Information Fact Sheets
The latest GDC two pager as a Pdf or see the images below.

Software Resources
There are many community open source software packages. You can find some at website. You can also join their newsletters and meetings.Links to some of the ITM society and community pages
CEDAR, the Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program is a early workshop and group of researchers who aim to understand the fundamental properties of the space-atmosphere interaction region; identify the interconnected processes that define the local and global behavior, the evolution, and influence on the SunEarth system; and to explore their predictability. On their website you can find out more about the community as well as resources such as Bishop Acronym Guide, Software, Models, and tools useful for ITM research
The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) is a group of researchers looking to improve our collaborations looking at the Earth's magnetosphere and its coupling to the atmosphere and with the solar wind. They also hold a yearly workshop int the summer as well as a mini gathering at/around the time of the American Geophysical Union. On the GEM website you can find other resources such as tutorials, and newsletters
Our Favourite Scientific Visualization Studio Resources
Welcome to the Ionosphere
A wonderful cartoon describing the Ionosphere and upper atmospheric layers, the beautiful nature which can be found there, and the space weather in this envirionment that impacts our society and technology. You can view, share, and download this video from YouTube or on the NASA Scientific Visualization studio.
Polar Mesospheric Clouds
Polar mesospheric clouds - also known as noctilucent clouds - are at the edge of our atmosphere and space and can be impacted by gravity waves. These beautiful clouds help us understand how the atmosphere and space are connected. This video and more can be viewed, shared, and downloaded at the scientific visualization studio
A Solar Wind Sea Shanty
Parodying the classic sea shanty 'The The Solar Wind: A Heliophysics Sea' illuminates one of the primary connections between the Sun and Earth, the solar wind. This video can be shared and downloaded at YouTube .
Other favourite visualiations from NASA's Scientific visualitation studio
We've tried to organize this list... We've done our best. Please visit the SVS website for an actual search function, and more videos on other topics.Orbit and mission beauty shots
Here are looks at the missions, their orbits, and videos about their instrumentation.- Heliophysics Sentinels Nov. 2022
- where Earth Meets Space
- AWE satellite Beauty Pass
- Gold Scanning Coverage
- Sounding rocket highlights
- GDC and its potential orbits
The Ionosphere; its layers and phenomena
- Observing s ionosphere with GOLDEarth
- Atmospheric/Ionospheric Layers
- ITM Processes - image
- Atmospheric/ionospheric layers video
- Global view of Atmospheric/Ionospheric Layers as Shells video
- Where Earth Meets Space
- Equatorial Fountain
- ICON Scans the Ionosphere
- ICON Limb view 1
- ICON Limb view 2
- ICON Ionospheric Dynamo
- GOLD Oxygen TEC
- Airglow imagery
- The Dayside Ionosphere
- IonosphereEarth
- Ionospheric Dynamo
- Ionosphere and CINDI
- 4D ionosphere
- April 2001 TEC
- Radio Signal Reflection & Refraction on a Simple Ionosphere Model
- Our Active Ionosphere:Alphabet Soup from GOLD - Ionospheric Bubbles
The atmosphere and phenomena
- Tohoku-Oki Earthquake affects the atmosphere
- Gravity waves from the Hunga Tunga event
- AIM Noctilucent Clouds
- Gravity Waves
Electric fields
- Radiation Generated in Electric Fields Over Thunderstorms
- E-fields in the upper atmosphere, atmospheric tides
- Explore Aurora
- Auroral beads
- An Aurora named Steve
- Aurora imagery from Poker Flats
- s across CanadaAurora
- Auroral substorms from Polar
Human impacts
Planatary connections to Space
- Mars upper-level winds
- Mars patchy aurora
- Parker Solar Probe Venus radio emissions
- Ionospheric holes at Venus
Solar Eclipse
Plasma processes
- Gyromotion in Two Dimensions
- Gyromotion in Three Dimensions
- Particle Drift in a Magnetic Gradient
- E-cross-B Drift
- Field-Aligned Current (Birkeland Current)
- Gyroresonant Scattering
- Electromagnetic Waves and Polarization
- Shock Drift Acceleration (SDA)
- Fast Magnetic Reconnection and the Hall Effect
- Plasma Waves
- Magnetic Reconnection (Particle views)