Planetary Magnetospheres Laboratory

Micah J Schaible


Micah J Schaible's Contact Card & Information.
Org Code: 695
Mail Code 695
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Micah is an experimental physicist and planetary scientist working in the Planetary magnetospheres group at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. He is an expert in developing experimental studies of how radiation (e.g., the solar wind and planetary magnetospheres) interacts with solid materials, and in applying that knowledge to further Solar System exploration. The goals of this work are to provide atomic-scale characterization of radiation-induced processes in a wide variety of astromaterials (e.g., meteorites and returned samples) and mineral analogs, vapor deposited molecular volatiles (e.g., H2O and CH4), and biomolecular thin films. Of particular interest are the interfaces of chiral molecules and magnetized surfaces. His experimental efforts combine ultra-high vacuum systems, cryogenic cooling, and ion, electron and UV/X-ray radiation sources to replicate outer space environments and to study how radiation produces space weathering effects on airless bodies such as the lunar surface, asteroids, and icy moons. Materials analyses are carried out using a variety of surface characterization techniques including ion and neutral mass spectrometry, scanning probe microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and photoelectron spectroscopy. Through collaborations with experts in computational modeling, the experimental results are used to better understand spacecraft observations, to help guide future exploration efforts, and to identify potentially valuable materials resources in space.


Research Faculty Community Trailblazer Award, 2022, Georgia Tech College of Science for “demonstrated and sustained leadership that strengthens the sense of community within the College of Sciences.”

Community Leadership Impact Award, 2022, Georgia Tech School of Chemistry and Biochemistry for “exceptional service and efforts in community building.”

Robert H. Goddard Exceptional Achievement for Science, 2019, Team award, DREAM2 Center for Space Environments, Goddard Space Flight Center.

Fred D. Rossi Outstanding Citizen Award, 2016, Materials Science and Engineering, UVA for “superior contributions to the academic, educational, and outreach goals … and for exemplary teamwork."

First Place for Space Sciences and Physics, 2014, Robert J. Huskey Graduate Research Exhibition, UVA.


Research Space Scientist

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, MD

March 2024 - Present

Research Scientist II

EPICS Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, GA

September 2021 - March 2024

NASA Postdoctoral Fellow

SSERVI REVEALS Team, Georgia Tech - Atlanta, GA

September 2019 - August 2021

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

EPICS Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, GA

January 2017 - August 2019


Ph.D. in Engineering Physics, December 2016

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

M.S. in Engineering Physics, May 2014

University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

B.S. in General Engineering (High Honors), May 2008

Montana Tech University, Butte, MT

-      Minors in Mathematics, Spanish, Chemistry

Teaching Experience

Lead Instructor, Alternative Energy (Chem 3700) - Spring 2023

School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

Co-instructor (of record), Alternative Energy (Chem 3700) - Spring 2022

School of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

Co-instructor (of record), Planetary Science and Astrobiology Seminar (EAS6040) - Spring 2019 – Spring 2020

School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

Co-Instructor (of record), Intro. to Materials Science and Engineering (MSE2090) - Spring 2014

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Teaching Assistant, Physics of Materials (MSE 7140) - Fall 2013

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA