Heliophysics Science Division

Shaela I Jones


Shaela I Jones's Contact Card & Information.
Email: shaela.i.jonesmecholsky@nasa.gov
Phone: 301.286.2865
Org Code: 671
Mail Code 671
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Shaela Jones is a postdoctoral research associate whose interests include multiple facets of coronal and heliospheric dynamics. Shaela received her B.S. in Physics from the University of Florida and M.S. and Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Maryland, conducting her thesis research at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center with Joe Davila. Her thesis work included studies of small coronal ejections (“plasma blobs”) and multi-spacecraft measurements of coronal rotation. Her publications also include studies of coronal tomography, EIT waves, and self-organized criticality in the solar corona. Returning to research after a brief hiatus, Shaela is currently searching for ways to improve reconstructions of the coronal magnetic field by incorporating information from coronal images into the reconstruction process.

Research Interests

CME Initiation, Propagation

Heliophysics: Space Weather

Filament/Prominence Structure and Dynamics

Heliophysics: Solar Atmosphere

Coronal Magnetic Fields

Heliophysics: Solar Atmosphere


Research Associate

Catholic University of America - NASA GSFC

2014 - Present

Research Associate

Catholic University of America - NASA GSFC

January 2011 - May 2011

Graduate Research Assistant

University of Maryland, College Park - NASA GSFC

September 2003 - December 2010

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Department of Physics, University of Florida - Laboratory of Stephen Hill

January 2002 - March 2003

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Department of Physics, University of Minnesota - Laboratory of Cindy Cattell

June 2002 - August 2002


Ph.D., Physics, May 2011, University of Maryland, College Park

M.S., Physics, August 2006, University of Maryland, College Park

B.S., Physics (w/ Math Minor), May 2003, University of Florida

Professional Service

Holy Redeemer School Advisory Board, 2014-current


Outstanding Student Paper Award, Fall AGU Meeting, 2009
GAANN Graduate Fellowship, 2003-2009
NSF GRFP Honorable Mention, 2003



2023. "Ensemble Forecasts of Solar Wind Connectivity to 1 Rs Using ADAPT‐WSA." Space Weather 21 (10): [10.1029/2023sw003554] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Solar Wind Streams and Stream Interaction Regions Observed by the Parker Solar Probe with Corresponding Observations at 1 au." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 246 (2): 36 [10.3847/1538-4365/ab578f] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Image-optimized Coronal Magnetic Field Models." The Astrophysical Journal 844 (2): 93 [10.3847/1538-4357/aa7b7a] [Journal Article/Letter]

2016. "Optimizing Global Coronal Magnetic Field Models Using Image-Based Constraints." Astrophysical Journal 820 (2): [10.3847/0004-637X/820/2/113] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "Three-dimensional Structure and Evolution of Extreme-ultraviolet Bright Points Observed by STEREO/SECCHI/EUVI." Astrophysical Journal 757 167 [10.1088/0004-637X/757/2/167] [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Deconvolution of Spatial and Spectral Information in Slitless Spectrometer Images." Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 1508- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "On the Tomographic Reconstruction of the 3D Electron Density for the Solar Corona from STEREO COR1 Data." Solar Physics 259 109-121 [10.1007/s11207-009-9401-2] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Uritsky, Davila and Jones Reply." Physical Review Letters 103 (3): 39502 [10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.039502] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Localized Plasma Density Enhancements Observed in STEREO COR1." The Astrophysical Journal 701 (2): 1906-1910 [10.1088/0004-637X/701/2/1906] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "Recent STEREO Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1491- [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "EUV Wave Reflection from a Coronal Hole." The Astrophysical Journal 691 (2): L123-L127 [10.1088/0004-637X/691/2/L123] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "On the Regularized Tomography for the Solar Corona." Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 38 [Journal Article/Letter]

2007. "Coexistence of Self-Organized Criticality and Intermittent Turbulence in the Solar Corona." Physical Review Letters 99 (2): 25001 [[10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.025001]] [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "Definite Spectroscopic Determination of the Transverse Interactions Responsible for the Magnetic Quantum Tunneling in Mn12-Acetate." Physical Review Letters 90 (21): 217204 [Journal Article/Letter]


2009. "Recent STEREO Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1491- [Proceedings]

Special Experience

Univserity Student Judiciary, University of Maryland, 2005-2007
Graduate Student Government, University of Maryland, 2005-2006
Assistant Lab Coach for the US High School Physics Team, 2005-2007