ITM Physics Laboratory


How to Nominate

Showing 1 to 21 of 21.

NASA Honor Award - Outstanding Leadership Medal

January 1, 2023


NASA Honor Award - Early Career Achievement Medal

January 1, 2022

Recipients: Brian Harding

NASA Honor Award - Outstanding Leadership Medal

January 1, 2022


Robert H. Goddard Award – Outreach

July 13, 2022


NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Technology Achievement Medal

January 1, 2021

Recipients: Sarah L. Jones

NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal

January 1, 2021


Robert H. Goddard Award – Science

January 1, 2021

Recipients: Sarah Jones

Robert H. Goddard Award – Leadership

January 1, 2021


Robert H. Goddard Award – Professional Administrative

January 1, 2020

Robert H. Goddard Award – Mentoring

January 1, 2020


NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal

September 29, 2020


NASA Honor Award - Early Career Public Achievement Medal

September 29, 2020

Recipients: Katelynn Greer

GSFC Honor Award - Science

January 1, 2019

NASA Honor Award - Group Achievement Award

June 1, 2019

Recipients: Steve/Aurorasaurus Team (Elizabeth MacDonald/675)

NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal

June 1, 2019

NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Achievement Medal

June 1, 2019

NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Engineering Achievement Medal

June 1, 2019

GSFC Honor Award - Science

January 1, 2018

Recipients: STEVE/Aurorasaurus Team (Elizabeth Macdonald)

GSFC Honor Award - Robert H. Goddard Award of Merit

January 1, 2018


GSFC Honor Award - Engineering

January 1, 2018

Recipients: The DESA (Dual ElectroStatic Analyser) team (Robert Michell)

NASA Honor Award - Group Achievement Medal

January 1, 2018

Recipients: Community Coordinated Modeling Center/Leila Markus Electric Field Wire Boom Deployer Team/Robert Pfaff