Dr. Wang has joined GSFC/HSD since 2007 after completing several postdoctoral positions in solar physics such as Kyoto University, Max Planck Institute, and Montana State University. Dr. Wang received his PhD from National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Science in 1998. His scientific interests cover a broad range of topics from AR magnetic field evolution, solar activities (jets, flares, and CMEs), coronal waves and flows, to reconstruction of 3D coronal electron density models by tomography.
Dr. Wang's research is focused on data analysis using EUV spectroscopic and imaging observations from various space missions (e.g. Yohkoh, SOHO, TRACE, STEREO, Hinode, SDO, etc) in combination with theoretical studies. He is specialized in MHD waves in coronal loops with well-recoganized achievements contributing to coronal seismology in observations, theory, and numerical simulations.
Dr. Wang has published more than 75 publications on solar physics in refereed journals that were received nearly 5000 citations, and he has an h-index of 39. A full publication list is available. He served as a referee for various leading journals in the field such as ApJ, A&A, Solar Phys, JGR, PASJ, ASR, RAA, New Astron., Frontiers, etc.