Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Geophysics

Min-Jeong Jo


Min-Jeong Jo's Contact Card & Information.
Email: minjeong.jo@nasa.gov
Phone: 301.614.7047
Org Code: 618
Mail Code 618
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Brief Bio

Dr. MinJeong Jo is an associate scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Biospheric Sciences Laboratory. She works on radar remote sensing focused on geoscience applications for disasters. She received her Ph.D. in the Department of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Korea in August 2015. She has been working on flood monitoring related to NASA Disasters Program.

Research Interests

Flood mapping using SAR and optical imagery

Earth Science: Floods

3D deformation mapping by combining interferometric SAR (InSAR) and multiple-aperture InSAR (MAI)

Earth Science: Natural Disasters

Magma source modeling by InSAR-based 3D measurements

Earth Science: Volcanos

Applications of SAR interferometry to the geohazards

Earth Science: Natural Disasters


Associate Scientist

NASA/University of Maryland Baltimore County - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

December 2021 - Present


Ph.D. degree of Science (Remote Sensing)

Dept. of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

Ph.D. Thesis: Three-dimensional Measurements of Surface Displacement by Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometric Stacking.


Master of Science (Remote Sensing)

Dept. of Earth System Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

MS Thesis: A time-series SAR observation of surface deformation at the Southern San Andreas Fault Zone.