Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Rita M Sambruna

(Deputy Director)

Rita M Sambruna's Contact Card & Information.
Phone: 301.286.3966
Org Code: 660
Mail Code 660
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Dr. Rita Sambruna is the Deputy Director of the Astrophysics Division, Code 660. Previously she was at HQ, where she held positions of science management and leadership. In 2019 she was awarded the NASA Extraordinary Achievement Medal for her leadership on the 2020 Astrophysics Decadal Survey studies. Rita was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2020, Fellow of the American Astronomical Society in 2021, and Fellow of the AAAS in 2021. She received a Honorary Fellowship from the Royal Astronomical Society in 2023 for her many contributions to science research and management at NASA, and a NASA Honor Award.

Research Interests

Dr. Rita Sambruna

Astrophysics: Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN)

Relativistic jets; physics of compact objects; supermassive black holes in galaxies; Multiwavelength and Multimessenger Astrophysics; space missions and exploration; science and technology management

Dr. Sambruna has over 400 publications, including 150 refereed, and an H-index of 59 (as of 01/2025). She has delivered over 100 invited talks and colloquiua in her research field, and has a world-over reputation as an expert of jets and multi-messenger astrophysics. Rita has over 15 years of management experience in space science.

Astrophysics: Black Holes


Deputy Director, Astrophysics Science Division

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, MD

July 2020 - Present

Manages and supervises a workforce of 400 in astrophysical projects and programs, with a budget of over $1B. Foster creativity and innovation through active oversight of ongoing efforts in technology and research. Provides strategic directions to the Division that align with the priorities of the Astrophysics Decadal, the Center, and the Agency. Manages internal technology investments and mission concept development.

Program Scientist and Decadal Study Scientist

NASA HQ - Washington, DC

September 2010 - January 2020

Senior Scientist

NASA's GSFC - Greenbelt, MD

July 2005 - September 2010

Clare Boothe Luce Professor of Physics and Astronomy

George Mason University - Fairfax, VA

July 2000 - August 2005

Teaching Experience

From 2000 till 2005, Dr. Sambruna was the Clare Boothe Luce Professor of Astrophysics at George Mason University, where she taught undergraduate and graduate classes and led an independent research program supported by external funds. She received the NSF CAREER and NASA LTSA awards.

Rita continues to mentor individuals and especially early career scientists, aiming to be the catalyst for their blossoming in professional and personal environments. She has helped several colleagues achieve recognitions and land permanent jobs at NASA.


October 1994, PhD, SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, Italy. Thesis: The X-ray Properties of Blazars

October 1992, Master Phil. SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, Italy. Thesis: The EXOSAT Spectral Survey of Blazars

October 1989, Laurea degree, Univ. of Milan, Italy. Thesis: X-ray Observations the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables E1405--451 (V834 Cen) and E1013--477 (KO Vel)

Professional Societies

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)


2019 - Present

American Astronomical Society


1991 - Present

American Physical Society


2020 - Present

High Energy Astrophysics Division


2000 - Present

Royal Astronomical Society

Honorary Fellow

2023 - Present

Professional Service

Chair of Section D for the AAAS, 2024.

External reviewer of the Department of Physics, American University, 2023.

Member of the NASA Advisory Committee, 2022-2023.

Co-chair of the first independent review of the NASA's Hubble Fellowship Program, 2022.

Regular referee for professional journals and reviewer of grants and PhD Theses.


Selected Awards:

"Commendatore" (Commander) of the Republic of Italy, 2021 (highest civilian honor in Italy)

Honorary Fellowship of the RAS, 2023

NASA Extraordinary Achievement Medal, 2020



Clare Boothe Luce Professorship, 2000

NRC Research Fellowship, 1995-1997

Other Professional Information

38th on list of “Top Italian Scientists” [107 out of 455; 09 May 2020]

Among World’s Top 2% of Scientists (top 3% in subfield of Astronomy & Astrophysics).  (cf. Ioannidis JPA, Boyack KW, Baas J (2020)[1]



Special Experience

Rita is a certified Yoga Teacher with specialization in Yoga for Cancer. She is trained in Applied Behavior Analysis and its applications to non-human animals. Rita speaks Italian, French, Latin/Greek, and a bit of Spanish.