CURRICULUM VITA: Prof. D.Sc. A.S. Lipatov (Co-Investigator)
Professor of Space Physics - Scientific Title from the Russian State Committee for Higher Education 1995;
D.Sc. (Theoret./Math. Physics) 1988, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI RAS);
Ph.D. (Plasma Physics) 1972;
Engineer-Physicist (M.S.) (Aerodynamics and Thermodynamics) 1969, Faculty of Aerophysics and
Applied Mathematics,
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Russia
2007-present, Senior Research Scientist, GPHI/GEST
University of Maryland Baltimore County/NASA
GSFC, Greenbelt, MD
1997-2007, Lead Scientist/Professor, Computing Center
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
1972-1996 Research Scientist, Senior Scientist, Lead Scientist/Professor,
Space Research Institute (IKI)
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
1973-1996, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor,
1990-1993, Deputy Head of Chair ``Space Physics",
Faculty of Problems of Physics and Power Engineering,
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Russia
Member of Editorial Staff of the ``STEP SIMPO Newsletter" (Kyoto, Japan),
1992-1996, AGU member from 1994. Member from 1975, Chairman of Commission on working
with young scientists", member of the Counsel (1983-1988)
of the Central House of Scientists, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Member of ``Commission for young scientist affairs" at the Presidium of the USSR/Russian Academy
of Sciences (from 1987 to 1996)
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH: Prof. D.Sc. Lipatov's research is devoted to numerical
simulation of space and plasma physics.
His Ph.D. dissertation under Prof. L.L. Vanyan produced the first hydromagnetic simulation of low-frequency wave propagation in the 3D model of the magnetosphere of Earth during the Sudden Commencement.
During his work in IKI he had developed a multidimensional hybrid codes including electron inertia term and he had applied these codes for global simulation of the interaction of the solar wind with magnetosphere of the Moon, Venus and comets, and a study of particle acceleration and dissipation processes at the front of collisionless shocks (in collaboration with Prof. A.A. Galeev and Prof. R.Z. Sagdeev). He had also simulated the particle acceleration processes during the magnetic field reconnection in neutral sheets (in collaboration with
Prof. L.M. Zelenyi).
His D.Sc. dissertation presented an accumulation of his main scientific results from 1969 to 1987.
He worked as a long term Visiting Professor from 1992 to 2006 at the University of Maryland, College Park, the Max-Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics,
the Bartol Research Institute at the University of Delaware, the Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research, the Institute of Theoretical Physics
TU Braunschweig, the University of Michigan, and the University of Alberta, Canada
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Lipatov's research interests are the following:
a) Development and application of the advanced multiscale simulation codes including the hybrid particle-in cell (PIC) and the Complex Particle Kinetic (CPK) concepts. CPK technique may reduce computational resources by factor more than 100 in the study of the complex plasma systems (space and fusion plasmas) in comparison with standard PIC codes;
b) Global multidimensional multiscale multifluid and hybrid (fluid-kinetic) simulations of the interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere of the planets - the Earth, Venus, Mars, comets, moons (Titan - ``Cassini" mission, Io and Europa - ``Galileo" mission, the Moon - ARTEMIS mission) etc.,
and spacecrafts (Solar Probe Plus mission);
c) Hybrid/kinetic multiscale simulation of turbulent processes, particle heating and acceleration at the front of collisionless shocks, and magnetic field reconnection in the plasma systems with reversed magnetic field configuration, with application to solar flares, magnetosphere of the planets, bow shocks, interplanetary shocks, hypersonic bolide impacts and blast waves from distributed charges in geospace plasmas.
Lipatov, A.S., The Hybrid Multiscale Simulation Technology:
An introduction with application to astrophysical and laboratory plasmas,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2002.
Lipatov, A.S., Merging for Particle-Mesh Complex Particle Kinetic
modeling of the multiple plasma beams,
J. Comput. Physics, 231}, 3101-3118, 2012.
Lipatov, A.S., E.C. Sittler Jr., R.E. Hartle, J.F. Cooper,
Short wave-length electromagnetic perturbations excited near
the Solar Probe Plus spacecraft in the inner heliosphere:
2.5D hybrid modeling,
Planet. Space Sci., 62(1), 61-68, 2012.
Lipatov, A.S., E.C. Sittler Jr., R.E. Hartle,
J.F. Cooper, D.G. Simpson,
Saturn's magnetosphere interaction with Titan for T9
encounter: 3D hybrid modeling and comparison with CAPS's
Planet. Space Sci. 61, 66-78, 2012.
Lipatov, A.S., E.C. Sittler Jr., R.E. Hartle,
J.F. Cooper, D.G. Simpson,
Background and pickup ion velocity distribution dynamics in
Titan's plasma environment:
3D hybrid simulation and comparison with CAPS T9 observations,
Adv. Space Res. 48, 1114-1125, 2011.
Lipatov, A.S., J.F. Cooper, E.C. Sittler Jr., R.E. Hartle,
Effects of Na+ and He+ pickup ions on the lunar-like
plasma environment: 3D hybrid modeling,
Advances in Space Research 50, 1583-1591, 2012.
Lipatov, A.S., J.F. Cooper, W.R. Paterson, E.C. Sittler Jr., R.E. Hartle,
D.G. Simpson,
Jovian plasma torus interaction with Europa. Plasma wake structure
and effect of inductive magnetic field:
3D Hybrid kinetic simulation,
Planet. Space Sci. 77, 12-24, 2013.
Alexander Sergeevich Lipatov
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Phone: | 301.286.0906 |
Org Code: | 673 |
Address: |
NASA/GSFC Mail Code 673 Greenbelt, MD 20771 |