Networks and IT Security CODE 606.1
Sciences and Exploration Directorate - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

GSFC High End Computer Network (HECN) R&D Network

The GSFC High End Computer Network (HECN) R&D Network is a local, non-mission dedicated, R&D testbed network contributing to advanced network technology evaluations for the next generation high-end computer network at GSFC. The HECN R&D Network shares the GSFC Science and Engineering Network's (SEN's) high-speed links to the National LambdaRail (NLR), Internet2 and other Next Generation Internet (NGI) networks.

The purpose of the HECN R&D Network is to enable research, development, evaluations, and demonstrations of high performance network capabilities and testbeds utilizing leading edge communications technologies and networking protocols to support new high end computer user applications. As the knowledge gained from investigating the technologies and protocols in the HECN R&D Network is reapplied directly in support of users and developers of the GSFC SEN, the HECN R&D Network should be viewed as a GSFC-based strategic asset contributing to GSFC's evolving networking capability.

Additional information about the HECN R&D Network is available, including info about:

  • Historical evolution of the R&D network goals and accomplishments,
  • Recent key accomplishments achieved from the R&D effort,
  • Current goals and plans.