Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Holly Mallinson


Holly Mallinson's Contact Card & Information.
Org Code: 612
Mail Code 612
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Dr. Holly Mallinson is a postdoctoral fellow in the Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Laboratory at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. She is working with Scott Braun on coupled convective processes and implications for the NASA Earth System Observatory-Atmosphere Observing System (EOS-AOS, in response to the NASA Decadal Survey Designated Observables for Aerosols and Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (2017). She will also be working with Toshi Matsui on using POLARRIS (POLArimetric Radar Retrieval and Instrument Simulator) to bridge the gap between observations and numerical models.

Holly received her doctorate from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where her dissertation focused on understanding how anthropogenic climate change may influence hailstorms. She also received her master's from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign as well as a bachelor's from the University of Louisiana-Monroe.

Research Interests

Convective Storm Processes

Earth Science: Precipitation

Microphysical and dynamical properties of convective storms related to initiation, intensification, and hazards

Numerical Modeling

Earth Science: Theory & Modeling

NU-WRF (NASA Unified Weather Research and Forecasting model)

POLARRIS (POLArimetric Radar Retrieval and Instrument Simulator)


Postdoctoral Fellow

NASA Postdoctoral Program - Greenbelt, MD

June 2023 - Present

Research Assistant

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - Urbana, IL

August 2016 - May 2023


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, MD

June 2016 - August 2016


2023- PhD in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

2018- MS in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

2016- BS in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Louisiana-Monroe

Professional Societies

American Meteorological Society (AMS)

2015 - Present

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

2015 - Present

Professional Service

American Meteorological Society 

2023-2025- Board on Student Affairs: served as chair (2023-2024) and past chair (2024-2025), helped with creation of board and developed terms of reference for inaugural year, and serve as liaison on AMS Council 

2020-2023- Student Conference: served as Conference Co-Chair “Connecting the Data Points: Enriching Today’s Students to Become Tomorrow’s Scientists” (2023), session chair for the Student Conference Poster Session (2023), and session chair for keynotes linking topics on extreme weather and Annual Meeting theme (2020-2022)  

International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP)

2021- International Cloud Modeling Workshop: Co-Organizer for the “Convection in Strong Vertical Wind Shear: The 2 Aug COPE Case” workshop as part of the 10th International Cloud Modeling Workshop 

University of Illinois 

2019-2022- Students Advising on Graduate Education (SAGE): worked with the Graduate College on the following committees- Graduate Student Mentoring (2020-2022), Pandemic Impacts on Doctoral Education (2020-2021), and Student Performance Indicators Strategic Planning Group (2019-2020)