ITM Physics Laboratory

Preeti Bhaneja

(Research Scientist)

Preeti Bhaneja's Contact Card & Information.
Org Code: 675
Mail Code 675
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio


 1.  My primary experience is with Digisonde and Vertical Incidence Pulsed Ionospheric Radar (VIPIR) data. I have analyzed global low, mid and high latitude digisonde data. 

·    Analyze the statistics of seasonal and solar cycle patterns for Spread-F events from ionosonde stations in the equatorial, mid and high latitude regions, including levels of day-to-day variability for similar periods of solar forcing.

·     Using edge detection and pattern recognition to determine spread F and critical frequencies (foF2) and hmF2 in the ionosphere.    

·   Detecting Sporadic E signatures in VIPIR data for DYNAMO Fleet Missions.

·     Validate geophysical parameters obtained from ionosonde with Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) Radio Occultation (RO) profiles and geophysical models, including the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) and the SAMI3 (Sami3 is Another Model of the Ionosphere) ionospheric model.

·  Analyze geophysical ionosonde data to determine local multi-day Planetary Wave forcing of the Earth’s ionosphere using Lomb Scargle periodogram analysis.  


2.  COSMIC data analysis:

·  Analyze COSMIC Radio Occultation profiles to determine global Planetary Wave and Tidal forcing of the ionosphere.

·   Cross-platform analysis of fine-scale ionospheric structure  (scintillation) from COSMIC RO data with meso-scale (100-km) plasma structure as detected by CINDI (Coupled Ion-Neutral Dynamics Investigation), ICON (Ionospheric CONnection), and GOLD (Global Observations of the Limb and Disk) datasets, including statistical occurrence and lag time.


3.  Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events:

·      Analyze OH and O2 emission rates and temperature data using Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI) installed at the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) at Eureka.

·      Analyze SABER-TIMED and MLS-AURA satellite data sets to find temperature and emission variations as well as Millstone Hill Radar using Madrigal database to find temperature in the upper atmosphere during SSW events.


4.   Van Allen Radiation Belts:

·      Analyze Radiation Belt Storm Probe (RBSP) and FIREBIRD (Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst Intensity, Range, and Dynamics) data.

·      Developing conjunction histograms between RBSP and FIREBIRD data to correlate electron precipitation with plasma waves.

·      Development of pattern recognition and edge detection algorithms to identify microburst events in FIREBIRD CubeSat data.

·      Using spectral analysis to quantify chorus wave properties in Van Allen Probes data that will be applied towards a ray tracing analysis at times of magnetic conjunction with FIREBIRD.  

Research Interests

Plasma Irregularities and Spread F, Sporadic E and Detecting of foF2, hmF2, foEs and other Parameters

Heliophysics: Earth's Ionosphere

Equatorial, Midlatitude, High Latitude Spread-F and Sporadic E,

  • Digisonde (binary) and Vertical Incidence Pulsed Ionospheric Radar (VIPIR) NetCDF Data Analysis,
  • Radio Wave Propagation,
  • Pattern Recognition and Edge Detection Algorithms, Automated Event Identification Algorithms,
  • Time-Series and Statistical Analysis,
  • Determine Gravity and Tidal Waves in the data,
  • Madrigal Data Base for Range-Time-Intensity Plots,
  • Detecting of foF2, hmF2, foEs and other Parameters.
  • Validating these parameters with SAMI, IRI and COSMIC-1 data.

Rocket (raw telemetry) Data Processing,

  • Magnetometer, electric field and wind measurements by developing MATLAB routines,
  • Calibrated electric field channels for sounding rocket experiment,
  • Tested boom-hinge deployment system for electric field system,
  • Familiarity with the vacuum chamber system.

COSMIC-1 Data Analysis for Planetary Wave Analysis

Heliophysics: Earth's Ionosphere

Wave Signature and Propagation using Lomb-Scargle Periodogram Analysis, Wavelet coherence analysis, COSMIC-1/FORMOSAT-3 Data Analysis,

COSMIC data analysis:

  •  Analyze COSMIC Radio Occultation profiles to determine global Planetary Wave and Tidal forcing of the ionosphere.
  • Lomb-Scargle Periodogram Analysis, Wavelet Coherence Analysis,
  • Cross-platform analysis of fine-scale ionospheric structure  (scintillation) from COSMIC RO data with meso-scale (100-km) plasma structure as detected by CINDI (Coupled Ion-Neutral Dynamics Investigation), ICON (Ionospheric CONnection), and GOLD (Global Observations of the Limb and Disk) datasets, including statistical occurrence and lag time.
  • Data Validation Using Digisonde Data.

Van Allen Radiation Belts

Heliophysics: Earth's Magnetosphere

Firebird and RBSP data analysis, Conjunction histograms for Van Allen Radiation Belts.

·   Analyze Radiation Belt Storm Probe (RBSP) and FIREBIRD (Focused Investigations of Relativistic Electron Burst Intensity, Range, and Dynamics) data.

·   Developing conjunction histograms between RBSP and FIREBIRD data to correlate electron precipitation with plasma waves.

Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events

Heliophysics: Earth's Atmosphere

Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events:

  • Analyze OH and O2 emission rates and temperature data using Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI) installed at the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) at Eureka,
  • Analyze SABER-TIMED and MLS-AURA satellite data sets to find temperature and emission variations as well as Millstone Hill Radar using Madrigal database to find temperature in the upper atmosphere during SSW events.




   University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas                                  Dec 2009

      Doctorate of Philosophy in Physics (Space Science)


   University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, Texas                                  Dec 2006

      Masters of Science in Physics (Space Science)


   Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada                                                    June 2004

       Bachelor of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering 

Professional Societies


2024 - Present


Senior Member, Individual Member Commission G

2024 - Present

Professional Service

  • Served as a reviewer for NSF Proposals, NSF Proposal Panel and NASA Proposal Panel.
  • Reviewed papers for Journal of Geophysics Research, Radio Science, Annales Geophysicae and Earth, Planets and Space.
  • Member of Innovative Grant Proposal review committee at CIRES.
  • Member of Outstanding Performance Awards committee at CIRES.
  • A team leader for the Women in Physics summer camp (2005-2007).


Graduate Student Fellowship                                                             2004 – 2009

     University of Texas at Dallas, Physics Department, Richardson, USA

Aileen Clark Lambie Scholarship                                               November 2003

Ryerson University, Women in Engineering Department, Toronto, Canada



2024. "Statistical analysis of Low latitude Spread F at the American, Atlantic, and Pacific sectors using Digisonde Observations." Frontiers 11 [] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Statistical analysis of midlatitude spread F using multi-station digisonde observations." Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 167 146-155 [10.1016/j.jastp.2017.11.016] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "A comprehensive rocket and radar study of midlatitude spreadF." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A12): [10.1029/2010ja015503] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "A statistical study of midlatitude spread F at Wallops Island, Virginia." Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 114 (A4): [10.1029/2008ja013212] [Journal Article/Letter]

Talks, Presentations and Posters


Detection of Spread-F, foF2 values and Planetary and Gravity Wave Signatures using Digisonde instruments and their comparison with COSMIC-I/FORMOSAT-3, SAMI and IRI data, URSI, 2023.

September 23, 2023


Statistical Analysis and Detection of Spread-F and foF2 values using Digisonde and VIPIR instruments.

July 12, 2024

Detection of Spread-F, foF2 values and Planetary and Gravity Wave Signatures using Digisonde instruments and their comparison with COSMIC-I/FORMOSAT-3, SAMI and IRI data, CEDAR, 2023.

July 25, 2023

Detection of Spread-F, foF2 values and Planetary and Gravity Wave Signatures using Digisonde instruments and their comparison with COSMIC-I/FORMOSAT-3, SAMI and IRI data, IES, 2023.

June 7, 2023

Detection of Spread-F and foF2 values using Digisonde and VIPIR instruments, LWS-FST, 2023.

April 15, 2023