Emily has a background in physics, and after receiving a Master's degree in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University, worked at the CSU/NOAA Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) from 2018 to 2023. Her Master's work focused on the comparison of CO2 measurements from airborne LIDAR and the OCO-2 satellite, from flight campaigns completed as part of NASA's ACT-America mission. At CIRA, she shifted to work with OCO-3 Snapshot Area Mapping (SAM) Mode data, evaluating biases in the data driven by poor characterization of atmospheric aerosols and their interactions with the Earth surface.
Now at the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO), she works with the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center, coordinating with data systems to ensure that NASA's atmospheric, land, and ocean modelers reach their goals in sharing top-of-the-line data with the broader research community and beyond.
She has an interest in open science, data visualization, and improving communication between scientific institutions, policymakers, and the public.