Solar System Exploration Division

Dare Bartelt


Dare Bartelt's Contact Card & Information.
Org Code: 699
Mail Code 699
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Employer: Southeastern Universities Research Assoc.

Brief Bio

I am interested in studying the atmospheres of exoplanets to understand their composition and how that can inform us on formation and evolution histories of these planets. My work has ranged from data analysis of high-resolution spectroscopic observations of hot Jupiters to modeling stellar and planetary atmospheres to determine the habitability of rocky exoplanets orbiting M-dwarfs.

Current Projects

Rocky Worlds Director's Discretionary Time Program

Theory & Modeling

This project has determined an initial set of targets: LTT 1445 A c and GJ 3929 b. I am making tailored full-wavelength synthetic spectra for the host stars of these planets (LTT 1445 A and GJ 3929) with the PHOENIX atmosphere code and using archival HST and GALEX observations as empirical guidance to constrain the UV spectrum. I am also using the Planetary Spectrum Generator to create model spectra for LTT 1445 A c, GJ 3929 b, and LTT 1445 A b. 


B.Sc., Astronomy, University of Arizona, 2024

Minors in Physics and Mathematics

Professional Societies

The American Astronomical Society

2024 - Present

Selected Public Outreach

Flandrau Science Center and Planetarium

July 2022 - June 2024