Solar System Exploration Division
Solar System Tour - Neptune



Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun, and receives only 1/900 of the sunlight received at Earth. Of the 4 giant planets, it radiates the most internal heat relative to what it receives from the Sun.

Image of Neptune taken by Voyager 2

This photograph of Neptune was reconstructed from two images taken by Voyager 2's narrow-angle camera, through the green and clear filters.
Credit: (NASA/JPL)

It also has the strongest winds in the solar system, in excess of 800 miles per hour. A large storm, the Great Dark Spot, was seen by Voyager but disappeared in the 1990s.


Triton, moon of Neptune

Global color mosaic of Triton, taken in 1989 by Voyager 2 during its flyby of the Neptune system.

Fun Facts

  • Discovered in 1846, based on predictions from variations in Uranus' orbit

  • 14 moons and counting

  • the largest, Triton, has active nitrogen geysers faint rings

  • A year on Neptune lasts ~165 years


Voyager 2: 1989 flyby