Sciences and Exploration Directorate

Alain Salma Joseph Khayat


Alain Salma Joseph Khayat's Contact Card & Information.
Phone: 301.614.5420
Org Code: 693
Mail Code 693
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Research Expertise:

  • Remote sensing of the atmosphere of Mars
  • Developing radiative transfer techniques in planetary atmospheres
  • UV, infrared and submillimeter spectroscopy
  • Instrument development: Infrared Spectrometers
  • Space mission operations
  • Spacecraft/Rover operations - Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity rover.

Dr. Alain Khayat is an early career Mars atmospheric scientist focusing on the remote sensing of the Martian atmosphere using spectral and imaging data from spaceflight missions, currently a research astrophysicist in planetary studies at the Planetary Systems Laboratory (PSL), working as a NASA civil servant for the US government. He conducts peer-reviewed, NASA grant-supported research of the atmosphere of Mars to collect and analyze spectral and imaging data from a multitude of spaceflight missions, including, but not limited to, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity, the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), the Perseverance rover and the HOPE mission’s Emirates Mars Infrared Spectrometer (EMIRS). His research primarily focuses on developing and applying multi-wavelength (submillimeter to UV) atmospheric radiative transfer models to interpret spectroscopic and imaging data from orbiting spacecrafts, rovers and Earth-based observatories to provide insights into understanding the composition and surface interactions, structure and evolution of the Martian atmosphere and its climate. Dr. Khayat takes advantage of a multitude of instruments for planetary exploration including spectrometers like hyperspectral imagers, echelle spectrometers and heterodyne receivers. Throughout his presence at the PSL and with the combination of mission work and proposal-supported research projects, he was able to win NASA awards such as the NASA ROSES Mars Data Analysis Program (MDAP), the Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART), and the FLaRe Internal Scientist Funding Model at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC).

Some of his research highlights include the first detection of a high-altitude ozone layer on Mars over the north polar region using solar occultation observations from the ExoMars TGO. This impacts the way we perceive the photochemistry of ozone, an element that plays an important role in helping to stabilize the Martian atmosphere and surface habitability. He also performs spatially resolved retrievals of water vapor over the north polar cap of Mars, the major source of atmospheric water on the red planet, in order to provide insights into the non-uniform sublimation of water ice. Using a technique he developed to retrieve water vapor abundances over surface ice using observations returned by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer on Mars (CRISM) aboard MRO, he provided the water cycle over the pole, and performed high-spatial retrievals to allow the first direct observation of the enhancement of water vapor over the polar troughs on Mars through wind and surface interactions, also known as the katabatic (north-south) jumps, indicating their important role in driving the ice migration in the pole. Dr. Khayat also conducts mission operations of the Curiosity rover at Gale crater on Mars, and provided atmospheric data to study the dust cycle, especially during the 2018 global dust storm (2018GDS). He acquired data of carbon monoxide using the Submillimeter Array (SMA) during multiples phases of the 2018GDS to provide insights into the evolution of the thermal structure of Mars during dust global storms by analyzing the changes in the spectral feature of carbon monoxide in the submillimeter. Using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) echelle spectrometer (CSHELL), Dr. Khayat reported spatially-resolved measurements of atmospheric ratio [HDO]/[H2O], indicating a strong dependence on local time, which was observed for the first time. A global ratio larger than unity indicates water loss from the Martian atmosphere throughout billions of years. Another research highlight includes developing and leading a 3-year campaign targeting volcanic gases on Mars using ground-based observatories such as the IRTF, the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), and the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO), indicating the lack of major volcanic outgassing on current day Mars, and pointing to a non-volcanic origin of a prior release of methane on the red planet. Dr. Khayat is leading a NASA research program from PDART to archive the atmospheric data products by CRISM for the entire lifetime of the instrument (~ 6 Mars years, 12 Earth years), including abundance maps of water vapor, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, observations of oxygen dayglow, vertical distributions of water ice and dust as well as their particle sizes from CRISM limb observations, and column integrated dust and water ice aerosol opacity.

For information on how to formally request an interview with Dr. Alain Khayat, fill out the online request form through NASA's Speakers Bureau, or email Dr. Khayat for more information on how to fill out the form.

Current Projects

Spacecraft Mission Participation

ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter: Team member for the NOMAD near-infrared spectrometer.

Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover: Participating Scientist/Science Team Collaborator/Mission operation.



Research Astrophysicist - Planetary Studies

NASA - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

November 2022 - Present

Assistant Research Scientist

CRESST II - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

July 2019 - October 2022

Postdoctoral Research Associate

CRESST - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

October 2016 - June 2019

Postdoctoral Researcher/ Instrument science

Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology and NASA IRTF - Honolulu, HI.

January 2016 - September 2016

High-resolution infrared and submillimeter spectroscopy in planetary atmospheres.

Radiative transfer in the atmosphere of Mars.

Science Collaborator

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, MD.

August 2011 - September 2016

Goddard Center for Astrobiology.

CAN 7: "Exploring the Evolution of the Water and Organic Reservoirs in the Solar System".

Defining observational strategies for Mars observing campaigns, investigating new methods to synthesize molecular band-systems, and processing high-resolution spectroscopic data.

Graduate Research Assistant

NASA Infrared Telescope Facility - Honolulu, HI.

August 2008 - December 2015

Instrument Development.

Using a computer aided design software (SolidWorks) in order to design and draw different parts for the next generation High-Resolution Echelle Spectrograph (iSHELL) that is mounted on NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility.

Graduate Research Assistant

Institute for Astronomy - University of Hawai'i at Manoa. - Honolulu, HI.

August 2008 - December 2015

Research Assistant

NASA Astrobiology Institute/ University of Hawai'i. - Honolulu, HI.

November 2009 - May 2010

CAN 5: "The Chemical Composition of Comets."

Reducing and analyzing photometric data looking for activity in comet-asteroid transition object 107P/Wilson-Harrington.


2015 Ph. D. in Astronomy. Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawai`i at Manoa, and NASA Infrared Telescope Facility.

2010 M. Sc. in Astronomy. Magna Cum Laude. University of Hawai`i at Manoa.

2006 Diplôme d'ingénieur Mécanique (U.S. Equivalence: Bachelor degree and Master degree: Mechanical Engineering).

Professional Societies

American Geophysical Union

2018 - Present

American Astronomical Society

2010 - 2016

Professional Service

Committee Member. National academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine. "A Science Strategy for the Human Exploration of Mars: Panel on Atmospheric Science and Space Physics". The NASA sponsored panel works on identifying the highest priority science objectives among the atmospheric science and space physics disciplines to be addressed by humans on the surface of Mars.

Reviewer, NASA GSFC's Internal Research & Development Program (IRAD).

Reviewer, United Kingdom (UK) Space Agency.

Reviewer, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

Reviewer, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer.

Reviewer, Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Reviewer, Icarus.

2024: Technical Managers Training (TMT-62) at the Wallops Flight Facility (WFF). Of the main goals: "To advance a highly skilled, competent, and diverse NASA workforce through a better understanding of how Goddard formulates and implements missions to study Earth and Space. To increase awareness of Directorates’ roles in formulation and implementation of GSFC science instruments and payloads, technologies, spacecraft missions, ground systems, and connections with technical experts and/or senior management".

2023: Recovery of Troubled Projects. NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership.

2023: Foundations of Aerospace at NASA. NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership.

2023: Space Mission Operations. NASA Academy of Program/Project & Engineering Leadership.

2022: Share the Science Training. Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science. Stony Brook University.

2020-present: Science team member. Nadir and Occultation for MArs Discovery (NOMAD) on the Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter of the European Space Agency.

2018-present: NASA's Speakers Bureau. "The NASA Speakers Bureau is composed of engineers, scientists, and other professionals who represent the agency as speakers at civic, professional, educational and other public venues".

2018: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Planetary Science Winter School for NASA's early career scientists - Mechanical engineering lead.

2018-2022: Group leader, Exoplanets & Stellar Astrophysics; Solar System Exploration, Astrochemistry; Planetary Systems & Magnetospheres. Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science & Technology II.

2017-present: Served on NASA review panels.

2017-present: Red panel reviewer, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

2016-present: Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Science Team Collaborator.

2016-present: Environmental Science Theme Lead/Keeper of the Plan (ESTLK) for the Environmental Science Theme Group of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL).

2016: NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Planetary Science Summer School - Instrument lead.


Observing nights awarded:

• Submillimeter Array: 5 nights using dual receiver RxA and RxB 2018A (PI)
• NASA Infrared Telescope Facility: 2 nights using CSHELL 2016A (PI)
• James Clerk Maxwell Telescope: 18 hours using HARP 2014A (PI)
• NASA Infrared Telescope Facility: 10 nights using CSHELL 2014A (PI)
• Caltech Submillimeter Observatory: 14 nights using Barney 2012A (PI)
• Caltech Submillimeter Observatory: 12 nights using Barney 2011B (PI)
• NASA Infrared Telescope Facility: 9 nights using CSHELL 2011B (PI)


Characterizing the Local Time Variability of Dust Aerosol Optical Depth and Particle Size in the Martian atmosphere Using Comprehensive Retrievals from EMIRS

Mars Data Analysis Program - NASA (NNH23ZDA001N-MDAP) - Awarded: 2024-04-24

Dates:  - 

An Integrated Database of CRISM’s Atmospheric Retrievals for Mars

Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) - NASA (Planetary Data Archiving, Restoration, and Tools (PDART) - NNH20ZDA001N) - Awarded: 2021-03-26

Dates:  - 

High-resolution Measurements of Atmospheric Water over the North Polar Cap of Mars – an Interconnection Between the Small and Large Scale Processes Controlling the Water Transport Over the Pole

Fundamental Laboratory Research - Internal Science Funding Model - NASA - Awarded: 2020-11-22

Dates:  - 

Measuring Molecular Oxygen, Water Vapor, and Aerosols withChemCam Passive Sky Observations

Mars Data Analysis Program - NASA (NNH18ZDA001N-MDAP) - Awarded: 2019-05-01

Dates:  - 



2024. "Spatial and temporal variability of martian water-ice cloud effective radius in EMIRS thermal infrared observations." Icarus 418 116148 [10.1016/j.icarus.2024.116148] [Journal Article/Letter]

2023. "The Mars Atmosphere Water Ice Aerosol Climatology by MRO/CRISM: 5 Mars Years of Observations." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets [10.1029/2023je007761] [Journal Article/Letter]

2023. "Martian Ozone Observed by TGO/NOMAD‐UVIS Solar Occultation: An Inter‐Comparison of Three Retrieval Methods." Earth and Space Science 10 (2): [10.1029/2022ea002429] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Planet‐Wide Ozone Destruction in the Middle Atmosphere on Mars During Global Dust Storm." Geophysical Research Letters 49 (11): [10.1029/2022gl098821] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "The annual cycle of water vapor above gale crater as retrieved by CRISM and compared to ChemCam passive sky spectroscopy." Icarus 115136 [10.1016/j.icarus.2022.115136] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Explaining NOMAD D/H Observations by Cloud‐induced Fractionation of Water Vapor on Mars." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets [10.1029/2021je007079] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "ExoMars TGO/NOMAD‐UVIS vertical profiles of ozone: Part 1 – Seasonal variation and comparison to water." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets [10.1029/2021je006837] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "ExoMars TGO/NOMAD‐UVIS vertical profiles of ozone: Part 2: The high‐altitude layers of atmospheric ozone." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets [10.1029/2021je006834] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Gravity Wave Observations by the Mars Science Laboratory REMS Pressure Sensor and Comparison with Mesoscale Atmospheric Modeling with MarsWRF." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets [10.1029/2021je006907] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "Observations of Mars with ALMA: potential for future constraints of global circulation models." Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 7 (02): [10.1117/1.jatis.7.2.025001] [Journal Article/Letter]

2021. "The climatology of carbon monoxide on Mars as observed by NOMAD nadir-geometry observations." Icarus 114404 [10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114404] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "The Line‐of‐Sight Extinction record at Gale Crater as observed by MSL's Mastcam and Navcam through ~2500 sols." Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets [10.1029/2020je006465] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Evaluating the spectroradiometric performance of an uncooled midwave infrared hyperspectral interferometer using a microbolometer array detector." Optical Engineering 59 (07): 1 [10.1117/1.oe.59.7.074103] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Detections of Water Vapor Increase over the North Polar Troughs on Mars as Observed by CRISM." Geophysical Research Letters [10.1029/2019gl086195] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "IRTF/CSHELL Mapping of Atmospheric HDO, H2O and D/H on Mars during Northern Summer." Icarus 330 204-216 [doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2019.04.007] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Visibility and Line‐Of‐Sight Extinction Estimates in Gale Crater during the 2018/MY34 Global Dust Storm." Geophysical Research Letters 2019GL083788 [10.1029/2019gl083788] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Understanding the Water Cycle Above the North Polar Cap on Mars Using MRO CRISM Retrievals of Water Vapor." Icarus 321 722 - 735 [doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2018.12.024] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Mars Science Laboratory observations of the 2018/Mars Year 34 global dust storm." Geophysical Research Letters [doi:10.1029/2018GL080839] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Volcanic gas measurements using a compact mid-wave infrared hyperspectral imager." Multispectral, Hyperspectral, and Ultraspectral Remote Sensing Technology, Techniques and Applications VII [10.1117/12.2324627] [Proceedings]

2018. "The climatology of carbon monoxide and water vapor on Mars as observed by CRISM and modeled by the GEM-Mars general circulation model ." Icarus 301 117-131 [doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.027] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Geophysical and Environmental Monitoring of Astronaut Exploration Zones." Dust in the Atmosphere of Mars and its Impact on Human Exploration, Cambridge Scholars Publishing Chapter 16 [Article in Book]

2018. "OCEANUS: A high science return Uranus orbiter with a low-cost instrument suite." Acta Astronautica 148 1-11 [10.1016/j.actaastro.2018.04.019] [Journal Article/Letter]

2017. "A deep search for the release of volcanic gases on Mars using ground-based high-resolution infrared and submillimeter spectroscopy: Sensitive upper limits for OCS and SO2." Icarus 296 1-14 [doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2017.05.014] [Journal Article/Letter]

2015. "A search for SO2, H2S and SO above Tharsis and Syrtis volcanic districts on Mars using ground-based high-resolution submillimeter spectroscopy." Icarus 253 130-141 [10.1016/j.icarus.2015.02.028] [Journal Article/Letter]

2015. "Strong water isotopic anomalies in the martian atmosphere: Probing current and ancient reservoirs." Science 348 (6231): 218-221 [10.1126/science.aaa3630] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "A sensitive search for organics (CH4, CH3OH, H2CO, C2H6, C2H2, C2H4), hydroperoxyl (HO2), nitrogen compounds (N2O, NH3, HCN) and chlorine species (HCl, CH3Cl) on Mars using ground-based high-resolution infrared spectroscopy." Icarus 223 (1): 11-27 [10.1016/j.icarus.2012.11.013] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "WISE/NEOWISE OBSERVATIONS OF ACTIVE BODIES IN THE MAIN BELT." The Astrophysical Journal 747 (1): 49, 9 pp. [10.1088/0004-637X/747/1/49] [Journal Article/Letter]


2021. "Measuring Mars Atmospheric Winds from Orbit." Vol. 53, Issue 4 (Planetary/Astrobiology Decadal Survey Whitepapers) 53 (4): [10.3847/25c2cfeb.6576a506] [Other]

2021. "The case for a multi-channel polarization sensitive LIDAR for investigation of insolation-driven ices and atmospheres." Vol. 53, Issue 4 (Planetary/Astrobiology Decadal Survey Whitepapers) 53 (4): [10.3847/25c2cfeb.8c410c60] [Other]

2021. "Solar-System-Wide Significance of Mars Polar Science." Vol. 53, Issue 4 (Planetary/Astrobiology Decadal Survey Whitepapers) 53 (4): [10.3847/25c2cfeb.4db95c67] [Other]

2021. "The Mars Atmospheric and Polar Science Mission." Vol. 53, Issue 4 (Planetary/Astrobiology Decadal Survey Whitepapers) 53 (4): [10.3847/25c2cfeb.7e4e0e4d] [Other]

2015. "Multi-band search for volcanic outgassing in the Tharsis and Syrtis Major regions on Mars." ProQuest Dissertations And Theses; Thesis (Ph.D.) 77-08(E) (ISBN: 9781339590189): 197 p. [Book]

Selected Public Outreach

How to use telescopes as time machines

2024 - Present

Alhurra TV station in Washington DC interviewed Dr. Khayat about James Webb Space Telescope and how it is used to probe the early universe.

Meet some of the faces behind the Mars Exploration Program

2023 - Present

Featured on the NASA Mars Exploration page where Dr. Khayat's contributions to the Mars program are described.

NASA releases never seen before images of the Universe

August 2022 - Present

Dr. Khayat was interviewed by Al Arabiya TV network to discuss the first publicly-released images of the Universe by the James Webb Space Telescope.

The deepest image of the Universe taken by the James Webb Space Telescope

August 2022 - Present

Dr. Khayat discusses the deepest image of the Universe to date as observed by the JWST.

NASA is ready to send its most sophisticated observatory into space: the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

2021 - 2021

Al Arabiya TV network interviewed Dr. Khayat at the NASA Goddard visitor center to talk about the launch preparations of the James Webb Space Telescope. The interview included a brief description of the deployment sequence as well as the science objectives of JWST during its nominal mission.

Alain Khayat, l’enfant de Tripoli devenu chercheur à la NASA

2022 - 2022

Featured on the French speaking newspaper L'Orient Le Jour on the first day of the year 2022 where Dr. Khayat's career path was described.

Mars looks dead, but don't count it out just yet

2019 - 2019

Interviewed by the online magazine “Mashable” on volcanic outgassing on Mars

The search for volcanic eruptions on Mars reaches the next level

2015 - 2015

Thesis work was highlighted by the "Astrobiology Magazine: Exploring Origins of Life on Earth and Beyond"

UH scientists help in groundbreaking Martian research

2015 - 2015

Interviewed by KITV News Hawai'i on the NASA study that explained Mars' lost water

Talks, Presentations and Posters


On the detection of a high-altitude peak of atmospheric ozone by the NOMAD/UVIS onboard the ExoMars TGO

September 2020

NASA GSFC Solar System Exploration Division director's seminar series

Detections of Water Vapor Increase over the North Polar Troughs on Mars as Observed by MRO/CRISM

February 2020

NASA GSFC Solar System Exploration Division director's seminar series

NASA IRTF CSHELL disk mapping of HDO, H2O and D/H on Mars during its northern summer season

October 2018

NASA GSFC Solar System Exploration Division director's seminar series

Understanding the Water Cycle Above the North Polar Cap on Mars Using MRO CRISM Retrievals of Water Vapor

May 2018

NASA GSFC Solar System Exploration Division director's seminar series

Sensitive Search for Volcanic Outgassing on Mars

August 2017

NASA GSFC Solar System Exploration Division director's seminar series

Ground-based search for volcanic outgassing in the Tharsis and Syrtis Major regions on Mars

May 2015

NASA Astrobiology Institute. Honolulu, Hawai'i.


On the detection of a high-altitude peak of atmospheric ozone by the NOMAD/UVIS onboard the ExoMars TGO


Khayat, Alain SJ.; Smith, Michael; Wolff, Michael; Daerden, Frank; Patel, Manish; Piccialli, Arianna; Vandaele, Anne C.; Thomas, Ian; Mason, Jon; Willame, Yannick; Bellucci, Giancarlo; Depiesse, Cedric; Juan Lopez-Moreno, Jose. 14th Europlanet Science Congress 2020, EPSC2020-362

Simulating Mars D/H and atmospheric chemistry during the 2018 Global Dust Storm and comparing with NOMAD observations


Frank Daerden, Lori Neary, Geronimo Villanueva, Shohei Aoki, Sebastien Viscardy, Ian Thomas, Ann Carine Vandaele, Giuliano Liuzzi, Matteo Crismani, Alain SJ. Khayat, Michael D. Smith, R. Todd Clancy, Michael J. Wolff, Brad J. Sandor, James A. Whiteway, Michael J. Mumma, Justin Erwin, Yannick Willame, Arianna Piccialli. EPSC Abstracts Vol. 14, EPSC2020-371, 2020

Validating Mars GCMs Using High Resolution GroundBased Observations



Maxwell C. Parks, Conor A. Nixon, Geronimo L. Villanueva, Michael D. Smith, Martin A. Cordiner, Alain SJ Khayat, Steven B. Charnley, Veronica A. Allen, Eric Villard, J. A. Holmes, Alexander E. Thelen. ". EPSC Abstracts. Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-681-1, 2019.

On the Non-uniformity of Water Vapor Abundance over the Polar Troughs on Mars: A case study


Khayat, A. SJ., Smith, M. D., Guzewich, S. D.  2019AGUFM.P41B3416K

Mars Science Laboratory observations of the 2018/Mars Year 34 global dust storm


Guzewich, S., Lemmon, M., Martínez, G., Smith, M. D., Khayat, A. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018, abstract #P34A-03

Understanding the water cycle above the north polar cap on Mars using MRO CRISM retrievals of water vapor


Khayat, A., Smith, M. D., and Guzewich, S. D. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018, abstract #P31A-06.

Mars Science Laboratory observations of the 2018/Mars Year 34 global dust storm


Guzewich, S., Lemmon, M., Martínez, G., Smith, M. D., Khayat, A., et al. 2019. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2018, abstract #P34A-03

ChemCam passive sky spectroscopy at Gale crater, Mars: Interannual variability in dust aerosol particle size, missing water vapor, and the molecular oxygen problem


McConnochie, T.H., Smith, M.D. , Wolff, M. J., Khayat, A., et al. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017, abstract #P23D-2746.

Astronaut-deployable geophysical and environmental monitoring stations. Dust in the atmosphere of Mars and its impact on human exploration


Guzewich, S. D., Bleacher, J. E., Smith, M. D., Khayat, A., Conrad, P. LPI Contributions 1966, 6011.

OCEANUS: A Uranus orbiter concept study from the 2016 NASA/JPL planetary science summer school


Bramson, A., Elder, C., J. Molaro, A. Khayat, A. Chopra, L. Blum, S. Valencia, K. Mitchell, A. Delgado, L. Jozwiak, M. Landis, J. Watkins, A. Davis, M. Slipski, C. Budney, C. Young, C. Chu, A. Das, J. Fulton, and H. Chilton. 2017. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 1583.

New frontiers-class missions to the ice giants


Elder, C., Molaro, J., Khayat, A., Chopra, A., Blum, L., Valencia, S., Mitchell, K., Delgado, A., Jozwiak, L., Landis, M., Watkins, J., Bramson, A., Davis, A., Slipski, M., Budney, C., Young, C., Chu, C., Das, A., Fulton, J., and Chilton, H. Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop 1989, 8147.

Astronaut-deployable geophysical and environmental monitoring stations


Guzewich S. D., Bleacher, J. E., Smith, M. D., Khayat, A., Conrad, P. G. Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop 1989, 8092.

Ground-based high-resolution infrared and submillimeter searches for the release of volcanic gases on Mars


Khayat, A., Villanueva, G. L., Mumma, M. J., and Tokunaga, A. T. The Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and observation 296, Granada, Spain.

The Evolution of the Water Reservoirs on Mars Revealed via D/H Isotopic Mapping


Villanueva, G.L. and Mumma, M.J. and Novak, R.E. and Kaufl, H.U. and Hartogh, P. and Encrenaz, T. and Tokunaga, A. and Khayat, A. and Smith, M.D. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46.

Three-dimensional mapping of the water cycle and D/H on Mars with ALMA


Villanueva, Geronimo Luis; Mumma, Michael J.; Novak, Robert E.; Gurwell, Mark A.; Clarke, John T.; Tokunaga, Alan T.; Khayat, Alain; Hecht, Michael; Fisher, David Andrew. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #48

The search for active release of volcanic gases on Mars


Khayat, A. SJ., and Villanueva, G.L. and Mumma, M.J. and Tokunaga, A. American Astronomical Society/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 47. National Harbor, MD.

A new search for active release of volcanic gases on Mars: Sensitive upper limits for OCS


Khayat, A. and Villanueva, G.L. and Mumma, M.J. and Tokunaga, A. American Astronomical Society/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 46. Tucson, AZ.

Revealing the water cycle on Mars via D/H isotopic measurements


Villanueva, G.L. and Mumma, M.J. and Novak, R.E. and Kaufl, H.U. and Hartogh, P. and Encrenaz, T. and Tokunaga, A. and Khayat, A. American Astronomical Society/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 46. Tucson, AZ.

Seasonal Variations in the CO Line Profile and the Retrieved Thermal/Pressure Structures in the Atmosphere of Mars


Khayat, A. and Villanueva, G. L. and Mumma, M. J. and Riesen, T. E. and Tokunaga, A. T. American Astronomical Society/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 45. Denver, CO.

Sensitive Ground-based Search for Sulfuretted Species on Mars


Khayat, A. and Villanueva, G. L. and Mumma, M. J. and Riesen, T. E. and Tokunaga, A. T. American Astronomical Society/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 44. Reno, NV.

Search for Activity in Comet-Asteroid Transition Object 107P/Wilson-Harrington


Khayat, A. and Meech, K. and Pittichova, J. and Schorghofer, N. and Yang, B. and Sonnett, S. and Riesen, T. and Kleyna, J. and Kaluna, H. and Keane, J. American Astronomical Society/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts 42. Pasadena, CA.