Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Joe P Renaud

(Postdoctoral Fellow)

Joe P Renaud's Contact Card & Information.
Phone: 301.286.5045
Org Code: 698
Mail Code 698
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Joe P. Renaud (He / Him; rah-no)

I am a planetary scientist and geophysicist interested in just about anything to do with planets, their geology, geophysics, and dynamics: how they formed, how they evolved, how their insides become their outsides, and so on. Most of my prior work has focused on the study of tidal dynamics --- how gravity causes planets to flex just like we see with Earth's oceans. This flexing converts orbital & rotational energy into heat in the deep interiors of planets and moons. My recent work utilizes remote sensing and mission data to constrain the interiors of planets and moons. Outside of our Solar System, I have applied my geophysics background to estimate the amount of exoplanet outgassing. These estimates can inform which worlds are more or less likely to be habitable, guiding future observations. This work led to new collaborations with observers where I have helped retrieve and characterize exoplanet atmospheric spectra from observations with Hubble and JWST.

An essential component of my work is encouraging and supporting my peers, particularly those from underrepresented groups. I have been a leader and advocate on various DEIA initiatives over the years and plan to continue to learn how best to maintain a welcome, safe, and productive laboratory environment that can be a model to others. 

Research Interests

Tidal Dynamics

Solar System: Planetary Geology

Study of how tidal forces influence the interior and orbits of solar system moons and exoplanets.

Planetary Interiors

Solar System: Geophysics

Orbital & Rotational Dynamics

Solar System: Theory & Modeling

Planetary Structure

Solar System: Venus

Current Projects

Building the Interior-Atmosphere Bridge: A New Tidally-Driven Volatile Outgassing Model for Terrestrial Exoplanets

Extrasolar planets

Expanding TidalPy: Couple the Interior, Thermal, Orbital, and Atmospheric Evolution in Exoplanets

Extrasolar planets

Revisiting Titan's Interior Structure Following a New Love Number Estimate


Investigation of Lunar Spin-Orbit-Resonance Destabilization Mediated by Viscoelasticity During High Eccentricity Excursions of the Evection Era

Theory & Modeling


NASA Postdoctoral Fellow

Universities Space Research Association NASA Goddard - Greenbelt, MD

August 2019 - August 2022

Graduate Research Assistant

George Mason University - Fairfax, VA

2015 - August 2019

Ph.D. Thesis: A Study of the Tidal and Thermal Evolution of Rocky & Icy Worlds Utilizing Advanced Rheological Models

Postdoctoral Associate

University of Maryland - Greenbelt, MD

August 2022 - Present

Teaching Experience

Graduate Teaching Assistant - George Mason University - 2013 -- 2018

University Physics I (Kinematics) & II (Electrostatics) Laboratories.


Ph.D. Physics. George Mason University, August 2019

M.S. Engineering Physics. George Mason University, May 2016

B.S. Physics. George Mason University, August 2013

Professional Societies

American Astronomical Society

2012 - Present

American Geophysical Union

2014 - Present

Professional Service

2024--Present: Steering Committee Member & Mentorship Working Group Co-Chair - Habitable Worlds Observatory

Developing a mentorship program and best practices for the upcoming Habitable Worlds Observatory. These plans will be adopted by current and future teams to increase diversity and improve the on-boarding experience for early career scientists working on HWO.

2023--Present: Science Analysis Group Member. New Great Observatories SAG

Part of the Science Analysis Group analyzing science priorities for NASA's next flagship observatory mission.

2018--Present: Scientific Journal Referee

Reviews numerous scientific articles for "The Planetary Science Journal'', "Icarus'', "The Astronomical Journal'', "Monthly Notices of the Royal Society'', "Science Advances'', and "Astronomy and Astrophysics''.

2023--Present CRESST II Group Leader

Assists the leadership of the Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science & Technology II on the preparation of quarterly and annual activity reports.

2022--Present: Grant Review Panelist

Provides scientific reviews for proposals submitted to NASA's Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) program.

2020--2022: ISFM Grant Review Panelist

Reviewed proposals to NASA Goddard Sellers' Exoplanet Environments Collaboration mini-proposal call as part of NASA HQ's Internal Scientist Funding Model.


NASA Sciences and Exploration Directorate Special Act Award (GSFC Code 600) - 2023

NASA Solar System Exploration Division STAR Award (GSFC Code 690) - 2023

NASA Sciences and Exploration Directorate Special Act Award (GSFC Code 600) - 2022

NASA Planetary Science Winter School Fellow - 2022

NASA Sciences and Exploration Directorate Diversity and Inclusion Award - 2021

NASA Solar System Exploration Division Peer Award - 2021

NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship - 2019

Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation - George Mason University College of Science - 2019

John Mather Nobel Scholar - NASA Goddard / John Mather Foundation - 2016

Award for Excellent Graduate Teaching - George Mason University Office of the Provost - 2013--2018 (multiple awards)

Expanding the Scope of Undergraduate Research - George Mason University OSCAR Program - 2013


Building the Interior-Atmosphere Bridge: A New Tidally-Driven Volatile Outgassing Model for Terrestrial Exoplanets

Building the Interior-Atmosphere Bridge: A New Tidally-Driven Volatile Outgassing Model for Terrestrial Exoplanets - NASA HQ / Sellers' Exoplanet Environments Collaboration ISFM - Awarded: 2024-03-01

Dates:  - 

Coverage: 0.23

Amount 120,000

Expanding TidalPy: Couple the Interior, Thermal, Orbital, and Atmospheric Evolution in Exoplanets

Expanding TidalPy: Couple the Interior, Thermal, Orbital, and Atmospheric Evolution in Exoplanets - NASA HQ / Sellers' Exoplanet Environments Collaboration ISFM - Awarded: 2023-03-01

Dates:  - 

Amount 380,000

Detectability of water in the atmospheres of terrestrial habitable zone exoplanets due to exo-volcanism: a false positive for habitability

NASA ROSES - Habitable Worlds - NASA HQ (NNH23ZDA001N-HW) - Awarded: 2023-02-01

Dates:  - 

Influence of Displacement Love Numbers on Interior Models using MCMC

Influence of Displacement Love Numbers on Interior Models using MCMC - NASA HQ / Planetary Geodesy ISFM - Awarded: 2022-11-01

Dates:  - 

Temporo-Spatial Exploration of Tidally-Influenced Lunar Thermal History

Temporo-Spatial Exploration of Tidally-Influenced Lunar Thermal History - NASA HQ / Planetary Geodesy ISFM - Awarded: 2022-11-01

Dates:  - 

Exo-Volcanism in the TRAPPIST-1 System - NASA HQ / Sellers' Exoplanet Environments Collaboration ISFM - Awarded: 2021-02-01

Dates:  - 

Tidal effects on magnetic nature of terrestrial-type exoplanets

Tidal effects on magnetic nature of terrestrial-type exoplanets - NASA HQ / Sellers' Exoplanet Environments Collaboration ISFM - Awarded: 2021-02-01

Dates:  - 

Mechanisms to Enhance Tidal Heating and Support Late Lunar Partial Melting

Mechanisms to Enhance Tidal Heating and Support Late Lunar Partial Melting - NASA HQ / Planetary Geodesy ISFM - Awarded: 2020-11-01

Dates:  - 

Applying Markov Chain Monte Carlo Interior Modeling to Venus, with Tides

Applying Markov Chain Monte Carlo Interior Modeling to Venus, with Tides - NASA HQ / Planetary Geodesy ISFM - Awarded: 2020-11-01

Dates:  - 

Observable Signatures of Spin Reorientation and Librations Driven by Thermal Asymmetry in Short-Period, Rocky Exoplanet

Observable Signatures of Spin Reorientation and Librations Driven by Thermal Asymmetry in Short-Period, Rocky Exoplanet - NASA HQ / Sellers' Exoplanet Environments Collaboration ISFM - Awarded: 2020-03-01

Dates:  - 

Analysis of Orbital Evolution Including Time-Varying Terrestrial Planet Layer Structures in Complex Exoplanet Orbital Systems

Analysis of Orbital Evolution Including Time-Varying Terrestrial Planet Layer Structures in Complex Exoplanet Orbital Systems - NASA HQ / Sellers' Exoplanet Environments Collaboration ISFM - Awarded: 2020-03-01

Dates:  - 

The Habitability of Collisionally Formed and Tidally Heated Trans-Neptunian Objects

ROSES Habitable Worlds - NASA HQ - Awarded: 2017-05-01

Dates:  - 

Other Professional Information

2024--Present: Council Member - GSFC Solar System Division Director's Council

Advise the Solar System Division's leadership on science priorities and act as a liaison between leadership and division scientists.

2023--Present: Co-Lead - Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center

Lead new EMAC initiatives and develop strategic plan to engage, and incorporate feedback from, the exoplanet community. Started the new exoVAST seminar series with the goal of improving the state of open-source exoplanet science resources.

2019--Present: Seminar Host and Organizer - NASA Goddard Exoplanet Seminar Series

Schedule and host speakers for Goddard's exoplanet seminar series.

2019--Now: Communications Lead & DEIA Officer - NASA Goddard Association of Early Career Scholars

Co-lead the early career group at NASA Goddard (~300 members) focusing on DEIA initiatives and communication.

2021--2023: Group Lead for Strategic Plan Implementation - NASA GSFC Science and Exploration Directorate

NASA SED's new strategic plan will be guided by reports made by groups that are identifying current strengths and weaknesses within the directorate. I am the lead for the group looking at "Retention and Future of Work.''

2020--2023: Science Content Lead - Sellers' Exoplanet Environments Collaboration (SEEC)

Collected and disseminated top-level research findings made by various teams working on exoplanet research to both the public and NASA managers.

Selected Publications


2023. "Constraining the Venus interior structure with future VERITAS measurements of the gravitational atmospheric loading." The Planetary Science Journal 4 (65): [Full Text] [10.3847/PSJ/acc73c] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Evaluation of Recent Measurements of Mercury’s Moments of Inertia and Tides Using a Comprehensive Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method." The Planetary Science Journal 3 (2): 37 [10.3847/psj/ac4bb8] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Tidal Dissipation in Dual-body, Highly Eccentric, and Nonsynchronously Rotating Systems: Applications to Pluto–Charon and the Exoplanet TRAPPIST-1e." The Planetary Science Journal 2 (1): 4 [10.3847/psj/abc0f3] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Increased Tidal Dissipation Using Advanced Rheological Models: Implications for Io and Tidally Active Exoplanets." The Astrophysical Journal 857 (2): 98 [10.3847/1538-4357/aab784] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Exoplanet Science Priorities from the Perspective of Internal and Surface Processes for Silicate and Ice Dominated Worlds." National Academy of Sciences 2018 Exoplanet Science Strategy White Paper [Other]

2018. "Relevance of tidal heating on large TNOs." Icarus 302 245-260 [10.1016/j.icarus.2017.11.023] [Journal Article/Letter]


2023. "CyRK - ODE Integrator Implemented in Cython and Numba ." Zenodo [Full Text] [10.5281/zenodo.7093266] [Other]

2022. "The Exoplanet Modeling and Analysis Center at NASA Goddard." Research Notes of the AAS 6 (9): 185 [10.3847/2515-5172/ac9060] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "TidalPy: Thermal-Orbital Evolution and Tidal Simulator for Rocky and Icy Worlds." Zenodo [Full Text] [10.5281/zenodo.7017475] [Other]

2018. "Highly Volcanic Exoplanets, Lava Worlds, and Magma Ocean Worlds: An Emerging Class of Dynamic Exoplanets of Significant Scientific Priority." ArXiv e-prints [Journal Article/Letter]