Research Interests
Land-Atmosphere Coupling of Water and Energy Cycles
Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Thermodynamics and Satellite Remote Sensing
Soil Moisture-PBL Interactions; Irrigation Modeling
Land Surface, PBL, and NWP/Mesoscale Modeling; Land Data Assimilation and Calibration
Research Highlights
Development and application of metrics and tools to quantify and improve understanding of Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling (LoCo) in models and observations. Over the last 15 years, leads the GEWEX LoCo working group focused on coordinating international efforts to diagnose and improve land-atmosphere interactions in models from local to global scales. During this time, the 'LoCo' brand and efforts have gained recognition both nationally and internationally in conferences and symposia and have inspired a new generation of young scientists to incorporate process-level research into model evaluation and development.
Land Team lead of the NASA Unified WRF (NU-WRF) modeling system, which includes coupling to NASA's Land Information System (LIS) and facilitates model-data fusion research in the realm of land data assimilation (e.g. soil moisture) and land surface model calibration (e.g. surface fluxes).
Lead of GSFC working group supporting NASA's Decadal Survey Incubation efforts for the PBL, assessing current capabilities and limitations of satellite remote sensing to routinely monitor the PBL for land surface and land-atmosphere studies and modeling, including engagement of GSFC and mission science teams, as well as the PBL community in response to the 2017 Decadal Survey.
Extended visits and collaborations with operational modeling centers (ECMWF and UKMO) on studies of LoCo and land surface model development, including the incorporation of these models into NASA's Land Information System.
Ph.D. Geography, Boston University, January 2005
Dissertation: Estimation of Land Surface Energy Balance and Surface Properties Using Remotely-Sensed Observations of the Convective Planetary Boundary Layer
M.S. Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University, May 1999
Thesis: Parameterization of Fractional Vegetation Cover and Near-Surface Soil Water Content in a Coupled Model and its Related Short-Term Forecast Implications
B.S. Meteorology, Rutgers University, Cook College, May 1996
Professional Experience
10/15-present: Lead of GSFC 'PBL from Space' working group and coordination of PBL related projects
11/08-present: Physical Scientist, Hydrological Sciences Branch, NASA-GSFC
11/08-present: Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling (LoCo); NASA NEWS
04/09-present: LIS Optimization and Uncertainty Study ; NASA AIST
05/09-present: NASA Unified WRF (NU-WRF) Project; NASA MAP
05/10-08/10: Visiting Scientist, United Kingdom Met Office
Land Surface Processes Group; Collaboration with Dr. Martin Best
02/08-05/08: Visiting Scientist, Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI)
Climate Research Division; Collaboration with Dr. Bart van den Hurk
01/05-11/08: Research Associate, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), Univ. Maryland, Hydrological Sciences Branch, NASA-GSFC
10/05-10/08: Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling (LoCo); NASA-NEWS
03/05-10/07: Army Remote Moisture System (ARMS); Army COE, USDA
02/05-10/08: Land-Atmosphere Interactions from MODIS and AIRS
01/05-09/05: NASA-GSFC Land Information System (LIS); GLDAS
09/01-12/04: Ph.D. Dissertation; NASA Earth System Science Fellowship
Department of Geography, Boston University; Advised by Dr. Mark A. Friedl
06/02: Volunteer, Soil Moisture Experiments (SMEX02 and SMAPVEX08)
USDA-ARS, Ames, IA and Kent Island, MD; Advised by Dr. Bill Kustas and Tom Jackson
06/01-08/01: NASA-GSFC Graduate Student Summer Program
Hydrological Sciences Branch; Mentored by Dr. Paul Houser and Dr. Matthew Rodell
06/97-06/99: Master of Science Thesis Penn State University; Advised by Dr. Toby N. Carlson and Dr. George S. Young
06/99-08/99: Web Course Designer, PSUBAMS Model Exercises
College of Academic Computing, The Pennsylvania State University
08/96-12/04: Meteorology Instructor and Observer The Pennsylvania State University, Salem State College, and Boston University
Professional Service
Co-Chair, GEWEX Global Land Atmosphere System Study (GLASS) Panel (2010-2014)
Editor, Earth Interactions (AMS; 2015-present)
Associate Editor, Journal of Hydrometeorology (2012-2015)
Project Lead, GEWEX-GLASS Local Land-Atmosphere Coupling (LoCo) Initiative (2008-present)
Member, WCRP Modeling Advisory Council (WMAC) (2012-2015)
Ex-Officio Member, WMO Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE; 2010-2014)
Member, AGU Hydrology Remote Sensing Technical Committee (2008-)
Member, AGU Large-Scale Field Experimentation Committee (2008-)
Convener, AGU Fall Meeting sessions on Land-Atmosphere Interactions (2009, 2011, 2014)
Coordinator, NASA Terrestrial Water Cycle (TWC) Seminar Series (2009-2012)
Mentor, NASA Graduate Student Summer Program (2009, 2012-2015)
Member, GSFC Summer Intern Placement Panel (2009, 2010)
Member, Review Panels: NASA NEWS, Decisions, COUND, ESSF, and U.S. DOE
Reviewer, AMS, AGU, and many other national and international journals
Honors and Awards
Early Career Achievement Medal, NASA Honor Awards (2012)
Scientific Achievement Award, NASA Hydrospheric and Biospheric Processes (HOBI) Lab, (2012, 2015, 2019)
Editor's Award, Journal of Hydrometeorology (2012)
GEWEX-iLEAPS Early Career Scientist Award, Melbourne, Australia (2009)
NASA Earth System Science Fellowship (2001-4)
Presidential University Graduate Fellowship, Boston University (2000)
High Honors, 4.0 GPA (Jr./Sr.), 8th in class; Rutgers University (1996)