Assistant Astronomer, University of Chicago, Yerkes Observatory 1970-1972
Assistant Astronomer, Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, AZ 1972-1975
Principal Engineer, Lockheed Electronics, Houston, TX 1975-1977
Astronomer, GSFC 1977-Present
Associate Chief, Laboratory for Astronomy and Solar Physics 1983-1993
Mission Scientist, Astro-1, 1982-1992
Deputy Principal Investigator, Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, 1984-2009
Theodore R Gull
Email: | |
Phone: | 301.286.6184 |
Org Code: | 667 |
Address: |
NASA/GSFC Mail Code 667 Greenbelt, MD 20771 |
Employer: | EMERITUS |
Brief Bio
Current Projects
Observational studies of Eta Carinae and the Homunculus coupled with modeling the massive binary winds and modeling the massive ejecta. Atomic/molecular spectroscopy of Eta Carinae with Herschel, HST, VLT. Searching for missing mass in the Crab SNR.
Ongoing observations with HST, CHANDRA, Herschel, ESO's VLT and other facilities. Several collaborations leading to modeling which includes 3D wind-wind interaction studies with smoothed particle hydrodynamics, radiation transfer; atomic, molecular and dust evolution of the expanding Homunculus and Little Homunculus.
NASA/GSFC - Greenbelt, MD
June 1977 - Present
PhD Astrophysics, Cornell, 1971
XMBA, Loyola College, 1985
Professional Societies
American Astronomical Society
1967 - Present
International Astronomical Union
1975 - Present
Astronomical Society of the Pacific
1973 - Present
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
2007 - Present
Professional Service
Member, multiple NASA and NSF review panels.
Member, advisory committe for Native American Tribal Colleges
Goddard Award of Merit
ScD, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal 1992
NASA Equal Opportunity Medal 1998
HST National Resource Award, Group Achievement Award, 1999
STIS Servicing Mission Group Achievement Award, 1998
Honored Guest – Black Hills Powwow 2005
Currently a half dozen grants active. Several dozen in the past decade
HST, Herschel, CHANDRA Observing programs - NASA, STScI - Awarded: 2012-11-29
Dates: -
2019. "Confirming Interstellar C60 + Using the Hubble Space Telescope." The Astrophysical Journal 875 (2): L28 [10.3847/2041-8213/ab14e5] [Journal Article/Letter]
2017. "Searching for Interstellar C60+ Using a New Method for High Signal-to-noise HST/STIS Spectroscopy." The Astrophysical Journal 843 (1): L2 [10.3847/2041-8213/aa78f7] [Journal Article/Letter]
2017. "The 2014 X-Ray Minimum of η Carinae as Seen by Swift." The Astrophysical Journal 838 (1): 45 [10.3847/1538-4357/aa6347] [Journal Article/Letter]
2016. "VLTI-AMBER velocity-resolved aperture-synthesis imaging of η Carinae with a spectral resolution of 12 000." Astronomy & Astrophysics 594 A106 [10.1051/0004-6361/201628832] [Journal Article/Letter]
2016. "To v_∞ and beyond! The He I absorption variability across the 2014.6 periastron passage of η Carinae." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 461 (3): 2540-2558 [10.1093/mnras/stw1415] [Journal Article/Letter]
2012. "Constraining the absolute orientation of η Carinae’s binary orbit: a 3D dynamical model for the broad [Fe iii] emission★." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 420 (3): 2064-2086 [10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.20165.x] [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Constraining the Properties of the Eta Carinae System via 3-D SPH Models of Space-Based Observations: The Absolute Orientation of the Binary Orbit." SociŽtŽ Royale des Sciences de Li?ge, Bulletin, vol 80, p 694-698 (Proceedings of the 39th Li?ge Astrophysical Colloquium, held in Li?ge 12-16 July 2010, edited by G Rauw, M De Becker, Y NazŽ, J-M Vreux, P Williams) 80 694 [Full Text] [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "The abundance of iron-peak elements and the dust composition in _ Carinae: manganese." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 410 2643 [Full Text] [10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.17642.x] [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "ATLAST-9.2: A Deployable Large Aperture UVOIR Space Telescope." American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #215, #48002; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol 42, p569 215 569 [Full Text] [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "ATLAST-9.2m: a large-aperture deployable space telescope." Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave Edited by Oschmann, Jacobus M, Jr; Clampin, Mark C; MacEwen, Howard A Proceedings of the SPIE 7731 81 [Full Text] [10.1117/12.857622] [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Detection of high-velocity material from the wind-wind collision zone of Eta Carinae across the 2009.0 periastron passage." Astronomy and Astrophysics 517 (A9): 17pp [10.1051/0004-6361/200913937] [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "The Young Interstellar Bubble Within the Rosette Nebula." The Astrophysical Journal 719 1872 [Full Text] [10.1088/0004-637X/719/2/1872] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Eta Carinae Across the 20035 Minimum: Analysis in the Visible and Near-Infrared Spectral Region." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement 181 473 [Full Text] [10.1088/0067-0049/181/2/473] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Scandium and chromium in the strontium filament in the Homunculus of η Carinae." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 393 1503 [Full Text] [10.1111/j.1365-2966.2008.14246.x] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Eta Carinae: an Astrophysical Laboratory." Physica Scripta 134 4002 [Full Text] [10.1088/0031-8949/2009/T134/014002] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "The extended interacting wind structure of Eta Carinae." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 396 1308 [Full Text] [10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.14854.x] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "The Variable 6307 Å Emission Line in the Spectrum of Eta Carinae: Blueshifted [S III] λ6313 from the Interacting Winds." The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 121 1213 [Full Text] [10.1086/648537] [Journal Article/Letter]
2008. "Chandra X‐Ray Grating Spectrometry of η Carinae near X‐Ray Minimum. I. Variability of the Sulfur and Silicon Emission Lines." The Astrophysical Journal 680 (1): 705-727 [Full Text] [10.1086/587472] [Journal Article/Letter]
2008. "Spatial Extension in the Ultraviolet Spectrum of VV Cephei." The Astronomical Journal 136 1312 [Full Text] [10.1088/0004-6256/136/3/1312] [Journal Article/Letter]
2007. "η Carinae across the 2003.5 Minimum: Spectroscopic Evidence for Massive Binary Interactions." The Astrophysical Journal 660 (1): 669-686 [Full Text] [10.1086/513006] [Journal Article/Letter]
2007. "Eta Carinae across the 20035 Minimum: Deciphering the Spectrum toward Weigelt D." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 168 289 [Full Text] [10.1086/509785] [Journal Article/Letter]
2007. "Interstellar Absorption-Line Evidence for High-Velocity Expanding Structures in the Carina Nebula Foreground." The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 119 156 [Full Text] [10.1086/511756] [Journal Article/Letter]
2007. "Near-infrared interferometry of η Carinae with spectral resolutions of 1 500 and 12 000 using AMBER/VLTI." Astronomy and Astrophysics 464 87 [Full Text] [10.1051/0004-6361:20065577] [Journal Article/Letter]
2007. "X-Ray Spectral Variation of η Carinae through the 2003 X-Ray Minimum." The Astrophysical Journal 663 522 [Full Text] [10.1086/518101] [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "Eta Carinae across the 20035 Minimum: The Character and Variability of the Ejecta Absorption in the Near-Ultraviolet." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 163 173 [Full Text] [10.1086/500113] [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "Long γ-ray bursts and core-collapse supernovae have different environments." Nature 441 463 [Full Text] [10.1038/nature04787] [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "[TiII] and [NiII] emission from the strontium filament of η Carinae." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 370 1991 [Full Text] [10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.10624.x] [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "Simultaneous Ultraviolet and X‐Ray Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151. II. Physical Conditions in the UV Absorbers." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 167 (2): 161-176 [Full Text] [10.1086/508629] [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "The UV Scattering Halo of the Central Source Associated with η Carinae." The Astrophysical Journal 642 1098 [Full Text] [10.1086/501225] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Elemental and Molecular Relative Abundances in the Ejecta of Eta Carinae." Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 37 #114.09- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Coronagraphic Imaging of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars with the Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. I. The Herbig Ae Stars." The Astrophysical Journal 630 958 [10.1086/430731] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Probing the Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region in Seyfert Galaxies with Slitless Spectroscopy: Observational Results." The Astronomical Journal 129 73 [Full Text] [10.1086/426372] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "A Change in the Physical State of ? Carinae?." The Astronomical Journal 129 900 [Full Text] [10.1086/427132] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "The Absorption Spectrum of High-Density Stellar Ejecta in the Line of Sight to η Carinae." The Astrophysical Journal 620 442 [Full Text] [10.1086/426885] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "VLT UVES Observations of the Balmer Line Variations of η Carinae during the 2003 Spectroscopic Event." The Astronomical Journal 129 1694 [Full Text] [10.1086/428005] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "The Ultraviolet Spectrum of η Carinae: Investigation of the Ejecta Absorption." The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 157 138 [Full Text] [10.1086/427437] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "A spectroscopic event of η Car viewed from different directions: The data and first results." Astronomy and Astrophysics 435 303 [Full Text] [10.1051/0004-6361:20042547] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Metastable hydrogen absorption in ejecta close to η Carinae." Astronomy and Astrophysics 435 183 [Full Text] [10.1051/0004-6361:20041193] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "The Binarity of η Carinae Revealed from Photoionization Modeling of the Spectral Variability of the Weigelt Blobs B and D." The Astrophysical Journal 624 973 [Full Text] [10.1086/429400] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Discovery of CH and OH in the -513 km s-1 Ejecta of η Carinae." The Astrophysical Journal 629 1034 [Full Text] [10.1086/431917] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "The near-UV pulse profile and spectrum of the pulsar PSR B0656+14." Astronomy and Astrophysics 440 693 [Full Text] [10.1051/0004-6361:20052987] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Mapping the Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151." The Astronomical Journal 130 945 [Full Text] [10.1086/432255] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "HST STIS Spectroscopy of the Triple Nucleus of M31: Two Nested Disks in Keplerian Rotation around a Supermassive Black Hole." The Astrophysical Journal 631 280 [Full Text] [10.1086/432434] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Simultaneous Ultraviolet and X‐Ray Observations of Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151. I. Physical Conditions in the X‐Ray Absorbers." The Astrophysical Journal 633 (2): 693-705 [Full Text] [10.1086/466522] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Coronagraphic Imaging of Pre–Main‐Sequence Stars with the Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. I. The Herbig Ae Stars." The Astrophysical Journal 630 (2): 958-975 [Full Text] [10.1086/430731] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Detection of a Hot Binary Companion of η Carinae." The Astrophysical Journal 633 L37 [Full Text] [10.1086/498268] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Kinematics and Ultraviolet to Infrared Morphology of the Inner Homunculus of η Carinae." The Astrophysical Journal 605 405 [Full Text] [10.1086/382185] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of HD 44179, The Red Rectangle." The Astronomical Journal 127 2362 [Full Text] [10.1086/382902] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Identification of emission lines in the low-ionization strontium filament near Eta Carinae." Astronomy and Astrophysics, v419, p215-224 (2004) 419 215 [Full Text] [10.1051/0004-6361:20035647] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "The Purple Haze of ? Carinae: Binary-induced Variability?." The Astrophysical Journal 610 L105 [Full Text] [10.1086/423341] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Fe II Diagnostic Tools for Quasars." The Astrophysical Journal 611 780 [Full Text] [10.1086/422303] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Waiting in the Wings: Reflected X-Ray Emission from the Homunculus Nebula." The Astrophysical Journal 613 381 [Full Text] [10.1086/423024] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "The Nebular Environment and Enigmatic Hard X-Ray Emission of the Hot DO White Dwarf KPD 0005+5106." The Astronomical Journal 128 2357 [Full Text] [10.1086/424942] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Limits on the Optical Brightness of the ε Eridani Dust Ring." The Astrophysical Journal 612 481 [Full Text] [10.1086/422549] [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "The FERRUM Project: Experimental transition probabilities of [Fe II] and astrophysical applications." Astronomy and Astrophysics, v397, p1143-1149 (2003) 397 1143 [Full Text] [10.1051/0004-6361:20021557] [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Latitude-dependent Effects in the Stellar Wind of η Carinae." The Astrophysical Journal 586 432 [Full Text] [10.1086/367641] [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Revisited Abundance Diagnostics in Quasars: Fe II/Mg II Ratios." The Astrophysical Journal 592 L59 [Full Text] [10.1086/377571] [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Coronagraphic Imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope and the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph." The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 115 1036 [Full Text] [10.1086/377083] [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Removing the Fringes from Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Slitless Spectra." The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 115 218 [Full Text] [10.1086/345913] [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Discovery of a Little Homunculus within the Homunculus Nebula of η Carinae." The Astronomical Journal 125 3222 [Full Text] [10.1086/375306] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Recent X-ray Variability of Eta Car Approaching The X-ray Eclipse." Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 34 1184- [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Excitation of Srii lines in Eta Carinae." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 331 875 [Full Text] [10.1046/j.1365-8711.2002.05250.x] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "The ERE of the ``Red Rectangle" revisited." Astronomy and Astrophysics, v390, p147-154 (2002) 390 147 [Full Text] [10.1051/0004-6361:20020623] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Balmer and He I Absorption in the Nuclear Spectrum of NGC 4151." The Astronomical Journal 124 2543 [Full Text] [10.1086/344080] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "A Hubble Space Telescope Polarization Study of Dust in the η Carinae Homunculus." The Astrophysical Journal 581 285 [Full Text] [10.1086/344168] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "The Origin of Fe II and [Fe II] Emission Lines in the 4000-10000 Å Range in the BD Weigelt Blobs of η Carinae." The Astrophysical Journal 581 1154 [Full Text] [10.1086/344443] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "The Heavy-Element Enrichment of Lyα Clouds in the Virgo Supercluster." The Astrophysical Journal 575 697 [Full Text] [10.1086/341338] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "The Shape and Orientation of the Homunculus Nebula Based on Spectroscopic Velocities." The Astronomical Journal 121 1569 [Full Text] [10.1086/319419] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Evidence of a Supermassive Black Hole in the Galaxy NGC 1023 from the Nuclear Stellar Dynamics." The Astrophysical Journal 550 75 [Full Text] [10.1086/319730] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "The Nuclear Dynamics of M32. I. Data and Stellar Kinematics." The Astrophysical Journal 550 (2): 668-690 [Full Text] [10.1086/319781] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Echelle Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151: Physical Conditions in the Ultraviolet Absorbers." The Astrophysical Journal 551 671 [Full Text] [10.1086/320244] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "η Carinae and Other Mysterious Stars: Hidden Opportunities for Emission Spectroscopy." The Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 113 512 [Full Text] [10.1086/319539] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "On the Nature of the Central Source in η Carinae." The Astrophysical Journal 553 837 [Full Text] [10.1086/320948] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Hubble Space Telescope STIS Observations of GRB 000301C: CCD Imaging and Near-Ultraviolet MAMA Spectroscopy." The Astrophysical Journal 556 70 [Full Text] [10.1086/321585] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Sr II and [Sr II] Emission in the Ejecta of η Carinae." The Astronomical Journal 122 322 [Full Text] [10.1086/321119] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "M33: A Galaxy with No Supermassive Black Hole." The Astronomical Journal 122 2469 [Full Text] [10.1086/323481] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Kinematics of the Narrow-Line Region in the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Markarian 3." The Astronomical Journal 122 2961 [Full Text] [10.1086/323917] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "The Disk and Environment of the Herbig Be Star HD 100546." The Astronomical Journal 122 3396 [Full Text] [10.1086/324447] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "The Resolved Narrow-Line Region in NGC 4151." The Astrophysical Journal 528 260 [Full Text] [10.1086/308143] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Long-Slit Spectroscopy of the Narrow-Line Region of NGC 4151 I Kinematics and Emission-Line Ratios." The Astrophysical Journal 531 257 [Full Text] [10.1086/308456] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "η Carinae: Testing a Binary Orbit Model with the Hubble Space Telescope/Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph." The Astrophysical Journal 530 L107 [Full Text] [10.1086/312502] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Long-Slit Spectroscopy of the Narrow-Line Region of NGC 4151 II Physical Conditions along Position Angle 221 deg." The Astrophysical Journal 531 278 [Full Text] [10.1086/308457] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "The Ionization Source in the Nucleus of M84." The Astrophysical Journal 534 189 [Full Text] [10.1086/308741] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "New forbidden and fluorescent Fe III lines identified in HST spectra of eta Carinae." Astronomy and Astrophysics, v361, p977-981 (2000) 361 977 [Full Text] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "A Kinematic Model for the Narrow-Line Region in NGC 4151." The Astronomical Journal 120 1731 [Full Text] [10.1086/301574] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph Echelle Observations of NGC 4151: Variable Ionization of the Intrinsic UV Absorbers." The Astrophysical Journal 545 L27 [Full Text] [10.1086/317333] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Observations of the Crab Nebula and Its Pulsar in the Far-Ultraviolet and in the Optical." The Astrophysical Journal 537 861 [Full Text] [10.1086/309062] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Physical Conditions in Circumstellar Gas Surrounding SN 1987A 12 Years after Outburst." The Astrophysical Journal 545 390 [Full Text] [10.1086/317809] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Advanced Technology Large-Aperture Space Telescope (ATLAST): A Technology Roadmap for the Next Decade." eprint arXiv:09040941 0904 941 [Full Text] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Coronagraphic Imaging of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars with the Hubble Space Telescope Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph I The Herbig Ae Stars ." The Astrophysical Journal 630 958 [10.1086/43073] [Journal Article/Letter]