Code 6794, Plasma Physics Division Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. 20375
Dec. 1980 Ph.D., Physics, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Jun. 1974 B.Sc., Physics, St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad, India.
Professional Career:Mar. 1993-Present Research Physicist, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C.- Direct research in NRL/6.1 program and other externally sponsored research programs.
Mar. 1990-May 1993 Head, Theory Section, Space Plasma Branch, Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory
Aug. 1987-Mar. 1990 Associate Division Manager, Plasma Physics Division, Science Applications International Corporation
Aug. 1982-Mar. 1987 Research Physicist, Science Applications International Corporation
Aug. 1980-Aug. 1982 Research Physicist, Berkeley Scholars Inc
Professional Activities and Community Service:
1997 Elected Fellow, American Physical Society
1997 Appointed Adjunct Professor, West Virginia University
1996-Present Secretary; Commission H, International Union of Radio Science
1994-1996 Advisor, Doctoral dissertation, Mr. Valeri Gavritchtchaka, West Virginia University
- Member, NSF GEM review panel
1991 Member, NSF Committee of Visitors, reviewed NSF's magnetospheric program.
1998-2000 Member, NSF/DoE Review panel
1985-Present Full member of the American Physics Society and the American Geophysical Union.
Five Selected Publications:
Ganguli, G., Y.C. Lee and P.J. Palmadesso, "Kinetic theory for electrostatic waves due to transverse velocity shears", Phys. Fluids, 31, 823, (1988).
G. Ganguli, "Stability of an inhomogeneous transverse plasma flow", Phys. Plasmas, 5, 1544, 1997.
G. Ganguli, "Interrelationship of Local and global Physics in the Low Altitude Ionosphere", Cross-Scale Coupling in Space Plasmas, Geophysical Monograph 93, American Geophysical Union, p. 23, 1995
Ganguli, G., M.J. Keskinen, H. Romero, R. Heelis, T. Moore, and C. Pollock, "Coupling of microprocesses and macroprocesses due to velocity shear: An application to low altitude ionosphere", J. Geophys. Res., 99, 8873, 1994.
Romero, H., G. Ganguli, and Y.C. Lee, "Coherent Structures and Ion Acceleration in Shear Driven Lower Hybrid Turbulence", Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 3503, 1992.