Dr. Wollack’s research concentrates on the development and use of precision imaging systems for astrophysics and cosmology. He has contributed to the design, fabrication, and characterization of sensors, waveguide structures, optics, and other components for ground, sub-orbital, and space-based applications.
Cosmic Microwave Background: spectrum, anisotropy, polarization, dark energy
Astrophysical Observations: large scale galactic emission, mapping techniques, calibration
Instrumentation: optics, integral field units, sensor arrays, radiometry, polarimetry, spectroscopy
Ph.D. Physics (1994), Princeton
B.S. Physics (1987), University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology
- Rostem, K., Brown, A.D., Colazo-Petit, F.A., Kent, R.A., Kutyrev, A.S., Lebair, S.W., Sharp, E.H., Wollack, E.J., “Metrology of Infrared Superconducting Bolometers with a Backshort”, 2023, RSI, 94, 055108.
- Rodriguez de Marcos, L.V., et al., “Room temperature plasma-etching and surface passivation of far-ultraviolet Al mirrors using electron beam generated plasmas”, 2021, Optical Materials Express, 11:3, 740-755.
- Rostem, K., Cimpoiasu, E., Helson, K.R., Klassen A.P., Wollack, E.J., “Specific heat of epoxies and mixtures containing silica, carbon lamp black, and graphite”, 2021, Cryogenics 118:103329.
- Wollack, E.J., Cataldo, G., Miller, K.H., Quijada, M.A., “Infrared Properties of High-Purity Silicon”, 2020, Optics Letters, 45:17, 4935-4938.
- Wollack, E.J., Denis, K.L., Barlis, A., Chang, M.-P., Kutyrev, A.S., Miller, K.H., Nagler, P.C., “Far-Infrared Properties of Cyclic Olefin Copolymer”, 2020, Optics Letters, 45:3, 780-783.
- Bartlett, J., Rostem, K., Wollack, E.J., “Robust Modeling of Acoustic Phonon Transmission in Nanomechanical Structures”, 2019, Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 113101.
- Rostem, K., de Visser, P.J., Wollack, E.J., “Enhanced Quasiparticle Lifetime in a Superconductor by Selective Blocking of Recombination Phonons with a Phononic Crystal,” 2018, Physical Review B, 98, 014522.
- U-Yen, K., Rostem, K., Wollack, E.J., “Modeling Strategies for Superconducting Microstrip Transmission Line Structures”, 2018, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 28:6, 1-5.
- Helson, K.R, Miller, K.H., Rostem, K., Quijada, M., Wollack, E.J., “Dielectric Properties of Conductively Loaded Polyimides in the Far Infrared”, 2018, Optics Letters, Vol. 43, No. 19, pp. 5303-5306.
- Wollack, E.J., et al., “A Broadband Micro-machined Far-Infrared Absorber,” 2016, RSI, 87:5 054701.
- Cataldo, G., Wollack, E.J., et al., “Infrared Dielectric Properties of Low-Stress Silicon Oxide,” 2016, Optics Letters, 41:7 1364-1367.
- Burleigh, M.R., Richey, C.R., Rinehart, S.A., Quijada, M.A., Wollack, E.J., “Spectrometer Baseline Control via Spatial Filtering,” 2016, Applied Optics, 55:29, 8201-8206.
- McLinden, M.L., Wollack, E.J., Heymsfield, G.M., Li, L., “Reduced Image Aliasing with Microwave Radiometers and Weather Radar through Windowed Spatial Averaging,” 2015, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53:12 6639-6649.
- Cataldo, G., Wollack, E.J., et al., “Analysis and Calibration Techniques for Superconducting Resonators,” 2015, RSI 86:1 013103.
- Kusaka, A., Wollack, E.J., Stevenson, T., “Angular and Polarization Response of Multimode Sensors with Resistive Grid Absorbers,” 2014, JOSAA 31:7 1557–1576.
- Wollack, E.J., Kinzer, R.E., Rinehart, S.A., “A Cryogenic Infrared Calibration Target,” 2014, RSI 85:4 044707.
- Wollack, E.J., et al., “Impedance Matched Absorptive Thermal Blocking Filters,” 2014, RSI 85:3 034702; (Editor’s Choice).
- Datta, R., et al., “Large-Aperture Wide-Bandwidth Anti-Reflection-Coated Silicon Lenses for Millimeter Wavelengths,” 2013, Applied Optics, 52:36 8747-8758.
- Chuss, D.T., Wollack, E.J., Pisano, G., Ackiss, S., U-Yen, K., Ng, M.W., “A Polarization Rotator,” 2012, Applied Optics, 51:28 6824-6830.
- Chuss, D.T., Wollack, E.J., Henry, R., Hui, H., Juarez, A.J., Krejny, M., Moseley, S.H., Novak, G., “Properties of a Variable-Delay Polarization Modulator,” 2012, Applied Optics, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 197-208.
- Cataldo, G., Beall, J.A., Cho, H.-M., McAndrew, B., Niemack, M.D., Wollack, E.J. “Infrared Dielectric Properties of Low-Stress Silicon Nitride,” 2012, Optics Letters, 37:20, 4200-4202.
- Das, S., et al., “Detection of the Power Spectrum of Cosmic Microwave Background Lensing by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope,” 2011, PRL 107:2 021301; (Einstein Centennial Editor’s Choice).
- Wollack, E.J., “Millimeter Wave Orthomode Transducers,” 2009, Journal of Physics 155:012006 42-50.
- Wollack, E.J., et al., “Electromagnetic Properties of a Conductively Loaded Epoxy,” 2008, Int. J. Infrared Millim. Waves 29:1 51-61.
- Wollack, E.J., et al., “Radiometric Waveguide Calibrators,” 2007, IEEE Trans. on Instr. & Meas. 56:5 2073-2078.
- Bennett, C.L., Halpern, M., Hinshaw, G., Jarosik, N., Kogut, A., Limon, M., Meyer, S.S., Page, L., Spergel, D.N., Tucker, G.S., Wollack, E., Wright, E.L., Barnes, C., Greason, M.R., Hill, R.S., Komatsu, E., Nolta, M.R., Odegard, N., Peiris, H.V., Verde, L., Weiland, J.L., “Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe: First-Year Results from WMAP,” 2003, ApJS (Special Reprint) 148 1-436.
- Wollack, E.J., Devlin, M.J., Jarosik, N., Netterfield, C.B., Page, L., Wilkinson, D., “An Instrument for Investigation of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation at Intermediate Angular Scales,” 1997, ApJ 476 440-457.
- Staggs, S.T., Jarosik, N.C., Wilkinson, D., Wollack, E.J., “An Absolute Measurement of the Cosmic Background Radiation Temperature at 20 Centimeters,” 1996, ApJ 458 407-418.
- Wollack, E.J., “High-Electron-Mobility-Transistor Gain Stability and its Design Implications for Wide Band Millimeter Wave Receivers,” 1995, RSI 66:8 4305-4312.
- Wollack, E.J., Jarosik, N.C., Netterfield, C.B., Page, L.A., Wilkinson, D., “A Measurement of the Anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation at Degree Angular Scales,” 1993, ApJ, 419 L49-L52.