Heliophysics Science Division
(210) 681-6613

Philip Valek

(210) 681-6613

7935 Pipers Creek, Apt. 404

San Antonio, TX 78251






Expected Spring 2001����������� Auburn University, Auburn, AL, Ph.D., Physics

1997���������������� ����������� Auburn University, Auburn, AL, M.S., Physics

1994���������������� ����������� Illinois State University, Normal, IL, B.S., Physics

1994���������������� ����������� Illinois State University, Normal, IL, B.S., Mathematics



Research Assistant, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, 1997 � present

Scientific Studies

Conducted studies focused on low energy ionospheric outflows in the Polar Regions.Developed algorithms for the analysis of particle data from the Polar spacecraft. Presented results of studies at scientific conferences.Results of ionospheric outflow study are the core of Ph.D. dissertation.

Hardware Development

Developed, constructed, and tested components for prototype and space flight models of the Medium Energy Neutral Atom (MENA) imager for the NASA IMAGE spacecraft.Set up calibration system for the MENA instrument.This involved definition of calibration plans, production and calibration of ion and neutral atom beams, and operation of the calibration facility used for calibration.Managed an upgrade of the calibration facility.This involved management of technical and engineering staff and a budget of $300,000.Facility was upgraded in vacuum systems, positioning system, clean room environment and computer control and interfacing.


Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Auburn University, 1995-1997

Studied the effects of contamination on Langmuir probe measurements used in a linear plasma experiment.Constructed helicon antenna and matching electronics for RF helicon plasma source.Ran experiments studying solitary wave phenomena in linear plasma device.


Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, Auburn University, 1994-1997

Taught laboratory sections of non-calculus and calculus based physics course.Lead recitation sessions for non-calculus physics courses.Graded student work and exams.


Research Assistant, Crop ProTech, Naperville, Il.,1994

Collected data for agronomy studies.Maintained research agricultural field test plots.Compiled data to produce field maps from scout reports.


Research Assistant, Department of Physics, Illinois State University, 1992-1994

Wrote FORTRAN code used in the analysis of magnetosphere modeling of the tail region.


Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, Illinois State University, 1992-1994

Taught laboratory sections of non-calculus and calculus based physics courses.Graded student laboratory reports.



         Outstanding First Year Graduate Student, Department of Physics, Auburn University, 1995

         NASA Alabama Space Grant Fellow, 1997-1999

         Presidential Award, Illinois State University, 1990

         Member of American Geophysical Union


         Development of imaging particle detectors

         Experience with production of nano-technology using holographic lithography techniques

         Experience working in clean room environments and with contamination sensitive space flight hardware

         Operation and maintenance of vacuum systems for calibration and testing of scientific apparatus, scientific research, and manufacturing

         Proficient with Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems

         Proficient in visualization software such ad IDL, KaleidaGraph, and in analytical programming in FORTRAN, IDL



Pollock, C.J., et al, �Medium Energy Neutral Atom (MENA) Imager for the IMAGE Mission,�

��� Space Science Reviews, 91, pp. 113-154, 2000


Pollock, C.J., et al, �Initial Medium Energy Neutral Atom (MENA) Images of Earth�s

��� Magnetosphere During Substorm and Storm-Time�, Submitted to Geophysical Research

��� Letters, November 11, 2000


Valek, P.W., et al., �Low Energy Ion Heating and Outflow with Respect to a Persistent

��� Magnetospheric Boundary�, In Preparation.



Valek, P.W, J.D. Perez, C.J. Pollock, J.Jahn, M.P. W�est, T.E. Moore, W.K. Peterson, Low

��� Energy Ion Population�s Heating and Outflow with Respect to a Persistant Magnetospheric

��� Boundary, 2000 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA,

��� December, 2000


Valek, P.W, J.D. Perez, C.J. Pollock, J.Jahn, M.P. W�est, T.E. Moore, W.K. Peterson, Study of

��� the Spatial Location of the Low Energy Ion Population�s Heating and Outflow with Respect to

��� the Low Latitude Boundary of the Cusp, 2000 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical

��� Union, Washington D.C., May, 2000


Jahn, J. B.L. Giles, T.E. Moore, W.K. Peterson, C.J. Pollock, P.W. Valek, M.P. W�est, Solar Wind

��� Control of Low Energy Ionospheric Outflow During Geomagnetic Storms, 2000 Spring Meeting

��� of the American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C., May, 2000


Pollock, C.J et al, First Medium Energy Neutral Atom Imager Results From the IMAGE Mission,

��� Invited Poster, 2000 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C.,

��� May, 2000


Valek, P.W, J.D. Perez, C.J. Pollock, J.Jahn, M.P. W�est, B.L. Giles, T.E. Moore, W.K. Peterson,

��� Terrestrial Outflows in Response to Coronal Mass Ejections, 1999 Fall Meeting of the

��� American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA., December 1999


Jahn, J. B.L. Giles, T.E. Moore, W.K. Peterson, C.J. Pollock, P.W. Valek, M.P. W�est,

��� Ionospheric Outflow as a Function of Geomagnetic Activity During 1996-1999 Storms, 1999

��� Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA., December 1999


Giles, B.L., T.E. Moore, C.J. Pollock, J. Jahn, P.W. Valek, On the Nature of Terestrial Ion

��� Outflows in the Absence of a Solar Wind Driver, 1999 Fall Meeting of the American

��� Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA., December 1999


A Study of Terrestrial Ion Outflows in Response to Coronal Mass Ejections, The Polar Satellite

��� Science Team Workshop, Goddard Space Flight Center, October 1999