Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Margaret Elizabeth Turcotte Seavey


Margaret Elizabeth Turcotte Seavey's Contact Card & Information.
Org Code: 693
Mail Code 693
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Employer: Southeastern Universities Research Assoc.

Brief Bio

MaggieBeth Turcotte Seavey (she/her) is a Postbaccalaureate Research Assistant supporting 693 and the Habitable Worlds Observatory. Her research focuses on understanding the chemistry of false positive biosignatures -- chemical signals in the atmospheres of other planets that are due to chemical processes rather than the presence of life. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Earth & Climate Sciences from the University of Maine, where she specialized in Geology and Astronomy.

MaggieBeth has research interests in exoplanet atmospheres, exoplanetary surface-atmospheric processes, geosciences applications to astronomy, flagship mission development, and science policy related to the search for life.


Postbaccalaureate Research Assistant

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, MD

August 2024 - Present

As a Postbaccalaureate Research Assistant at NASA Goddard through CRESST-II and SURA, I am performing an intermodel comparison study to evaluate the atmospheric chemistry of Mars-like exoplanets. I utilize the one-dimensional photochemical-climate model "atmos" to ascertain chemical mixing ratios within CO2 catalytic reactions in these atmospheres. This work improves our understanding of false positive oxygen biosignatures -- noticeable amounts of oxygen in planetary atmospheres that is due to chemistry rather than the presence of life.

Student Consultant

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Remote

January 2024 - July 2024

Student Consultant through CRESST-II and SURA at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. As a Student Consultant, I continued my work from my internship with GOMAP at NASA Headquarters by utilizing "atmos" to better understand terrestrial planetary atmospheres. This included filling in knowledge gaps with further modeling efforts and the creation of comparative figures using generated synthetic spectra.

Astrophysics Intern

NASA Headquarters - Remote

June 2023 - December 2023

Astrophysics intern with the Great Observatories Maturation Program (GOMAP) at NASA Headquarters through SURA. In this role I created a spectral library for Habitable Worlds Observatory precursor studies by modeling terrestrial planetary atmospheres with the one-dimensional photochemical-climate model "atmos." I was named an Honorable Mention recipient of the Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award for my presentation on this work at the 243rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society in New Orleans, LA in January 2024.

Data Intern

NASA Headquarters - Remote

January 2023 - May 2023

Data Intern through USRA in the Astrophysics Division at NASA Headquarters. In this role I performed statistical analysis of institutional demographics for reviewers of NASA ROSES calls to establish a baseline.

Astrophysics Intern

NASA Headquarters - Remote

June 2022 - December 2022

OSTEM Intern through USRA with the James Webb Space Telescope Program Office at NASA Headquarters. My tenure in this role centered on an extensive review of the extreme-precision radial velocity (EPRV) exoplanet detection method through the lens of utility in precursor science for the Habitable Worlds Observatory (then called IROUV for the wavelength range it will study). I also contributed to planning and operations of the Second Precursor Science Workshop, held in October of 2022.

Summer Intern

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, MD

June 2019 - August 2019

Summer intern at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center through the Maine Space Grant Consortium, where I worked with the Pandora Project (Code 614) in the Earth Sciences Division. My work determined discrepancies of total-column NO2 data retrievals from co-located Pandora spectrometer instruments through integrating meteorology into data confidence analyses.

Teaching Experience

Maine Learning Assistant, Introduction to Astronomy (Spring 2019 - 2021)

University of Maine Department of Physics and Astronomy

Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Astronomy (Fall 2020)

University of Maine Department of Physics and Astronomy

Undergraduate Lab Assistant, Introduction to Astronomy Lab (Spring 2019)

University of Maine Department of Physics and Astronomy


B.S. in Earth & Climate Sciences, August 2024

Concentration in Geology and a minor in Astronomy

University of Maine, Orono, ME


Honorable Mention, Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Award

Awarded by the American Astronomical Society in February 2024

Nominee, Undergraduate Student Employee of the Year

Awarded by the University of Maine in April 2021

Special Experience

Student Planetarium Show Presenter (Sept 2018 - July 2021)

Versant Power Astronomy Center & M.F. Jordan Planetarium