Dr. William A. Coles
University of California at San Diego
BORN: August 15, 1941 Toledo, Ohio, USA
CITIZENSHIP: U.S.A. / Canadian (dual national)
B.A. Sc., 1963, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
M. Eng., 1965, McGill University, Montreal
Ph.D., 1969, Begun at University of California, Berkeley; Completed at University of California, San Diego
Solar/Space Physics: particularly the study of the solar wind; its
large scale structure, and its turbulence.
Wave Propagation, particularly the propagation of electromagnetic
waves in turbulent media. Simulation of such propagation problems.
Radio Astronomy, particularly the study of the interstellar plasma
and its effect on apparent variability of radio sources.
Electronic Instrumentation, particularly for radio astronomy.
1975-76, Guggenheim Fellow, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia and Cavendish
Laboratory, Cambridge, U.K.
1981-Present, Professor, University of California, San Diego;
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering