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HPL Research
Special Note: Recent scientific and technical papers by HPL staff members can be found in the Heliophysics Sciences Division's Publications List.
Science Research and Support
- See August bi-monthly report on activities, current metrics and plans of the Sun-Solar-System Active Archive (S3CAA).
- Fluctuations in the Solar wind couple to Earth'sMagnetopause and produce enhanced pulsations(Kessel et al.)
+ paper (3MB PDF) in Annales Geophysicae, 2003+ paper (22MB PDF) in Multiscale Coupling of Sun-Earth Processes, 2005
- Heliospheric and magnetospheric interactions with solar system bodies, including applications to astrobiology (Cooper)
- Ionospheric modeling and the International Reference Ionosphere IRI (Bilitza)
- Radiation Belt Modeling (Fung). Design and implementation of a trapped radiation database and associated modeling, which will enable convenient and reliable characterizations of the space environment for future space-based systems.
- MHD modeling of flow vortices along the Earth's magnetopause (Kessel, Collado-Vega)
+ poster paper (ppt) at Dec. 2004 AGU Meeting
- Radio explorer kiosk education supplement to the Planetary Advanced Radio Sounder (PARS) research project (Garcia)
- Energetic Particles from the Goddard experiment on IMP-8.
IT Research & Development
- Sonification Prototype for Space Physics (Candey, Schertenleib, Diaz-Merced)
+ paper (1.2 MB ppt) in Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED43B-0850.
- Building from Where We Are: Web
Services and Java-Based Clients to Enable Virtual Observatories (Candey, et al)
+ paper (193 KB ppt) in Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN31B-1146.
- CDAWeb+ Java client: an Experiment in Integrating Disparate Data Systems (ppt), Spring 2005 AGU (SH51B-12)
- S3C Active Archive Services and Capabilities Relevant to the eGY (in two parts) Spring 005 AGU (U23A-02)
- Investigation of data systems and networking solutions that contribute to enhanced data access and interoperability.
- Maintenance and evolution of the Common Data Format (CDF) , including conversion tools to/from CDF to other major formats, and the CDF home page.
- Research in knowledge discovery tools including data mining, pattern recognition, and sonification.
- XML systems development in support of NASA science programs; coordination of GSFC-wide XML Working Group.
- Enhance the GSFC mission planning process through the identification, evaluation, and testing of mission planning automated tools and techniques, illustrated by the highly successful IMAGE Data System Operation.