophysical Sciences - The University of Chicago
B.A. - 1971 - Physics and Mathematics - State University of New York College at Fredonia

Selected Publications


2014. "Understanding the Relationships between Lightning, Cloud Microphysics, and Airborne Radar-Derived Storm Structure during Hurricane Karl (2010)." Mon. Weather Rev. 142 (2): 590-605 [10.1175/MWR-D-13-00008.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2014. "Wind Retrieval Algorithms for the IWRAP and HIWRAP Airborne Doppler Radars with Applications to Hurricanes." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 31 (6): 1189-1215 [10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00140.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "NASA's Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes (GRIP) Field Experiment." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (3): 345-363 [10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00232.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Airborne Radar Observations of Severe Hailstorms: Implications for Future Spaceborne Radar." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 52 (8): 1851-1867 [10.1175/JAMC-D-12-0144.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Utilizing Versatile Transmission Waveforms to Mitigate Pulse-Compression Range Sidelobes With the HIWRAP Radar." IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett. 10 (6): 1365-1368 [10.1109/LGRS.2013.2241729] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "Ice hydrometeor profile retrieval algorithm for high-frequency microwave radiometers: Application to the CoSSIR instrument during TC4." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 5 2277-2306 [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "Simulations of Infrared Radiances over a Deep Convective Cloud System Observed during TC4: Potential for Enhancing Nocturnal Ice Cloud Retrievals." Remote Sensing 4 (10): 3022-3054 [10.3390/rs4103022] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Characteristics of Deep Tropical and Subtropical Convection from Nadir-Viewing High-Altitude Airborne Doppler Radar." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 67 (2): 285-308 [10.1175/2009JAS3132.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Multiscale Observations of Hurricane Dennis (2005): The Effects of Hot Towers on Rapid Intensification." J. Atmos. Sci. 67 (3): 633-654 [10.1175/2009JAS3119.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "A Study of Cirrus Ice Particle Size Distribution Using TC4 Observations." J Atmos Sci 67 (1): 195–216 [10.1175/2009JAS3114.1] [Journal Article/Letter]