Dr. Olga Uritskaya joined the Catholic University of America at NASA / Goddard SFC in 2017 as a Research Associate. She has been involved in the development of unified data standards and the supporting software packages for Heliophysics Event Lists (project leader: A. Roberts), as well as an investigation of socio-economic and ecological impacts of hazardous space weather conditions.
Dr. Uritskaya received her Ph.D. in Mathematical Economics in 2004 from Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia. She was employed by the same University during 1990-2007 as a researcher, staff lecturer and tenured Associate Professor. In 2008 she held a visiting researcher position at University of Calgary, Canada. In 2009 - 2016 Dr. Uritskaya worked for Quantitative Dynamics - a private research company conducting nonlinear analyses of complex economic systems. Since 2017, she is member of Space Weather Center at Catholic University of America.
Olga's research interests are in the applications of advanced mathematical frameworks to complex systems, including multiscale time series analysis, system stability, decision making, early warning systems, and forecasting of catastrophic events.
Olga participates in the development of a new library of IDL and Python codes enabling conversion of non-HPEvent data formats into the plain text HPEvent format and its VOTable version (XML-based format used by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance). This toolkit will contain procedures for an easy reading, browsing, merging, and plotting event lists. This project, led by Aaron Roberts, is the part of the program of the International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance (IHDEA), a collaborative organization whose goal is to guide the development of a data environment in which the international heliophysics and space weather research community can seamlessly find, access, and use all electronically accessible, heliophysics-relevant data sets.
She also leads a cross-disciplinary study of the economic impact of extreme space weather disturbances on high-latitude electric power grids. Using a combination of market data, global and local geomagnetic indices, spacecraft data, and advanced game-theoretical techniques, she is performing a quantitative assessment of risks in space-weather affected systems.
Olga Uritskaya teaches undergraduate and graduate lecture courses as an adjunct professor in the CUA's Department of Economics. She is an author of 5 books, multiple university lecture courses and peer-reviewed scientific papers on nonlinear behavior of complex economics systems. Since 2016 she is a regular panel reviewer for the US Department of Energy.
Selected Publications and Presentations
Uritskaya, O., Uritsky, V. M., Roberts, D. A. Heliophysics Event List: a unified database framework for a multi-mission space weather monitoring throughout the heliosphere //2019 Fall AGU Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, 9 -13 Dec 2019.
Uritskaya, O., Robinson R.M. Direct Economic Evaluation of Impact of Severe Space Weather Events on a Deregulated Electricity Market //2019 Fall AGU Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, 9 -13 Dec 2019.
Pulkkinen A. et al. Inter-disciplinary Study of the Possible Link Between Cetacean Mass Strandings, Geomagnetic Storms and Space Weather // US Department of the Interior Bureau of Ocean, Energy Management Office of Renewable Energy Programs, March 18, 2018
Zellar R. et al. Statistical Assessment of Cetacean Stranding Events in Cape Cod Area // NASA Technical Reports Server, Report GSFC-E-DAA-TN49142, December 11, 2017
Robinson R., Uritskaya O. Decision Making and Risk Evaluation Frameworks for Extreme Weather Events // 2017 Fall AGU Meeting Abstracts, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec 2017.
Zellar, R. et al. Statistical Assessment of Cetacean Stranding Events in Cape Cod (Massachusetts, USA) area // 2017 Fall AGU Meeting Abstracts, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec 2017.
Uritskaya O.Y., Uritsky V.М. Predictability of Price Movements in Deregulated Electricity Markets // Energy Economics, Vol. 49, February 2015, p. 72–81
Uritskaya O.Y., Serletis А. Quantifying Multiscale Inefficiency in Electricity Markets // Energy Economics, Vol. 30, Issue 6, November 2008, p. 3109-3117
Serletis А., Uritskaya O.Y., Uritsky V.М. Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of the US Stock Market // International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 18 (2), 2008 – p. 599-603
Serletis А., Uritskaya O.Y. Detecting Signatures of Stochastic Self-Organization in US Money and Velocity Measures // Phisica A, Vol.385 (1), 2007. – p. 281-291.
Uritskaya O.Y. Fractal Methods for Modeling and Forecasting of Currency Crises // Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems. – Proc. FISS MASR, SPb., 2005. – pр. 210-215.( Fourth International Scientific School MASR – 2005 (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 28- July 1, 2005).
Uritskaya O.Y. Forecasting of Magnitude and Duration of Currency Crises Based on Analysis of Distortions of Fractal Scaling in Exchange Rate Fluctuations // Noise and Fluctuations in Econophysics and Finance. Eds. D.Abbott, J.-Ph.Bouchaud, X.Gabaix. – Proc. SPIE Vol.5848, 2005. – p. 17-26 (Third SPIE International Symposium on Fluctuations and Noise (Austin, USA, 2005))
Uritskaya O.Y. Evaluation of Optimal Exchange Rate Fluctuations Range by Statistical Temperature Method // Modern Problems and Methods of an Improvement of Government Management.– St.Petersburg: SPbGTU Press, 2004. – p. 378 – 393.
Uritskaya O.Y. Stability of the Open Macroeconomic Systems // Management in the Social and Economic Systems. St.Petersburg: SPbGTU Press, 2006. – p. 304-326.
Uritskaya O.Y. The Fractals Methods for the Determination of Homeostatic Stability of Macroeconomic Systems // Management in the social and economic systems. St.Petersburg: SPbGTU Press, 2006. – p. 326-354.
Uritskaya O.Y. Effect of Disturbances of Fractal Temporal Structure in Currency Floating Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Characteristics of the Active Phase of Monetary Crashes // Modern Problems and Methods of Improvement of Government Management. – St.Petersburg: SPbGTU Press, 2004. – p.341 – 364.