Robert F Pfaff
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Phone: | 301.286.6328 |
Org Code: | 675 |
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NASA/GSFC Mail Code 675 Greenbelt, MD 20771 |
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Brief Bio
Dr. Pfaff is the Principal Investigator of the Vector Electric Field Investigation (VEFI) on the Air Force C/NOFS satellite that is providing the most accurate, vector DC electric field measurements ever gathered in the Earth’s ionosphere.
Within NASA’s sounding rocket program, Dr. Pfaff has provided electric field, magnetic field, and plasma density measurements for 47 rocket missions to date. All of the hardware has been delivered on time and on budget and all experiments have performed at high levels of accuracy and sensitivity.
Dr. Pfaff has served as Project Scientist for the FAST satellite since 1990, Project Scientist for the Sounding Rocket program since 1994, and Project Scientist for the NASA-funded CINDI “Mission of Opportunity” since 2003. In every case, his efforts have significantly advanced these projects and have helped ensure their scientific success.
Dr. Pfaff has been a frequent invited speaker at international scientific symposia, and has co-convened an AGU Chapman Conference on “Space Plasma Measurement Techniques”. He has published over 150 papers in the refereed literature with over 3000 citations and an H-index of 29. He has written a book chapter on in situ measurement techniques (1996) as well as a major review article on the ionosphere for Space Science Reviews (2012).
Dr. Pfaff has received the following awards and medals since coming to NASA:
-- Robert H. Goddard Award for Exceptional Achievement in Science in 2008.
-- NASA Exceptional Service Medal in 2007.
-- NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal in 1996.
1977 - D.E.S., University of Paris
1985 - Ph.D, Cornell University
2014. "Dependence of lunar surface charging on solar wind plasma conditions and solar irradiation." Planetary and Space Science 90 10-27 [10.1016/j.pss.2013.07.008] [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on RBSP." Space Science Reviews 179 (1-4): 127-181 [10.1007/s11214-013-9993-6] [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "Large-scale quasiperiodic plasma bubbles: C/NOFS observations and causal mechanism." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 118 3602-3612 [10.1002/jgra.50338] [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "In situ observations of medium frequency auroral radio emissions." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2209- [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "Observations of an Auroral Arc using the 4-Channel Camera on the VISIONS Rocket." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A9- [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "Evidence of the consistent influence of neutral winds on nighttime equatorial plasma irregularities." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2109- [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "Successful demonstration of a compact laser-pumped vector helium magnetometer on the Daytime Dynamo sounding rockets." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1979- [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "C/NOFS Observations of Ionospheric Irregularities." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1942- [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "Auroral Current and Electrodynamics Structure (ACES)observations of ionospheric feedback in the Alfvén resonator and model responses." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 118 3288-3296 [10.1002/jgra.50348] [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "Large-scale structures in the equatorial ionosphere and their connection to the generalized Rayleigh-Taylor instability." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 118 2618-2622 [10.1002/jgra.50283] [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "Survey of the global distribution of the fast magnetosonic mode from Van Allen Probes EMFISIS plasma wave analysis." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2172- [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "An Investigation of Current Closure within an Auroral Arc: Modeling and Observations." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2240- [Journal Article/Letter]
2013. "Equatorial ionosphere semiannual oscillation investigated from Schumann resonance measurements on board the C/NOFS satellite." [Journal Article/Letter]
2012. "Interpretation of vector electric field measurements of bursty Langmuir waves in the cusp." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 117 [9209-10.1029/2012JA017741] [Journal Article/Letter]
2012. "High-latitude E region ionosphere-thermosphere coupling: A comparative study using in situ and incoherent scatter radar observations." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 117 [2301-10.1029/2011JA017175] [Journal Article/Letter]
2012. "Strong magnetic field fluctuations within filamentary auroral density cavities interpreted as VLF saucer sources." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 117 [2217-10.1029/2011JA017316] [Journal Article/Letter]
2012. "Observations and simulations of formation of broad plasma depletions through merging process." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 117 [2314-10.1029/2011JA017084] [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "C/NOFS measurements of magnetic perturbations in the low-latitude ionosphere during magnetic storms." J. Geophys. Res. 116 A12230 [10.1029/2011JA017026] [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "C/NOFS Satellite Electric Field and Plasma Density Observations of Plasma Instabilities Below the Equatorial F-Peak -- Evidence for ~500 km-scale Spread-F 'Precursor' Waves Driven by Zonal Shear Flow and km-Scale, Narrow-Banded Irregularities." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Assimilative modeling of observed postmidnight equatorial plasma depletions in June 2008." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 116 [9318-10.1029/2011JA016772] [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling During Deep Solar Minimum." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 4- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Penetration Electric Field Generated Plasma Bubbles Tracked by VEFI and PLP on C/NOFS and Associated Scintillations." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "The MAG experiment for the Dynamo rocket and first results." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1889- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "On postmidnight low-latitude ionospheric irregularities during solar minimum: 2. C/NOFS observations and comparisons with the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 116 [11326-10.1029/2011JA016798] [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "On postmidnight low-latitude ionospheric irregularities during solar minimum: 1. Equatorial Atmosphere Radar and GPS-TEC observations in Indonesia." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 116 [11325-10.1029/2011JA016797] [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Lightning-generated whistler waves observed by probes on the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecast System satellite at low latitudes." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 116 [6306-10.1029/2010JA016198] [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Evolution of equatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles and formation of broad plasma depletions measured by the C/NOFS satellite during deep solar minimum." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 116 [3309-10.1029/2010JA015982] [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Auroral Current and Electrodynamics Structure (ACES) observations of ionospheric feedback in the Alfvén resonator." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2048- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "A Rocket-Based Study of Auroral Electrodynamics within the Current Closure Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2084- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Auroral Current and Electrodynamics Structure measured by two sounding rockets in flight simultaneously." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2083- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Interpretation of Vector Electric Field Measurements of Bursty Langmuir Waves in the Cusp." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2060- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "The Rotating Electric Field Ion Mass Spectrograph: Concept Development and Results from a Suborbital Flight in the Earth's Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A7- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Equatorial plasma depletions with large upward plasma flow over 3800 km in longitude near dawn: C/NOFS observations and model simulations." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1896- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "C/NOFS Satellite Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances and Associated Irregularities during the Start of the New Solar Cycle." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1895- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Observation of Ionospheric Alfvén Resonator Signatures in the Earth's Ionosphere at Low Latitude: Implications for Ionospheric Modeling." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1893- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "The equatorial ionosphere during and after the extreme solar minimum of 2008: reconstructing climatological maps of topside ion density and composition for low latitudes using the C/NOFS satellite." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1891- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Images of Bottomside Irregularities Observed at Topside Altitudes." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1890- [Journal Article/Letter]
2011. "Electric field and magnetic signatures of equatorial plasma irregularities as observed by the C/NOFS satellite." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1888- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Post-midnight low-latitude ionospheric irregularities during solar minimum observed simultaneously with probes on the C/NOFS satellite and the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1627- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Generation and evolution of equatorial ionospheric plasma bubbles measured by the C/NOFS satellite during deep solar minimum." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1623- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Observations of the Post-Sunrise Generation of Eastward Electric Fields in the Low Latitude Ionosphere and Their Possible Association with Deep Plasma Density Depletions Near Dawn." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1621- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "The Night the Ionosphere Blew Away." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1620- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Physics-Based Model Driven by Plasma Drifts Obtained From the C/NOFS Satellite." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1614- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Modeling the Climatology of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles at Solar Minimum Using Plasma Drifts Observed by C/NOFS." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A3- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Persistent Longitudinal Variations of Plasma Density and DC Electric Fields in the Low Latitude Ionosphere Observed with Probes on the C/NOFS Satellite." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 3- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Theory and Observations of Plasma Waves Excited Space Shuttle OMS Burns in the Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1747- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Zonal drift of plasma particles inside equatorial plasma bubbles and its relation to the zonal drift of the bubble structure." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 115 [Full Text] [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Thermal ion upflow in the cusp ionosphere and its dependence on soft electron energy flux." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 115 [5206-10.1029/2009JA015006] [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Current Closure in the Ionosphere: Results from the ACES Sounding Rocket." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1908- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "In-situ Measurements Within and Above the Ion-Neutral Coupling Region: Sounding Rocket versus Satellite Measurements (Invited)." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 3- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Heating of the Lower Thermosphere during Auroral Activity: Measurements and Analysis from the Joule Sounding Rocket Missions." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1647- [Journal Article/Letter]
2010. "Electron and Ion Whistler Mode Waves Observed in the Low Latitude Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1632- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "C/NOFS observations of intermediate and transitional scale-size equatorial spread F irregularities." Geophysical Research Letters 36 [0-10.1029/2009GL038905] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "The Equatorial Ionosphere During Solar Minimum -- C/NOFS Observations of Deep Plasma Depletions at Sunrise." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 1- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Rocket-based measurements of ion velocity, neutral wind, and electric field in the collisional transition region of the auroral ionosphere." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 114 [4306-10.1029/2008JA013757] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "C/NOFS observations of plasma density and electric field irregularities at post-midnight local times." Geophysical Research Letters 36 [0-10.1029/2009GL038879] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "DC Electric Fields and Associated Plasma Drifts Observed with the C/NOFS Satellite." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Comapring Jicamraca and C/NOFS (VEFI) Observations of Equatorial Spread F Irregularities." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 7- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "C/NOFS Observations of AC Electric Field Fields Associated with Equatorial Spread- F." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 6- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Effects of the April 2002 magnetic storm on density gradients in the middle and low latitude ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1435- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "C/NOFS Observations of Plasma Density and Electric Field Responses to High Speed Streams in the Solar Wind." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1434- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "C/NOFS Morning Observations of Ion Density Depletions and Vertical Plasma Drifts - Role of the Sunrise Terminator in the Formation and Evolution of Morning Depletions." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1410- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Equatorial Ionosphere Total Electron Content measurements using whistler waves detected by the C/NOFS Satellite." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1408- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "On the Relationship between Lightning and Equatorial Ionosphere Density Irregularities." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A8- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Solar Wind Effects on Post-Midnight Plasma Depletions Observed by C/NOFS." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A6- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Assimilative Modeling of Large-Scale Equatorial Plasma Trenches Observed by C/NOFS." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A5- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Structured DC Electric Fields With and Without Associated Plasma Density Gradients Observed with the C/NOFS Satellite." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Application of The Alfvén-Assisted Precipitation Model to Field-Aligned Electron Bursts." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1464- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Remote Electrodynamic Signatures of a Pulsed Shuttle Exhaust Plume Detected by the C/NOFS Vector Electric Field Investigation Probes." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1439- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Assimilative modeling of equatorial plasma depletions observed by C/NOFS." Geophysical Research Letters 36 [0-10.1029/2009GL038946] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Comparing F region ionospheric irregularity observations from C/NOFS and Jicamarca." Geophysical Research Letters 36 [0-10.1029/2009GL038983] [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "A Direct Encounter with a VLF Saucer Source Region?." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1693- [Journal Article/Letter]
2009. "Ion Outflow in the Dayside Cusp Ionosphere and its Dependence on Soft Electron Energy Flux." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 7- [Journal Article/Letter]
2008. "C/NOFS Daytime ExB Drift Velocity Measurements Compared With Ground-based Magnetometer-inferred ExB Drift Velocity Observations in the Peruvian Sector." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1492- [Journal Article/Letter]
2008. "Lightning-induced lower-hybrid turbulence and trapped Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves observed in deep equatorial plasma density depletions during intense magnetic storms." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 113 [11320-10.1029/2008JA013463] [Journal Article/Letter]
2008. "Magnetic field measurements in the Equatorial Zone." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1525- [Journal Article/Letter]
2008. "DEMETER Observations of Equatorial Plasma Depletions and Related Ionospheric Phenomena." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2007. "Daytime Observations of Mid-latitude Sporadic-E and QP Radar Echoes." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1090- [Journal Article/Letter]
2007. "Dependence of Lunar Surface Charging on Ambient Plasma Conditions and Solar Irradiation." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 3- [Journal Article/Letter]
2007. "Space-based research into the ionosphere-thermosphere system: The need for greater organization and a plan for achieving it." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A9- [Journal Article/Letter]
2007. "Highly Structured Plasma Density and Associated Electric and Magnetic Field Irregularities at Sub-Auroral, Middle, and Low Latitudes in the Topside Ionosphere Observed with the DEMETER and DMSP Satellites." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A4- [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "Magnetotail substorm features from multi-point observations." Cluster and Double Star Symposium 598 - [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "Observations of colocated optical and radar aurora." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 111 [12308-10.1029/2006JA011923] [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "Comparison between GITM simulation and JOULE rocket observation." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A7- [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "On Anomalous Diffusion and Its Role in Middle Latitude Sporadic E Layers." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A3- [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "Electric Field and Plasma Density Observations of Long Wavelength Structures and Localized Packets of Short Scale Waves Associated with Sporadic-E Layers in the Presence of QP Radar Echoes." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "DEMETER Observations of Highly Structured Plasma Density and Associated ELF Electric Field and Magnetic Field Irregularities at Middle and Low Latitudes Near 720 km Altitude." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A3- [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "DEMETER Observations of the Low Latitude Ionosphere During Magnetic Storms: New Insight Into Equatorial Plasma Depletions." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "ICE, the electric field experiment on DEMETER." Planetary and Space Science 54 456-471 [10.1016/j.pss.2005.10.016] [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite with Integrated Science (EMFISIS) on the Radiation Belt Storm Probes." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A332- [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "A Statistical Survey of Cusp Plasma Characteristics Using FAST Data." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 267- [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "Plasma Impedance Spectrum Analyzer (PISA): an advanced impedance probe for measuring plasma density and other parameters." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A7- [Journal Article/Letter]
2006. "Ion Flow Measurements from the JOULE Sounding Rocket Mission." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1412- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Simultaneous Measurements of Lower E-region Nighttime Electrodynamics Gathered with Rockets at the Altair Radar During the EQUIS II Campaign at Kwajalein Atoll." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 1- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Development of a Fast Wideband Self-Impedance Probe for Ionospheric Research." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A17- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Implications of Auroral Electron Precipitation During the JOULE Experiment." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "The C/NOFS Satellite and its Relation to the Space Weather Objectives of NASA's Living With a Star Program." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Coordinated Observation of Field Line Resonance in the Mid-magnetotail." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A4- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "FAST observations of auroral MF emissions and precipitating electrons." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "The Electrodynamics of Substorm Injection in the Inner Magnetosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A438- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Dippers, Constellations, and Mappers -- Satellite Orbits and Multiple Satellite Configurations to Significantly Advance our Knowledge of the Earth`s Ionosphere and Thermosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1133- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "The 30 MHz imaging radar observations of auroral irregularities during the JOULE campaign." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110 [5307-10.1029/2004JA010975] [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Measurements of Neutral Density During the EQUIS II Nighttime Electrodynamics Missions." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 3- [Journal Article/Letter]
2005. "Nighttime E-region Electron Density Profiles Measured During the EQUIS II Campaign at Kwajalein Atoll." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Lower-hybrid cavity density depletions as a result of transverse ion acceleration localized on the gyroradius scale." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109 [4212-10.1029/2003JA010089] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Core ion interactions with BB ELF, lower hybrid, and Alfven waves in the high-latitude topside ionosphere." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 109 [1219-10.1029/2003JA010073] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Plasma Temperature Measurements with Langmuir Probes in the Cusp Ionosphere." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 1113- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "high-speed plasma jet dynamics in the ionosphere with the different environmental density." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 520- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Causes of core ion upflow in the dayside cusp." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 3- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Update on the Development of the Collision Meter." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A341- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "BBELF and Electromagnetic VLF Wave Cavities in the Auroral Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A7- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Simultaneous optical, CUTLASS HF radar, and FAST spacecraft observations: signatures of boundary layer processes in the cusp." Annales Geophysicae 22 511-525 [10.5194/angeo-22-511-2004] [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "The base of the polar wind acceleration region: Observations during the Cusp sounding rocket campaign." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 3368- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "The effect of interhemispherical asymmetries in ionospheric conductivity on ionosphere/magnetosphere coupling in the subauroral region." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 2404- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Combined Sounding Rocket and SUPERDARN/EISCAT Radar Observations of Plasma Convection, Shear, Irregularities and Other Phenomena in the Cusp, and Boundary Layer During IMF Bz Negative and By Negative Conditions." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 1396- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Wave Electric Field Measurements in a Dusty Plasma in the Polar Summer Mesosphere Gathered on a NASA Sounding Rocket." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 1391- [Journal Article/Letter]
2004. "Parallel electric field generation in the ionosphere over thunderstorms and the interaction with ionospheric electrons." 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 35 1385- [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Main Characteristics of the VLF Magnetic Field Waves Recorded by the Search Coil Magnetometer Experiment Onboard the CUSP Sounding Rocket." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1207- [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Observations of Highly Structured Precipitating Electrons in the Dayside Cusp/Boundary Layer Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2- [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Combined Sounding Rocket and SuperDarn/EISCAT Radar Observations of Plasma Convection, Shear, Irregularities and other Phenomena in the Cusp and Boundary Layer during IMF Bz Negative and By Negative Conditions." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1- [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "3-Hz Alfvén Wave and Electron Bursts in the Upper Ionosphere During a Substorm Intensification." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A4- [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Plasma Density and Temperature Measurements in the Cusp Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A1206- [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Dual Rocket Observations of Large, Intermediate, and Short Scale Electric Fields in the Lower Auroral Ionosphere and Their Contribution to Joule Heating." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 5- [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "The JOULE Experiment: Observations of Small-Scale Structure in the Auroral Oval During a Substorm Event." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 4- [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Moving of the High-Speed Plasma jet Through the Ionosphere of the Different Density: Optical and Radiation Effects." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1094- [Journal Article/Letter]
2003. "Plasma Jet Motion Across the Geomagnetic Field in the ``North Star'' Active Geophysical Experiment." Cosmic Research 41 28-38 [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Investigation of the Initial Stages of Ion Heating in the Topside Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 454- [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Polar observations of electron density distribution in the EarthÂ’s magnetosphere. 2. Density profiles." Annales Geophysicae 20 1725-1735 [10.5194/angeo-20-1725-2002] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Polar observations of electron density distribution in the EarthÂ’s magnetosphere. 1. Statistical results." Annales Geophysicae 20 1711-1724 [10.5194/angeo-20-1711-2002] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "FAST observations of discrete electrostatic waves in association with down-going ion beams in the auroral zone." Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 107 [1238-10.1029/2001JA000254] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Quasi-DC and ULF Electric Fields in the Cusp." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 3- [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Thermal emissions near the plasma frequency observed in the daytime equatorial electrojet." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts A4- [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "The injection of high-speed jets in the North Star experiment - the powerful current generator in the ionosphere." 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 34 - [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Electric field measurements in the polar summer mesosphere gathered on the DROPPS sounding rockets." 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 34 - [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Combined in-situ and ground-based observations of quasi-periodic radar echoes." 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 34 - [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Electrons precipitation stimulated by plasma jets injection in FLUXUS and NORTH STAR active rocket experiments." 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 34 - [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "The APEX north star experiment: observations of high-speed plasma jets injected perpendicular to the magnetic field." Advances in Space Research 29 1317-1326 [10.1016/S0273-1177(02)00183-7] [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Enhanced Auroral Proton and Electron Precipitation Immediately Following Rapid Magnetopause Compressions." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 6- [Journal Article/Letter]
2002. "Properties and Theory of Lower-Hybrid Density Cavities." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 553- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Fast Auroral Snapshot observations of cusp electron and ion structures." Journal of Geophysical Research 106 25595-25600 [10.1029/2001JA000093] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Artificial Plasma Jets Dynamics in 'North Star' Active Experiment." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 833- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Comparison Between Ion Bulk Flows and E x B Drifts in the Topside Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 832- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "The DROPPS program to study the polar summer mesosphere." Advances in Space Research 28 1037-1046 [10.1016/S0273-1177(01)80034-X] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Intense Langmuir Waves and Associated Field-Aligned Electrons Observed Between 500-1000 km During a Strong Aurora." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 9- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Density measurements above and within a sporadic-E layer using Impedance Probes and Langmuir Probes." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts A688- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "The FAST Satellite Fields Instrument." Space Science Reviews 98 67-91 [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "An Overview of the Fast Auroral SnapshoT (FAST) Satellite." Space Science Reviews 98 1-32 [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "The DROPPS mission: a study of the polar summer mesosphere with rocket radar and lidar." European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research 471 157-164 [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "FAST Observations of Cusp Particle Precipitation." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 51- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Survey of FAST Observations of Cusp Injection Events and Acceleration Processes and their relation to the IMF." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 42- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Electromagnetic Wave and Particle Signatures of Lower-Hybrid Cavities." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 41- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "The Alfvén-Assisted Precipitation Model: Toward an Explanation of the Field-Aligned Electron Bursts Observed by the GEODESIC Sounding Rocket." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 41- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Large-scale Electric Field Structures in the Daytime Equatorial Electrojet Oobserved From Alcontara, Brazil." AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts 31- [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Large electric potential perturbations in PMSE during DROPPS." Geophysical Research Letters 28 1435-1438 [10.1029/2000GL012517] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Rocket probe observations of electric field irregularities in the polar summer mesosphere." Geophysical Research Letters 28 1431 1434 [10.1029/2000GL012677] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "DROPPS: A study of the polar summer mesosphere with rocket, radar and lidar." Geophysical Research Letters 28 1407-1410 [10.1029/2000GL012415] [Journal Article/Letter]
2001. "Comparison Between Ion Bulk Flows and E x B Drifts in the Topside Ionosphere." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 832- [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Observations of traveling Pc5 waves and their relation to the magnetic cloud event of January 1997." Journal of Geophysical Research 105 5441-5452 [10.1029/1999JA900418] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Driving dayside convection with northward IMF: Observations by a sounding rocket launched from Svalbard." Journal of Geophysical Research 105 5245-5264 [10.1029/1999JA900462] [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Turbulent Structures in the Outer Cusp." Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale / Multipoint Plasma Measurements 449 291- [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Auroral Surge Currents and Electrodynamics With FAST and VIS." Washington DC American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series 118 191- [Journal Article/Letter]
2000. "Ion layer separation and equilibrium zonal winds in midlatitude sporadic E." Geophysical Research Letters 27 461-464 [10.1029/1999GL900572] [Journal Article/Letter]
1999. "Plasma waves observed during cusp energetic particle events and their correlation with polar and akebono satellite and ground data." Advances in Space Research 24 23-33 [10.1016/S0273-1177(99)00418-4] [Journal Article/Letter]
1999. "Comparisons of Polar satellite observations of solitary wave velocities in the plasma sheet boundary and the high altitude cusp to those in the auroral zone." Geophysical Research Letters 26 425-428 [10.1029/1998GL900304] [Journal Article/Letter]
1998. "Oscillations of magnetospheric boundaries driven by IMF rotations." Geophysical Research Letters 25 3007-3010 [10.1029/98GL50916] [Journal Article/Letter]
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