Heliophysics Science Division
TYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> Ron Muller - Abstract

Adapting the ST5 Satellite Design to do the MagCon Mission

Mr. Ron Muller
Senior Staff Engineer
QSS Group, Inc.

I will report on a study that shows how the multi-satellite MagCon Mission could be implemented by satellites that are derived from NASA's New Millennium ST5 satellites. The MagCon Mission will consist of many (50 to 100) satellites in high, elliptical orbits all with perigees of a few Earth radii (Re) and apogees ranging from 8 Re to 40 Re. Each MagCon will carry 3 instruments that will make in situ measurements of the Earth's Magnetotail. The presentation will discuss how ST5 can be modified to reduce its mass and cost so that the maximum number of MagCon satellites can be launched for the constrained budget that is likely to be available.