JWST Solar System Science
JWST – Tools and Resources
JWST Solar System Resources
- Guaranteed Time Observations
- General Observer (GO) Programs
- Early Release Science (ERS)
- JWST Solar System FAQ: answers to a wide range of technical questions specifically on Solar System observations with JWST.
- JDox: a comprehensive repository for technical documentation related to JWST
- Navigation and Ancillary Instrument Facility (NAIF) data: a set of JWST trajectory Spacecraft and Planet Kernels (SPKs) generated by the Solar System Dynamic group. The release of these JWST observatory ephemerides via the NAIF server to the science community has been authorized by the JWST Operations Project to facilitate proposal and observation planning.
- Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST): a unified, queryable online archive hosting publicly accessible data products from space telescopes, including JWST
JWST Proposal Tools
- Astronomer’s Proposal Tool (APT): a stand-alone GUI software package used for designing, validating, and submitting JWST observing proposals
- JWST Target Visibility Tools: tools to help proposers evaluate the visibility of both stationary and moving targets for observations with JWST instruments
- Exposure Time Calculator (ETC): a dedicated online tool for proposal planning that performs detailed signal-to-noise calculations for all JWST instruments and observing modes
- MIRISim: similar to the ETC, this software package generates end-to-end simulations of imaging and spectroscopic observations using the JWST Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI)
JWST Homepages
- NASA JWST Homepage: the official NASA homepage for JWST, containing general information about the spacecraft launch, operation, instruments, and science mission
- ESA JWST Homepage: the official European Space Agency homepage for JWST
- CSA JWST Homepage: the official Canadian Space Agency homepage for JWST
- UK JSWT Homepage: United Kingdom homepage for the JWST
- STScI JWST Homepage: Space Telescope Science Institute JWST homepage with up-to-date news on the telescope, links to documentation and programs list
- JWST white papers: a collection of documents written by the JWST Science Working Group outlining some of the scientific programs that might be accomplished by the observatory
- Twitter https://twitter.com/NASAWebb
- Facebook https://facebook.com/NASAWebb
- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nasawebb/