Missions & Projects
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Displaying records 1 to 8 of 8.
Arecibo Legacy Data
NSSDCA maintains the data archive of the planetary data collected by the Arecibo radar facility from 1997 to 2020.

Lunar Data Project (LDP)
The Lunar Data Project was formed at the NSSDCA and now works with PDS to recover Apollo data, much of which is on old media or in obsolete formats, convert it into usable forms, and make it available online to researchers and mission planners. We are currently restoring data from surface and orbital instruments on Apollos 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17.

Moon Trees Public Outreach
Apollo 14 astronaut Stuart Roosa brought tree seeds to the Moon in 1971. These were planted all over the U.S. during the bicentennial in 1976, this site contains information on the history and location of the trees.

NASA Space Science Coordinated Data Archive (NSSDCA)
The NSSDCA provides master catalogs, data standards, and other information services. It oversees the preservation of NASA space science data for the next generation of researchers. The Center ensures access to existing and future NASA space science archives.

OSIRIS-REx Visible and Infrared Spectrometer (OVIRS)
In addition to providing project management for the OSIRIS-REx mission, Goddard Space Flight Center will build one of the spacecraft's principal instruments, the Visible and Infrared Spectrometer (OVIRS).
Key Staff
- Data Processing Team Member: Allen Lunsford
- Data Processing Team Member: Nicolas Gorius
- Co Investigator: David Rowlands
- Instrument Scientist: Dennis Reuter
- Instrument Scientist: Amy Simon
- Instrument Scientist: Allen Lunsford

PDS Project Office
The Planetary Data System (PDS) Project Office manages the PDS in the long-term archive of digital data from NASA's planetary missions, and other kinds of flight and ground-based data, including laboratory experiments.

Planetary Fact Sheets
NSSDCA maintains a set of fact sheets on the planets, moons, and other solar system objects, including bulk properties, orbital parameters, and other useful data.

Venus Data Restoration
In preparation for the upcoming DAVINCI and VERITAS missions, NSSDCA is working with the Planetary Data System to restore data from early Venus missions such as Mariner, Venera, and Pioneer Venus.