Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Caela E Barry


Caela E Barry's Contact Card & Information.
Org Code: 690
Mail Code 690
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Caela Barry supports and expands public access to NASA science through web content, social media, and public events. She is also a field logistics specialist.

Caela's previous professional background is in experiential education, including front-line instruction and program leadership. Her academic foundation is in physics and math.

Current Projects

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)

Goddard Instrument Field Team (GIFT)

Remote, In-Situ, and Synchrotron Studies for Science and Exploration (RISE2)

Lunar Environment and Dynamics for Exploration Research (LEADER)

Geophysical Exploration of the Dynamics and Evolution of the Solar System (GEODES)

Selected Public Outreach

Total Solar Eclipse Outreach in the Austin, TX area

2024 - 2024

Death Valley Dark Sky Festival

2023 - Present

Annular Solar Eclipse Outreach at Mesa Verde National Park

2023 - 2023

Earth Day with NASA at Washington, DC's Union Station

2023 - 2023

STEM For Her Day in Washington, DC

2022 - 2022

Special Experience

Selected field logistics experience:

(planning and implementation, remote support, and/or in-field support):

  • GIFT field work in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, June 2024
  • GEODES field work at Medicine Lake Volcano/Lava Beds National Monument, May 2024
  • RISE2 field work at Potrillo Volcanic Field, February 2024
  • GIFT field work at Long Valley Caldera and the Bishop Tuff, September 2023
  • GEODES field work at San Francisco Volcanic Field, August 2023
  • GIFT/VERITAS field work in the Icelandic highlands, July 2023
  • GIFT field work in Lanzarote, May 2023
  • RISE2 field work at Potrillo Volcanic Field, March-April 2023
  • GIFT field work at Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park and HI-SEAS, September 2022
  • JETT field work in the Icelandic highlands, July 2022
  • GEODES field work at Medicine Lake Volcano/Lava Beds National Monument, June 2022
  • GIFT field work at Medicine Lake Volcano/Lava Beds National Monument, May 2022
  • RISE2 field work at Potrillo Volcanic Field, April 2022
  • RISE2 field work at Potrillo Volcanic Field, November 2021
  • GIFT field work in the Icelandic highlands, July 2021

Talks, Presentations and Posters


Preparing for Eclipse Outreach Events: Hands-On Moon Activities


Barry, C., Buxner, S. L., ASP 2022: Communicating Science with Students and the Public

Getting Your Message Out: Leveraging Digital Media in Solar System and Astronomy Programs


Barry, C., Osborn, H., Wenger, M. C., ASP 2022: Communicating Science with Students and the Public

Observe the Moon with NASA

October 2022

On behalf of the International Observe the Moon Night Coordinating Committee, for SciStarter LIVE!

Exploring the Solar System with NASA Planetary Science Resources


Presentation to the National Science Teaching Association's Aerospace Advisory Board


2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipse Outreach: Results, Plans, and Resources from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s Solar System Exploration Division


Barry, C., Tiedeken, S., Jones, A. J. P., Wasser, M., Petro, N., AGU Annual Meeting, Dec 2023

Engage Visitors in the Total Solar Eclipse

December 2023

with C. White, A. J. P. Jones, H. Mortimer, A. Waymouth, D. Camillieri., National Association for Interpretation Conference

SSERVI’s LEADER Team and the Future of NASA Lunar Science Web Content

August 2023

Barry, C., M. Wasser, T. Vogel, V. Nguyen, A. Jones, O. J. Tucker, J. Keller, L. S. Morrissey, D. M. Hurley, W. M. Farrell, R. M. Killen, NASA Exploration Science Forum

International Observe the Moon Night: A Global Network of Community Events

September 2022

Barry, C., Jones, A., Wasser, M., Tiedeken, S., Nguyen, V., Buxner, S. L., Bakerman, M., Joseph, E. C. S., Beaudoin, G., Fooshee, J., Day, B. H., Gay, P., White, V., Summer, T., Cokinos, C., SciComm Conference 2022

Embedding Science Journalism Students in NASA Field Work

August 2022

Barry, C., Dowdy, Z., Glotch, T., Rogers, D., Whelley, P., Selvin, B., Lizarazo, K., NASA Exploration Science Forum

Coordinating Field Safety and Conduct Resources Across Research Teams

August 2022

Barry, C., Whelley, N., Richardson, J., Whelley, P., Glotch, T., Young, K., McAdam, A., Schmerr, N., NASA Exploration Science Forum

Developing Community Resources to Promote Safety & Inclusivity in Field Work

April 2022

Barry, C., Whelley, N., Richardson, J., Whelley, P., Glotch, T., Young, K., McAdam, A., Schmerr, N., LPSC 53 (view abstract)

Everyone, Everywhere, Every Year: Highlights from International Observe the Moon Night 2021

April 2022

Barry, C., Jones, A., Wasser, M., Tiedeken, S. L., Buxner, S., Bakerman, M., Joseph, E. C. S., Shaner, A., White, V., Fooshee, J., Day, B. H., Gay, P., Cokinos, C., Beaudoin, G., Nguyen, V., Vogel, T., LPSC 53 (view abstract)

NASA's Planetary Analogs Website: Analog Field Work for Broad Audiences

August 2021

Barry, C., Whelley, N., Richardson, J., Wasser, M., NASA Exploration Science Forum & European Lunar Symposium

NASA's Planetary Analogs Website: Comparing Landscapes Throughout Our Solar System

July 2021

Barry, C., Whelley, N., Richardson, J., Wasser, M., USGS Astrogeology Science Center's Workshop on Terrestrial Analogs for Planetary Exploration (view abstract)

NASA's Planetary Analogs Website: A New Science Communication Resource

April 2021

Barry, C., N. Whelley, J. Richardson, M. Wasser, LPSC 52

#ObserveTheMoon 2020: Virtual Engagement Tactics and Takeaways


Barry, C., A. Jones, M. Wasser, S. Tiedeken, A. Shaner, N. Whelley, V. White, J. Fooshee, B. Day, S. Buxner, M. Bakerman, E. Joseph, P. Gay, ASP2020 Conference on Astronomy Teaching and Public Engagement


Outreach and Logistics Coordinator

ADNET Systems, Inc. - Greenbelt, MD

April 2020 - Present


BS Physics

BA Mathematics

Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2013