Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Retha Matthee Mecikalski

(Associate Research Scientist)

Retha Matthee Mecikalski's Contact Card & Information.
Org Code: 610.1
Mail Code 610.1
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Dr. Retha Mecikalski is an Associate Research Scientist focusing on the occurrence of atmospheric lightning in relation to cloud distributions and properties, as derived from the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) analyses and forecasts within the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) group.


Dr. Retha Mecikalski is an atmospheric scientist / remote sensing scientist / research scientist with over 10 years’ experience in remote sensing analysis and Earth – atmospheric science research. She has extensive experience working with several different satellite remote sensing and ground-based remote sensing datasets, including multi-spectral weather satellite data, polarimetric weather radar data, synthetic aperture radar data, lightning data, radiosonde data, and other earth system datasets. Dr. Retha Mecikalski is also skilled in communicating scientific results in both academic and non-academic settings, working on complex projects, coordinating with multiple institutions and Federal agencies, and collaborating and interacting with a diverse team and senior executives.


Associate Research Scientist

Morgan State University/ NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) Goddard Earth Sciences Technology and Research II (GESTAR II) - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

August 2023 - Present


Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville (2018)

Research: The research focused on the kinematic and microphysical control of lightning properties, such as lightning flash rate, flash type, flash initiation, and flash extent, and how these properties impacted the production of nitrogen oxides via lightning.


M.S., Atmospheric Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville (2012)

Research: Analyzed the time evolution of infrared satellite fields and ground-based polarimetric radar data to quantify relationships between satellite and radar observations for lightning and non-lightning convective clouds over equatorial Africa.


B.Sc. Honours, Meteorology, University of Pretoria, South Africa

B.Sc. Honours, Geography, University of Pretoria, South Africa

B.Sc., Earth Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Selected Publications


2024. "Hydrometeor Identification Using GMI Passive Microwave Brightness Temperatures." Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 63 (7): 749-764 [10.1175/jamc-d-23-0196.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2024. "Evaluation of Lightning Flash Rate Parameterizations in a Cloud‐Resolved WRF‐Chem Simulation of the 29–30 May 2012 Oklahoma Severe Supercell System Observed During DC3." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129 (11): [10.1029/2023jd039492] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "A Random Forest Method to Forecast Downbursts Based on Dual-Polarization Radar Signatures." Remote Sensing 11 (7): 826 [10.3390/rs11070826] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Radar Reflectivity and Altitude Distributions of Lightning as a Function of IC, CG, and HY Flashes: Implications for LNOx Production." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (22): [10.1029/2018jd029263] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Radar Reflectivity and Altitude Distributions of Lightning Flashes as a Function of Three Main Storm Types." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (22): [10.1029/2018jd029238] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Effects of Scavenging, Entrainment, and Aqueous Chemistry on Peroxides and Formaldehyde in Deep Convective Outflow Over the Central and Southeast United States." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (14): 7594-7614 [10.1029/2018jd028271] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Why Flash Type Matters: A Statistical Analysis." Geophysical Research Letters 44 (18): 9505-9512 [10.1002/2017gl075003] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Evaluation of deep convective transport in storms from different convective regimes during the DC3 field campaign using WRF‐Chem with lightning data assimilation." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (13): 7140-7163 [10.1002/2017jd026461] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Lightning characteristics relative to radar, altitude and temperature for a multicell, MCS and supercell over northern Alabama." Atmospheric Research 191 128-140 [10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.03.001] [Journal Article/Letter]

2016. "The kinematic and microphysical control of lightning rate, extent, and NOX production." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (13): 7975-7989 [10.1002/2015jd024703] [Journal Article/Letter]

2015. "Radar and Lightning Observations of Deep Moist Convection across Northern Alabama during DC3: 21 May 2012." Monthly Weather Review 143 (7): 2774-2794 [10.1175/mwr-d-14-00250.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2014. "Quantitative Differences between Lightning and Nonlightning Convective Rainfall Events as Observed with Polarimetric Radar and MSG Satellite Data." Monthly Weather Review 142 (10): 3651-3665 [10.1175/mwr-d-14-00047.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Geostationary infrared methods for detecting lightning‐producing cumulonimbus clouds." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 118 (12): 6580-6592 [10.1002/jgrd.50485] [Journal Article/Letter]

Talks, Presentations and Posters


Hydrometeor Types Associated with GMI Brightness Temperatures


Cecil, D.J., R.M. Mecikalski, and Leppert, K. II (2018), PMM 2018 Science Team Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Lightning characteristics relative to radar, altitude and temperature for a multicell, MCS and supercell over northern Alabama


Mecikalski, R.M., L.D. Carey (2017), 8th Conf. on the Meteorological Application of Lightning Data, 97th AMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

WRF-Chem simulation of LNOx production and trace gas transport in an Oklahoma thunderstorm observed during DC3


Cummings, K., K. Pickering, M. Barth, M. Bela, Y. Li, D. Allen, E. Bruning, …, L. Carey, R.M. Mecikalski, et al. (2017), 19th Conf. of Atmospheric Chemistry, 97th AMS Conf., Seattle, Washington.

Effects of deep convection on upper tropospheric composition of soluble gases over the central U.S.


Bela, M., A.A. Alford, D.J. Allen, M. Barth, D.P. Betten, M.I. Biggerstaff, L. Carey, …, R.M. Mecikalski, et al. (2017), 2017 Meteorology And Climate – Modeling for Air Quality Conf., Davis.

Flash rates versus flash area and microphysical properties for multiple storm types over Northern Alabama


Mecikalski, R.M., L.D. Carey (2015), Seventh Conf. on the Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data, 95th AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Kinematic and Microphysical Control of Lightning Flash Rate over Northern Alabama


Carey, L., E.V. Schultz, C.J. Schultz, A.L. Bain, R.M. Mecikalski, W. Deierling, W.A. Petersen, and K. Pickering (2015), Seventh Conf. on the Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data, 95th AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

Storm physics and lightning properties over Northern Alabama during DC3


Matthee, R., L. Carey (2014), 15th International Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity (ICAE), Norman, OK.

Kinematic and microphysical control of lightning in multicell convection over Alabama during DC3


Carey, L, A. L. Bain, and R. Matthee (2014), 23rd International Lightning Detection Conf. (ILDC) / Fifth International Lightning Meteorology Conf., Tucson, AZ, Extended abstract, 10 pp.

The kinematic and microphysical control of lightning rate, extent, and NOx production


Carey, L.D., W. Koshak, H. Peterson, R. Matthee, A.L. Bain (2014), XV International Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Norman, Oklahoma, Extended abstract, 20 pp.

Storm physics and lightning properties over Northern Alabama during DC3


Matthee, R., L. Bain, L. Carey (2013), 46th AGU Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Polarimetric radar and electrical observations of deep moist convection across northern Alabama during the DC3 Experiment


Bain, A.L., R. Matthee, L.D. Carey (2013), AMS 36th Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Breckenridge, CO.

A dual-polarimetric and MSG satellite field analysis of the behaviors of lightning and non-lightning producing storms


Matthee, R., J.R. Mecikalski (2012), 2012 Annual EUMETSAT Conf., Sopot, Poland.

Quantitative differences between lightning and non-lightning convective rainfall events as observed with dual-polarimetric radar and MSG satellite data


Matthee, R., J.R. Mecikalski (2012), 8th Conf. on Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology, AMS 92nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Verification of global and regional instability indices across South Africa against radiosonde data


Matthee, R., L. Dyson, M. König (2009), 2009 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conf., Bath, United Kingdom.

Verification of global and regional instability indices across South Africa against radiosonde data


Matthee, R. (2008), South African Society for Atmospheric Sciences (SASAS) Conf., Pretoria, South Africa.