Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Glen Jaross


Glen Jaross's Contact Card & Information.
Org Code: 614
Mail Code 614
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Glen Jaross has over 30 years of experience characterizing, calibrating UV/VIS, satellite sensors used in the retrievals of atmospheric constituents such as ozone, aerosols, and trace gases. His primary interests have been the TOMS and OMPS instruments, for which he leads all phases of pre-launch and post-launch characterization support. He is currently the OMPS Instrument Scientist. He designed much of the sensor data processing algorithm currently used by NASA and NOAA and was a key contributor to the OMPS sensor design, primarily aspects related to in-flight calibration. He also contributed to pre-launch characterization and performance testing of the TOMS, OMI, and OMPS sensors. Specific research interests include sensor inter-calibration, long-term sensor change and characterization over decadal time scales, and validation of sensor calibration. He has developed a technique for assessing the radiometric calibration of remote sensors using radiances measured over Antarctica.

Current Projects

OMPS Instrument Scientist

Currently working on 5 OMPS missions:

  • SNPP OMPS, flying since 2011, is a complete suite consisting of a Limb and 2 Nadir sensors. Responsible for identifying and resolving operational anomalies. Data analysis provides lessons-learned for future instrument builds.
  • JPSS-1 OMPS, launched in late 2017, consists of 2 Nadir sensors. Responsibilities are similar to those of SNPP OMPS.
  • JPSS-2 OMPS, launched in late 2022, consists of a complete suite (similar to SNPP). are similar to those of SNPP OMPS.
  • JPSS-4, JPSS-3 OMPS, due to launch in 2028 and 2032, respectively, consists of a complete suite. Current responsibility includes identifying long-lead changes from JPSS-2 OMPS that should be included in requirements and plans. The goal with these instruments is continuous improvement within the constraints of budget and schedule.

OMPS Level 1 Products Lead

This effort involves operating the sensors, maintaining sensor calibration, evaluating the calibration and creating adjustments, and leading the generation of Level 1 products for all OMPS. Prepare for future OMPS product generation. This work requires the coordinated efforts of a large team to effectively conduct data analysis, implement calibrations, monitor performance, and operate of the instrument suite.


Lead the support to NOAA for Nadir sensor operations and calibration.  Operations of the instrument suite must be coordinated and cannot be effectively conducted by two institutions.  NASA operates the Limb instrument, and operates the Nadir instrument on behalf of NOAA.  The effort also involves providing NASA-generated code and calibrations to NOAA for their use.



2024. "Global retrieval of stratospheric and tropospheric BrO columns from the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite Nadir Mapper (OMPS-NM) on board the Suomi-NPP satellite." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 17 (9): 2873-2916 [10.5194/amt-17-2873-2024] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Tracking the 2022 Hunga Tonga‐Hunga Ha'apai aerosol cloud in the upper and middle stratosphere using space‐based observations." Geophysical Research Letters [10.1029/2022gl100091] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) collection 4: establishing a 17-year-long series of detrended level-1b data." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 15 (11): 3527-3553 [10.5194/amt-15-3527-2022] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "TROPOMI aerosol products: evaluation and observations of synoptic-scale carbonaceous aerosol plumes during 2018–2020." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 13 (12): 6789-6806 [10.5194/amt-13-6789-2020] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Evaluation of the OMPS/LP stratospheric aerosol extinction product using SAGE III/ISS observations." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 13 (6): 3471-3485 [10.5194/amt-13-3471-2020] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "New Era of Air Quality Monitoring from Space: Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS)." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101 (1): E1-E22 [10.1175/bams-d-18-0013.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Trends in global tropospheric ozone inferred from a composite record of TOMS/OMI/MLS/OMPS satellite measurements and the MERRA-2 GMI simulation." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (5): 3257-3269 [10.5194/acp-19-3257-2019] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Validation of ozone profile retrievals derived from the OMPS LP version 2.5 algorithm against correlative satellite measurements." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 11 (5): 2837-2861 [10.5194/amt-11-2837-2018] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Altitude registration of limb-scattered radiation." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10 (1): 167-178 [10.5194/amt-10-167-2017] [Journal Article/Letter]

2014. "Evaluation of the Sensor Data Record from the nadir instruments of the Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite (OMPS)." J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 119 (10): 6170-6180 [10.1002/2013JD020484] [Journal Article/Letter]

2014. "Postlaunch performance of the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) nadir sensors." J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 119 (7): 4413-4428 [10.1002/2013JD020472] [Journal Article/Letter]

2014. "OMPS Limb Profiler instrument performance assessment." J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 119 (7): 4399-4412 [10.1002/2013JD020482] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Validation of Ozone Monitoring Instrument level 1b data products." Journal of Geophysical Research 113 (D15): D15S06 [10.1029/2007jd008665] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Ozone profile retrieval from GOMOS limb scattering measurements." J. Geophys. Res. 113 (D23): D23307 [10.1029/2007JD009409] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Use of Antarctica for validating reflected solar radiation measured by satellite sensors." J. Geophys. Res. 113 (D16): D16S34 [10.1029/2007JD008835] [Journal Article/Letter]

2006. "Ozone Monitoring Instrument Calibration." IEEE Trans on Geosc And Remote Sensing 44 (5): IGRSD2 1209-1238 [Journal Article/Letter]

2003. "An assessment of long-term ozone trend uncertainties using Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometers (TOMS)." International Journal of Remote Sensing 24 (2): 329-338 [10.1080/01431160304971] [Journal Article/Letter]

1997. "The Meteor 3/total ozone mapping spectrometer version 7 dataset: Calibration and analysis ." Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 102 (D15): 19247-19256 [Journal Article/Letter]

1995. "Meteor-3 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer Observations of the 1993 Ozone Hole." J. Geophys. Res 100 2973-2983 [Journal Article/Letter]


2018. "Advances in UV Remote Sensing." Comprehensive Remote Sensing 340-352 [Article in Book]