Hydrological Sciences


How to Nominate

Showing 1 to 24 of 88.

NASA Honor Award - Early Career Achievement Medal

January 1, 2023

AGU International Award

December 1, 2023


For dedication to improving lives in Southeast Asia and Africa through development and training in the use of hydrological datasets and tools
AGU International Award Recipients

Arthur S. Flemming Award

January 1, 2022


In the category of Applied Science and Engineering, the citation reads "Dr. Sujay Kumar is internationally recognized as the lead developer for a land surface modeling and data assimilation, known as the Land Information System (LIS), which has been adopted by operational agencies around the world and has served as the software foundation for scores of past and current basic and applied sciences research projects. Agencies that employ LIS include the U.S. Air Force, NOAA, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Naval Research Laboratory, and the United Kingdom Meteorological Office. Dr. Kumar designed and installed advanced data assimilation modules within LIS that enable it to take in observations from multiple satellite remote sensors, including NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and GRACE Follow On (GRACE-FO), and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). He has also led or contributed to (as co-investigator) twelve applied sciences projects whose goals were to make NASA’s remote sensing data useful for practical and socially relevant applications, including water resources and agricultural management, drought and flood monitoring, famine early warning, and weather and climate prediction."
Arthur S. Flemming Awards

NASA Honor Awards Appreciation Program – Excellence in Collaboration

January 1, 2022

Recipients: Space for Ag Roadshow (Kim Locke 617/SSAI)

610HBG Award: Best Publication – First Author Non-Civil Servant

January 1, 2022

For “Global connections between El Nino and landslide impacts”

610HBG Award: Scientific/Technical Support

January 1, 2022

Recipients: SLAP Team – E. Kim (Lead), A. Wu, H. Izadkhah, S. Abraham, B. Swearingen

For achieving a successful SLAP airborne deployment in support of the LIAISE campaign in Spain in Summer 2021

610HBG Award: Scientific/Technical Support

January 1, 2022


For outstanding scientific and technical support of a new Global Hydro Intelligence initiative

610HBG Award: Scientific/Technical Support

January 1, 2022


For exceptional scientific and technical support to the ICESat-2 inland surface water data products

610HBG Award: Scientific/Technical Support

January 1, 2022

For leadership of the selected Water Resources Proposal

610HBG Award: Scientific/Technical Support

January 1, 2022


For outstanding leadership and support of the NASA International Water Strategy

610HBG Award: Scientific/Technical Support

January 1, 2022


For outstanding scientific/technical support associated with transitioning LISF Version 7.4 to operations at HQ 557th Weather Wing

610HBG Award: Scientific/Technical Support

January 1, 2022

For outstanding support and essential contributions to the irrigation work of GLDAS and other LIS projects

610HBG Award: Scientific/Technical Support

January 1, 2022

Recipients: James Geiger

For outstanding scientific/technical support associated with transitioning LISF Version 7.4 to operations at HQ 557th Weather Wing

610HBG Award: Scientific/Technical Support

January 1, 2022

For outstanding scientific support on natural disaster studies

610HBG Award: Scientific Achievement

January 1, 2022

Recipients: LIS-Hydro S2S Team – K. Arsenault (Lead), Y. Yoon, R. Zamora, A. Getirana, S. Mahanama, A. Hazra

For the outstanding scientific achievement associated with the design, development, testing, and evaluation of the LISF Sub-seasonal-to-Seasonal Subsystem for the 557th Weather Wing

610HBG Award: Scientific Achievement

January 1, 2022

Recipients: LIS Data Assimilation Team – Yonghwan Kwon (Lead), Pang-Wei Liu, Rajat Bindlish, Sujay Kumar

For the outstanding scientific achievement associated with extending the LISF's Data Assimilation Sub-system

610HBG Award: Scientific Achievement

January 1, 2022

For outstanding advances in understanding terrestrial hydrologic processes using multiple Earth observing satellites and land data assimilation modeling

610HBG Award: Scientific Achievement

January 1, 2022


For advancements in agricultural guidance

610HBG Award: Scientific Achievement

January 1, 2022


For outstanding contributions in the area of soil moisture data assimilation

610HBG Award: Scientific Achievement

January 1, 2022

For significant contributions to freshwater modeling efforts

610HBG Award: Outreach

January 1, 2022


For outstanding outreach and coordination efforts in support of the Earth Information System project

Robert H. Goddard Award – Science

July 13, 2022

Recipients: James Carr GEDI Mission and Science Operations Team Global Precipitation Climatology Project Team Landsat Calibration and Validation Team

Robert H. Goddard Award - Mission and Enabling Support

July 13, 2022
