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SSERVI Award Winners 2022
Recognizing that science and exploration go hand in hand, NASA created SSERVI in 2013 to advance human exploration of the Moon and other solar system destinations. The SSERVI Awards recognize outstanding achievement in exploration science and recipients have each made unique contributions to NASA’s human exploration efforts. SSERVI Award winners are nominated by their academic peers and are selected by a committee based at SSERVI’s central office. The awards will be presented along with invited lectures from the recipients at the 2022 NASA Exploration Science Forum (NESF) taking place July 19-21.
It is our great pleasure to announce this year’s SSERVI award winners. Each is exceptionally deserving, and each is an outstanding member of our community, providing both exceptional science and strong leadership.
Susan Mahan Niebur Early Career Award:
Dr. O.J. Tucker and Dr. Kelsey Young
Angioletta Coradini Mid-Career Award:
Dr. Carolyn van der Bogert
Michael J. Wargo Exploration Science Award:
Dr. Ben Bussey
Eugene Shoemaker Distinguished Scientist Medal
Dr. Lisa Gaddis
Each of this year’s winners is exceptionally deserving, and it’s an honor to work with them to help further our great efforts as we get ever closer to what we all hope is a permanent presence on our Moon.
Poster Blowout 2019 is in the books!
Photos from this year's Poster Blowout are available now. Congratulations to everyone, especially this year's winners!
Poster Blowout 2018
Note from the Director:
I would like to thank the Director’s Science Committee for putting on an amazingly successful event where scientists and engineers across Goddard shared their work and made new contacts. The interdisciplinary interactions were especially exciting and crossed all four science disciplines.
Click the title of this news item or the image below for more images from the poster party.
Goddard Planetary Instruments Win Development, Maturation Funding
Three instrument proposals led by researchers in Goddard's Solar System Exploration Division were selected for funding by the PICASSO and MatISSE programs. The PICASSO selection was "Development of a Prototype for the Thermal Infrared Composite Imaging Spectrometer (TIRCIS) Instrument," with Terry Hurford as the PI. Selected for MatISSE funds were the "Mars Lidar for Global Climate Measurements from Orbit (MARLI)" with James Abshire as the PI, and "Picture this SELFI: A Maturation Project for a Submillimeter Enceladus Life Fundamentals Instrument (SELFI)" with Gordon Chin as the PI. Read more here.
More Goddard CubeSat Mission Concepts Selected for Study
Researchers in Code 690 have leadership roles in six studies selected under the Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Studies (PSDS3) program to develop mission concepts for small satellites. 1. Valeria Cottini, PI: the CubeSat UV Experiment (CUVE); 2. Timothy Stubbs, PI: Bi-sat Observations of the Lunar Atmosphere above Swirls (BOLAS); 3. Tilak Hewagama, PI: Primitive Object Volatile Explorer (PrOVE); 4. Noah Petro, PI: Mini Lunar Volatiles (MiLUV) mission; 5. Mike Collier, PI: Phobos Regolith Ion Sample Mission (PRISM); and 6. Barbara Cohen, co-Investigator: Lunar Water Assessment, Transport, Evolution, and Resource (WATER) mission. Read more here.
Goddard CubeSat Mission Concepts Selected for Study
Two studies led by researchers in Code 690 were selected under the Planetary Science Deep Space SmallSat Studies (PSDS3) program to develop mission concepts using small satellites to investigate Venus, Earth’s moon, asteroids, Mars and the outer planets. Timothy Stubbs leads the Bi-sat Observations of the Lunar Atmosphere above Swirls (BOLAS), which would use tethered 12-unit CubeSats to investigate the moon's hydrogen cycle. Valeria Cottini leads the CubeSat UV Experiment (CUVE), a 12-unit CubeSat orbiter to measure ultraviolet absorption and nightglow emissions to understand Venus’ atmospheric dynamics.
Science Jamboree event photos
The 2016 Science Jamboree was a great success! A collection of 50 photos from the event are available now.
Paul Mahaffy Named Director of the Solar System Exploration Division
Paul Mahaffy has been named the new Director of Goddard’s Solar System Exploration Division. Paul served for nearly 10 years as Chief of the Planetary Environments Laboratory, leading this group’s study of planetary atmospheres and surface environments with emphases on the modeling of atmospheres and surface environments, advanced instrument development, the study of terrestrial planetary analogs, and the development of space-qualified instruments. Paul is currently Principal Investigator of the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) investigation on the Curiosity rover and of the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) on the MAVEN Mars orbiter. He previously participated in a wide range of planetary missions, including those to Jupiter, Saturn, comets, and the moon.
Anne Kinney wins a Presidential Rank Award
Anne Kinney received a 2012 Presidential Rank Award (Meritorious Executive). These awards are given to high-performing senior career employees for "sustained extraordinary accomplishment." Executives from across Government are nominated by their agency heads, evaluated by citizen panels, and designated by the President. Winners of these awards are deemed to be strong leaders, professionals, or scientists who achieve results and consistently demonstrate strength, integrity, industry, and a relentless commitment to excellence in public service.
Connerney Discusses Juno Mission to Jupiter
Jack Connerney talks about the Juno mission to Jupiter and the spacecraft's magnetometer, designed and built at Goddard, with the Washington Post, the Guardian and Space.com.
Washington Post Story
Guardian Podcast
Space.com story
National Geographic News features LPSA field study
Photo gallery highlights the trip taken by Goddard's Lunar and Planetary Sciences Academy interns to investigate the roving rocks of Racetrack Playa in Death Valley, Calif.
What's on Mercury?
Pamela Clark of Code 695 tells Discovery News what might be learned about the solar system by studying Mercury.
Cosmic noise could improve space weather forecasts
Mike Collier of Code 695 explains how dedicated measurements of soft X-rays could improve our understanding of Earth's magnetosphere and of space weather.
Connerney quoted by Nature News
In a Nature News story, Jack Connerney of Code 695 discusses the continuing mystery of the puzzling magnetic stripes found by the Mars Global Surveyor.
Showing 1 to 14 of 14.