Hydrological Sciences

Karyn M. Tabor


Karyn M. Tabor's Contact Card & Information.
Email: karyn.tabor@nasa.gov
Org Code: 619
Mail Code 619
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

My research aims to increase accessibility to Earth observations for improved decision-making to protect nature and improve livelihoods.

In my role as Agroclimatology Advisor for USAID’s Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) I assure the integration of agroclimatological and water availability information from NASA, NOAA, USGS, and university partners into analyses of emergency food insecurity and livelihoods that underpin FEWS NET food security scenario development.

I have extensive expertise in building tools and models that use satellite observations and climate projections to support conservation decisions. Prior to my position with FEWS NET, I was the SMAP Applications Coordinator. Before coming to Goddard in 2022, I was the Senior Director for Ecological Monitoring for the Moore Center for Science at Conservation International (CI). There, I developed decision-making tools delivering time-sensitive information for improved fire and natural resources management. During my 20-year career at CI, I worked on various research projects, including forest cover and change mapping, fire risk modeling, climate downscaling, and impact evaluation of conservation investments.

Research Interests

Satellite Applications

Earth Science: Remote Sensing

Human-centered design

Earth Science: Fire

Decision-making tools

Earth Science: Fire


Agroclimatology Advisor

Science Systems Applications, Inc. - USAID

September 2023 - Present

Applications Coordinator

NASA (Science Systems and Applications, Inc) - Greenbelt, MD

February 2022 - September 2023

I lead outreach and engagement of Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) applications with government institutions and users from research and applications communities 

Senior Director, Ecological Monitoring

Conservation International - Arlington, VA

July 2001 - February 2022

I led research and technical proposals related to satellite-based monitoring and near-real-time early warning & alert systems for natural climate solutions.

Teaching Experience

Instructor for Geography and Environmental Systems (GES) 386/686, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, during the Fall 2020 semester at the University of Maryland Baltimore County.



Geography & Environmental Systems 

Spring 2023 

U. Maryland Baltimore County 

Advisor: Dr. Margaret Holland 

Baltimore, MD 


Env. Remote Sensing & GIS 

Spring 2001 

Boston University 

Advisor: Dr. Ranga Myneni 

Boston, MA 


Environmental Science 

Spring 2001 

Boston University 

Boston, MA 

Professional Societies

Conservation Remote Sensing Network

2012 - Present

Graduate Women in Science

2020 - Present

Society for Conservation GIS

2020 - Present

American Geophysical Union


2021 - Present


Harnessing Earth Observations to Support Indigenous-led Land Management

NASA ROSES A.50 - NASA (NNH16ZDA001N-GEO) - Awarded: 2017-10-30

Dates: 2018-01-02  - 2022-01-02

Amount 553,548.00

An Integrated fire monitoring and forecasting systems for improved tropical forest management

NASA ROSES A.35 - NASA (NNH11ZDA001N-FIRES) - Awarded: 2012-01-02

Dates: 2012-10-01  - 2017-10-01

Amount $1,000,000

Talks, Presentations and Posters


NPR Morning Edition: “Fires Where They Are ‘Not Supposed To Happen’ In Australia’s Ancient Rainforest” 

April 28, 2020

I was invited onto the program to comment on how climate change contributed to Australian wildfires burning parts of the Gondwana Rainforests. 



Selected Public Outreach

Girl Scout STEM Volunteer

November 2021 - Present

STEM volunteer for Girl Scouts of Nations Capital.