Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Virginie Jeannine Buchard

(Senior Research Scientist)

Virginie Jeannine Buchard's Contact Card & Information.
Phone: 301.614.6266
Org Code: 610.1
Mail Code 610.1
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Virginie Buchard is a Research Scientist based at the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) since 2010. She obtained a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences in 2009 from the University of Lille 1 in France. Her research interests are primarily in aerosol modeling and data assimilation as well as in radiative transfer simulations. She is currently the lead developer of the aerosol data assimilation system in GEOS using JCSDA/JEDI framework. She is focusing on developing a system that allows the assimilation of multi-wavelength Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) within GEOS. Prior to that, she contributed to the development of observation operators for polarized radiances in the UV and visible part of the spectrum, and worked on assessing the quality of aerosols estimates from NASA GMAO’s aerosol reanalysis. 


Ph.D. in Atmospheric Sciences at the Laboratoire d'Optique Atmospherique, University of Lille1, France, 2009.

Master Degree in Physics (Optics, Molecular and Atmospheric Physics), University of Lille1, 2005.

Teaching Experience

2005-2009: Physics teacher for bachelor’s students in Physics at the University of Lille1.

Dr. Buchard contributes to the website by writing Python related notes.


NASA GMAO Award for Scientific Achievement, 2016.

NASA Group Achievement Award, MERRA-2 Science Team, 2019



2024. "Benchmarking GOCART-2G in the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)." Geoscientific Model Development 17 (3): 1443-1468 [10.5194/gmd-17-1443-2024] [Journal Article/Letter]

2024. "Monitoring biomass burning aerosol transport using CALIOP observations and reanalysis models: a Canadian wildfire event in 2019." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 24 (2): 1329-1344 [10.5194/acp-24-1329-2024] [Journal Article/Letter]

2023. "Public Health Data Applications Using the CDC Tracking Network: Augmenting Environmental Hazard Information With Lower‐Latency NASA Data." GeoHealth 7 (12): [10.1029/2023gh000971] [Journal Article/Letter]

2023. "The South American Tropopause Aerosol Layer (SATAL)." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society [10.1175/bams-d-23-0074.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "An evaluation of biomass burning aerosol mass, extinction, and size distribution in GEOS using observations from CAMP2Ex." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 22 (24): 16091-16109 [10.5194/acp-22-16091-2022] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Hourly and Daily PM 2.5 Estimations Using MERRA‐2: A Machine Learning Approach." Earth and Space Science 9 (11): [10.1029/2022ea002375] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Mass concentration estimates of long-range-transported Canadian biomass burning aerosols from a multi-wavelength Raman polarization lidar and a ceilometer in Finland." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (9): 6159-6179 [10.5194/amt-14-6159-2021] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "A global model–measurement evaluation of particle light scattering coefficients at elevated relative humidity." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (17): 10231-10258 [10.5194/acp-20-10231-2020] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "A Geostationary Instrument Simulator for Aerosol Observing System Simulation Experiments." Atmosphere 10 (1): 2 [10.3390/atmos10010002] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Observations of the Interaction and Transport of Fine Mode Aerosols with Cloud and/or Fog in Northeast Asia from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) and Satellite Remote Sensing." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres [10.1029/2018JD028313] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Retrievals of aerosol microphysics from simulations of spaceborne multiwavelength lidar measurements." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 205 27-39 [10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.09.009] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Simulation of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument aerosol index using the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System aerosol reanalysis products." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10 (11): 4121-4134 [10.5194/amt-10-4121-2017] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "The MERRA-2 Aerosol Reanalysis, 1980 – onward, Part I: System Description and Data Assimilation Evaluation." Journal of Climate 30 (17): 6823-6850 [10.1175/jcli-d-16-0609.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "The MERRA-2 Aerosol Reanalysis, 1980 -- onward, Part II: Evaluation and Case Studies." Journal of Climate JCLI-D-16-0613.1 [10.1175/jcli-d-16-0613.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "The Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2)." Journal of Climate 30 5419–5454 [10.1175/jcli-d-16-0758.1] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Evaluation of PM surface concentrations simulated by Version 1 of NASA's MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis over Europe." Atmospheric Pollution Research 8 (2): 374-382 [10.1016/j.apr.2016.10.009] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "Evaluation of PM2. 5 Surface Concentrations Simulated by Version 1 of NASA’s MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis over Israel and Taiwan." Aerosol and Air Quality Research 17 (1): 253--261 [10.4209/aaqr.2016.04.0145] [Journal Article/Letter]

2016. "Interpreting the ultraviolet aerosol index observed with the OMI satellite instrument to understand absorption by organic aerosols: implications for atmospheric oxidation and direct radiative effects." Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16 (4): 2507-2523 [10.5194/acp-16-2507-2016] [Journal Article/Letter]

2016. "Evaluation of the surface PM2.5 in Version 1 of the NASA MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis over the United States." Atmospheric Environment 125 (Part A): 100-111 [10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.11.004] [Journal Article/Letter]

2016. "The MERRA-2 Aerosol Assimilation." Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data Assimilation 45 [Report]

2015. "Using the OMI aerosol index and absorption aerosol optical depth to evaluate the NASA MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis ." Atmos. Chem. Phys. 15 5743-5760 [10.5194/acp-15-5743-2015] [Journal Article/Letter]

2014. "Evaluation of GEOS-5 sulfur dioxide simulations during the Frostburg, MD 2010 field campaign." Atmos. Chem. Phys. 14 (4): 1929-1941 [10.5194/acp-14-1929-2014] [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "Aerosol single scattering albedo retrieved from ground-based measurements in the UV and visible region." Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 4 (1): 1--7 [doi:10.5194/amt-4-1-2011, 2011] [Journal Article/Letter]

2010. "Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo retrieval in the UV range: an application to OMI satellite validation." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (2): 331--340 [doi:10.5194/acp-10-331-2010, 2010] [Journal Article/Letter]

2009. "A new approach to correct for absorbing aerosols in OMI UV." Geophys Res Lett 36 (22): L22805 [10.1029/2009GL041137] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Comparison of OMI ozone and UV irradiance data with ground-based measurements at two French sites." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (16): 4517--4528 [doi:10.5194/acp-8-4517-2008, 2008] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Measurements of UV aerosol optical depth in the French Southern Alps." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (22): 6597--6602 [doi:10.5194/acp-8-6597-2008, 2008] [Journal Article/Letter]

2008. "Validation of UV-visible aerosol optical thickness retrieved from spectroradiometer measurements." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (16): 4655--4663 [doi:10.5194/acp-8-4655-2008, 2008] [Journal Article/Letter]

2005. "Radiative lifetime and oscillator strength determinations in Xe VI." The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 33 (2): 181--191 [10.1140/epjd/e2005-00059-y] [Journal Article/Letter]


2021. "File Specification for MERRA-2 Country-Level Surface PM2.5 Monthly Mean Products." GMAO Office Note No. 20 (Version 1.0): 10 [Full Text] [Other]

2015. "Evaluation of the 7-km GEOS-5 Nature Run." NASA Technical Report Series on Global Modeling and Data Assimilation 36 (NASA/TM-2014-104606): [Report]