Astrochemistry Laboratory
People - Theory & Observation Group - Sciences and Exploration Directorate - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Theory & Observation Group Members

Theory & Observation Group – Members

Steven Charnley

Steven Charnley: PhD in Physics, University of Manchester (1988)

Martin Cordiner

Martin Cordiner: PhD in Astrochemistry, The University of Nottingham (July 2006)

Gwenaelle Dufour

Gwenaelle Dufour: PhD in Astrochemistry, Leiden University (expected January 2021)

Miwha Jin

Miwha Jin: Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Virginia (December 2021)

Stefanie Milam

Stefanie Milam: PhD in Chemistry, University of Arizona (October 2007)

Jonathon Nosowitz

Jonathon Nosowitz: B. S. in Computer Science, Iona College; Masters in Computational Science at Florida State University

Nathaniel Roth

Nathan Roth: PhD in Physics, University of Missouri - St. Louis (September 2019)