Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Loss through Auroral Microburst Precipitation (LAMP)


Field Campaign




Launch Date:

March 2022


The LAMP sounding rocket was launched to provide insights into three science questions: 1) What is the optical signature of auroral microburst precipitation and what is its spatial distribution with respect to pulsating aurora? 2) Does auroral microburst precipitation (specifically microburst “trains”) account for the high frequency modulations typically superimposed on the pulsating aurora, i.e. how are those structures related temporally? and 3) Is there a high energy tail component of the auroral microburst electron distribution with energy greater than a few 100 keV, i.e. are the auroral microbursts that are observed within pulsating aurora a subset of relativistic, radiation belt electron microbursts?

Key Staff
  • Principal Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator:
  • Co Investigator: