Astrochemistry Laboratory
People - Hot Environments Lab - Sciences and Exploration Directorate - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

Hot Environments Lab - People

Hot Environments Lab – People

Woman with medium length red hair

Erika Kohler

Dr. Erika Kohler is a planetary scientist in the Solar System Exploration Division where she investigates the chemical and spectral properties of exoplanetary atmospheres, and surface/atmospheric interactions on Venus. She is also the Deputy Project Scientist on DAVINCI, one of the recently selected missions to Venus. Her work addresses the need to enhance the accuracy of atmospheric models and mission observations by designing and developing innovative experiments to simulate the extreme environments found on Venus and exoplanets, pushing the boundaries of what is possible for in situ measurements in a laboratory. She runs two Venus simulation chambers, as well as other instruments capable of simulating environments up to 2400°C.

Dr. Kohler studied Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma, and received her Ph.D in Space and Planetary Sciences at the University of Arkansas. She enjoys reading, traveling, and fostering dogs.

Woman with short dark brown hair

Natasha Johnson

Natasha Johnson is the Chief of the Astrochemistry Laboratory in the Solar System Exploration Division at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Her research interests include gas-grain reactions in the early solar nebula, atmospheric-surface reactions on Venus, and the formation of prebiotic organics in the early solar system. Her primary research activities have involved laboratory experiments to form organics through surface-mediated reactions, synthesizing analogs for early solar system materials, and running solid samples under Venus temperature/pressure conditions.

Dr. Johnson is currently serving as the Project Scientist for DAVINCI+, a 2019 Discovery Phase A Concept Study. She had also served as the Project Scientist for DAVINCI, a 2016 Discovery Phase A Concept Study (a Venus atmosphere descent probe). Dr. Johnson is the founder and director of vici (Venus In situ Chamber Investigations), which is a small Venus pressure chamber facility located at NASA Goddard.

Bald man with beard

Jacopo Terragni

Dr. Jacopo Terragni is a Senior Faculty Specialist at the Astronomy Department of University of Maryland and works as Laboratory Associate in the Hot Environments Laboratory at NASA GSFC. He primarily runs an FTIR spectrometer equipped with a high-pressure and high-temperature cell to measure the optical properties of gases and atmospheric particles under extreme conditions similar to those expected in exoplanetary atmospheres, providing lab data to better interpret exoplanets observations and improve the accuracy of their atmospheric modeling. He also conducts thermal analysis of refractory materials to better understand the physical and chemical processes involved in the formation of clouds in exoplanetary atmospheres.

Dr. Terragni studied Materials Science at the University of Milano - Bicocca (IT), and received a MSc in Theoretical and Computational Physics and a Ph.D. in Physics - Space Data Science and Technology Program - from the University of Trento (IT). He enjoys playing soccer, running, and exploring the vast and beautiful U.S. National Parks.