Solar System Exploration Data Services Office

Evan Derek Hoffman


Evan Derek Hoffman's Contact Card & Information.
Phone: 301.286.1394
Org Code: 61A
Mail Code 61A
Greenbelt, MD 20771


SLR Instrument Scientist

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, Maryland

June 2016 - Present


GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences - Potsdam, Germany

January 2013 - October 2014

Systems Engineer

Honeywell Technology Solutions, Inc. - Lanham, Maryland

April 2008 - May 2016

Electronics Engineer

United States Naval Observatory - Washington, D.C.

June 2007 - March 2008



2020. "Optical Characterization of Laser Retroreflector Arrays for Lunar Landers." Applied Optics 59 (16): 5020-5031 [] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Small and Lightweight Laser Retro-Reflector Arrays for Lunar Landers." Applied Optics 58 (33): 9259-9266 [10.1364/AO.58.009259] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "NASA’s satellite laser ranging systems for the twenty-first century." Journal of Geodesy 93 (11): 2249–2262 [10.1007/s00190-018-1191-6] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Modernizing and expanding the NASA Space Geodesy Network to meet future geodetic requirements." Journal of Geodesy 93 (11): 2263-2273 [10.1007/s00190-018-1204-5] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "In-flight characterization of the lunar orbiter laser altimeter instrument pointing and far-field pattern." Applied Optics 57 (27): 7702 [10.1364/ao.57.007702] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "The Laser Ranging Experiment of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Five Years of Operations and Data Analysis." Icarus 283 55-69 [10.1016/j.icarus.2016.07.003] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Free space laser communication experiments from Earth to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in lunar orbit." Optics Express 21 (2): 1865 [10.1364/oe.21.001865] [Journal Article/Letter]


2023. "Recent Developments at the Apache Point Lunar Laser Ranging Station." Proceedings of the 22nd International Workshop on Laser Ranging [Full Text] [Proceedings]

2021. "Optical characterization of CLPS Miniature Laser Retroreflector Arrays." 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Virtual Meeting), 15-19 March 2021, The Woodlands, Texas, LPI Contrib. 2548 (id1629): [Full Text] [Proceedings]

2020. "Alignment and verification testing of the GPS LRA test bed." Proceedings Volume 11488, Optical System Alignment, Tolerancing, and Verification XIII; 114880 [10.1117/12.2569160] [Proceedings]

2016. "The Gimbal and Telescope Assembly for NASA's Next Generation Space Geodesy SLR Systems." 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Potsdam Germany, October 9-14, 2016 [Full Text] [Proceedings]

2016. "Designing NASA's Next Generation SLR stations with the goal of full automation." 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Potsdam Germany, October 9-14, 2016. [Full Text] [Proceedings]

2016. "The Contributions of ILRS Laser Ranging to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission." 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Potsdam Germany, October 9-14, 2016 [Full Text] [Proceedings]

2016. "SGSLR Testing Facility at GGAO." GSFC-E-DAA-TN35238 [Full Text] [Report]

2016. "SGSLR Range Control Electronics Design and Implementation." 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Potsdam Germany, October 9-14, 2016 [Full Text] [Proceedings]

2016. "The NASA Space Geodesy Network." 20th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Potsdam Germany, October 9-14, 2016 [Full Text] [Proceedings]

2014. "Upgrades and New Capabilities of the GFZ SLR Timing System." Proceedings of the 19th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, Annapolis, Maryland, October 27-31, 2014 [Full Text] [Proceedings]

2013. "Simultaneous Laser Ranging and Communication from an Earth-Based Satellite Laser Ranging Station to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in Lunar Orbit.”." Proceedings of the SPIE XXV Conference on Free-Space Laser Communication and Atmospheric Propagation [10.1117/12.2006645] [Proceedings]