Hydrosphere, Biosphere, and Geophysics

Ibrahim N. Mohammed

(Support Scientist)

Ibrahim N. Mohammed's Contact Card & Information.
Email: ibrahim.mohammed@nasa.gov
Phone: 301.614.6537
Org Code: 617
Mail Code 617
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Current Projects

Predicting the Future of Freshwater - Using Satellites and Partnership to Maintain Healthy River Systems

Hydrology / Water Cycle

A team from NASA HQ Earth Science division, Goddard, and scientists from the Conservation International (CI) are engaged in a partnership work to aid growth efforts dedicated to improving natural resources assessment for conservation and sustainable management on water resources along the Mekong, Rupununi, and the Okavango River Basins. More details on the NASA-CI partnership can be viewed at Here!

Brief Bio

I am a senior research scientist in the Hydrological Sciences Laboratory at Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, where I have been since 2016. From 2012 to 2016 I have joined the Experimental Program for Stimulating Competitive Research program at the University of Vermont as a Post-doctoral Associate. I have received a B.S. Honors from University of Khartoum, Sudan. I have received a M.S. and a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Utah State University at Logan, Utah.

My research can be accessed at the following digital identifier links:


Research Interests

On the Water Cycle Variability and Climate

Earth Science: Hydrology / Water Cycle

My research interests span physical and statistical hydrological modeling and their relationship with climate and land cover, as well as integrating and synthesizing water related science and engineering research activities to meet the growing demands for integrated professional data analyses. In addition, my research is engaged with the development of web-based decision support system tools to facilitate satellite earth observation data access. Much of my work has been on quantifying the general sensitivity of water availability and its linkage to ecology at the scale of regional sub-basins to changes in land use/land cover, climate and watershed management. Studying human and natural systems interaction with their associated impacts on water production and the biodiversity of freshwater ecosystems meets my goals. I have explored the role of bathymetry in the dynamics of a closed basin lake system and showed that some of the preferred system states are directly attributable to features of the bathymetry using the topographic area-volume relationship. I have also quantified closed basin lake system volume change sensitivities to variables and factors that are related to the system dynamics. In that regard, I have developed a mass balance model to generate representative realizations of future lake level from climate and streamflow inputs simulated using statistical methods.


Utah State University, Logan, Utah — Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Hydrological Science), 2012, Dissertation: Relationships between Runoff, Land Cover and Climate in the Semi-Arid Intermountain Region of the Western U.S.A, GPA 3.81, Advisor: David Tarboton. [PDF 10.3 MB]

Utah State University, Logan, Utah — Master of Science (M.S.) in Civil and Environmental Engineering (Hydrological Science), 2006, Thesis: Modeling the Great Salt Lake, GPA 3.81, Advisor: David Tarboton. [PDF 1.3 MB]

University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan — Bachelor of Science Honors (B.S., Hons) in Civil Engineering, 2000, Project: Rainwater Drainage System in Omdurman, Sudan, GPA 7.22 (First Class) Advisor: Babiker Barsi.


Senior Research Scientist

SAIC - Hydrological Sciences Laboratory, NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt, Maryland

September 2022 - Present

  • Leading a team from NASA and the nonprofit Conservation International on global riparian zone benefits evaluation for the implementation of the Freshwater Challenge initiative.
  • Developed and conducted training modules on remote sensing observations for monitoring post-fire impacts on watershed health as part of NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET).
  • Developing and maintaining an earth observation framework for improved hydrologic decision in the Lower Mekong River Basin servicing the SERVIR-Mekong hub (NASA and USAID joint program).
  • Leading the development of downloading and reformatting tools for NASA Earth Observation data products (NASAaccess) and visualization (SWATOnline).
  • Developed and conducted training modules organized by the Intergovernmental Coordinating Committee of the Countries of the La Plata Basin (CIC-Plata) in coordination with the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (GS/OAS) attended by more than 40 participants in support for NASA and the DOS encouraging cooperative management of transboundary waters by deploying remote sensing tools to monitor water levels, land use changes, or drought/flood forecasting in the Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Formulating sponsored research projects with budget plans for various awards (NASA, DOS, NSF, Pact).

Adjunct Faculty

Johns Hopkins University - Washington, D.C.

May 2022 - Present

· Teaching Hydrology and Water Resources --- Johns Hopkins Advanced Academic Programs

Research Scientist

SAIC - Hydrological Sciences Laboratory, NASA-GSFC, Greenbelt, Maryland

September 2016 - August 2022

  • Developed an earth observation framework for improved hydrologic decision in the Lower Mekong River Basin servicing the SERVIR-Mekong hub (NASA and USAID joint program).
  • Led the development of downloading and reformatting tools for NASA Earth Observation data products (NASAaccess) and visualization (SWATOnline).
  • Led a team from NASA and the nonprofit Conservation International on assessment studies to improve water resources management along the Lower Mekong in Southeast Asia.
  • Developed and conducted training modules organized by the Mekong River Commission Secretariat attended by more than 100 participants in support for NASA and the DOS encouraging cooperative management of transboundary waters by deploying remote sensing tools to monitor water levels, land use changes, or drought/flood forecasting in the Mekong region.
  • Provided technical support for FHI software development for the nonprofit Conservation International Freshwater Health Index.
  • Developed and conducted training modules organized by the Mekong River Commission Secretariat in support for NASA and the DOS encouraging cooperative management of transboundary waters by deploying remote sensing tools to monitor water levels, land use changes, or drought/flood forecasting in the Mekong region,
  • Provided support for NASA's Earth Science Division to understand and furnish response to the satellite needs of federal agencies as part of the U.S. Group on Earth Observations (USGEO) Satellite Needs Working Group,
  • Provided support for various NASA proposal and panel reviews.

Post-Doctoral Associate

EPSCOR, University of Vermont - Burlington, Vermont

April 2012 - September 2016

  • Designed a hypothesis driven research to create ecosystem scenario model that examines the Lake Champlain Basin as a coupled human and natural system with climate change and human as drivers,
  • Led a study on the examination of alternative possibilities that might emerge in the Lake Champlain Basin streamflow regime for various climate scenarios.

Research Assistant

Utah Water Research Laboratory - Logan, Utah

June 2004 - February 2012

  • Conducted a study on fluctuations in the Great Salt Lake level and volume due to variability in the climate and internal dynamics related to the lake bathymetry,
  • Conducted a study on climate and land cover changes impact on runoff with physical hydrological distributed modeling approach,
  • Conducted a study on factors that impact the production of runoff from selected Utah watersheds,
  • Conducted a study on salinity effect on evaporation from the Great Salt Lake,
  • Participated in interdisciplinary research on the role of humans in shaping the character of hydrologic systems across the U.S. Northeast corridor in the 20th century.



Strategic Hydrologic and Agricultural Remote-sensing for Environments Application (SHARE) - The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of Conservation and Water - Awarded: 2020-09-01

Improved Hydrologic Decision Support for Lower-Mekong Region through Integrated Remote Sensing and Modeling - PACT Inc. - Awarded: 2020-08-13



2023. "Technical note: NASAaccess – a tool for access, reformatting, and visualization of remotely sensed earth observation and climate data." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 27 (19): 3621-3642 [10.5194/hess-27-3621-2023] [Journal Article/Letter]

2023. "Regional analysis of the 2015–16 Lower Mekong River basin drought using NASA satellite observations." Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 46 101362 [10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101362] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Climate Change‐Legacy Phosphorus Synergy Hinders Lake Response to Aggressive Water Policy Targets." Earth's Future 10 (5): [10.1029/2021ef002234] [Journal Article/Letter]

2022. "Diagnosing challenges and setting priorities for sustainable water resource management under climate change." Scientific Reports 12 (1): 796 [10.1038/s41598-022-04766-2] [Journal Article/Letter]

2020. "Mapping Land Use Land Cover Change in the Lower Mekong Basin From 1997 to 2010." Frontiers in Environmental Science 8 [10.3389/fenvs.2020.00021] [Journal Article/Letter]

2019. "Processing Remotely Sensed Data." Advanced Environmental Monitoring with Remote Sensing Time Series Data and R 114 [Full Text] [10.1201/9780429262050-5] [Article in Book]

2019. "Web-based decision support system tools: The Soil and Water Assessment Tool Online visualization and analyses (SWATOnline) and NASA earth observation data downloading and reformatting tool (NASAaccess)." Environmental Modelling & Software 104499 [10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.104499] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Ground and satellite based observation datasets for the Lower Mekong River Basin." Data in Brief 21 2020-2027 [10.1016/j.dib.2018.11.038] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Satellite observations and modeling to understand the Lower Mekong River Basin streamflow variability." Journal of Hydrology 564 559-573 [10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.07.030] [Journal Article/Letter]

2018. "Improved Hydrological Decision Support System for the Lower Mekong River Basin Using Satellite-Based Earth Observations." Remote Sensing 10 (6): 885 [10.3390/rs10060885] [Journal Article/Letter]

2016. "Coupled impacts of climate and land use change across a river–lake continuum: insights from an integrated assessment model of Lake Champlain’s Missisquoi Basin, 2000–2040." Environmental Research Letters 11 (11): 114026 [10.1088/1748-9326/11/11/114026] [Journal Article/Letter]

2015. "The use of CMIP5 data to simulate climate change impacts on flow regime within the Lake Champlain Basin." Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 3 160-186 [10.1016/j.ejrh.2015.01.002] [Journal Article/Letter]

2013. "Simulated watershed responses to land cover changes using the Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System." Hydrological Processes 28 (15): 4511-4528 [10.1002/hyp.9963] [Journal Article/Letter]

2012. "An examination of the sensitivity of the Great Salt Lake to changes in inputs." Water Resources Research 48 (11): [10.1029/2012wr011908] [Journal Article/Letter]

2011. "On the interaction between bathymetry and climate in the system dynamics and preferred levels of the Great Salt Lake." Water Resources Research 47 (2): [10.1029/2010wr009561] [Journal Article/Letter]


2021. "The Lower Mekong River Basin freshwaters sustainability: Prospects for the future." OSF [10.17605/OSF.IO/K6HV4] [Dataset]

2019. "NASAaccess: Downloading and reformatting tool for NASA earth observation data products." R package [Full Text] [Other]

2013. "TauDEM 5.1 quick start guide to using the TauDEM ArcGIS toolbox." Utah State University, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department 37 [Full Text] [Report]

2008. "Watershed management and water production study for state of Utah : a report for the Utah Governor's Public Lands Office." Utah. Governor's Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office 84 [Full Text] [Report]

Professional Service

Teaching Experience

  • Adjunct Faculty, Energy Policy, GIS and the Environment, Advanced Academic Programs, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C, Teaching Hydrology and Water Resources course. (2022—present)
  • Co-Advisor, NASA Postdoctoral Program, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, Project titled “Woolsey Fire Impacts on Coastal Water Quality in Southern California.” (2021-2022)
  • Non-Faculty Research Scientist, Environmental Science Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, Capstone Research Experience (EVS 271), Adviser for undergraduate research project titled “Influence of Urbanization on Flooding During Tropical Cyclone Events in Houston, TX.” (2019-2020)
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Civil And Environmental Engineering, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, taught Open Channel Flow course. (2014-2016)
  • Mentored undergraduate research projects: Modeling watershed management practices and nutrient loading to Lake Champlain, and Algal blooms and Lake Champlain Hydrology. (2014-2016)
  • Teaching Assistant, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, taught Physical Hydrology, and GIS in Water Resources courses. (2004-2012)

Selected Public Outreach

Dams and floods

August 2022 - Present

The scientists discuss the projected water resource management needs in the context of the Freshwater Health Index developed by Conservation International, which includes detailed ratings of governance and stakeholder engagement in the region. The Index suggests that water resource governance, including transboundary cooperation, is currently not as strong as it needs to be. The authors call for transparency and cooperation in water resource management, saying these are foundational to Mekong countries’ ability to adapt to a changing flow regime. [Frontline blog]

New science: Satellite data preventing climate-fueled floods — and more

March 2022 - Present

The Mekong Basin is the lifeblood of Southeast Asia, providing fresh water, food and energy for more than 60 million people across the region. But a barrage of threats — from climate change to unsustainable development — are endangering this critical ecosystem. To manage these risks, local and national governments must do a better job of coordinating to develop and manage dams, mitigate floods and sustainably manage fisheries across the Mekong, according to a new study [Conservation International blog].

Developing a Freshwater Health Index

February 2022 - Present

NASA Earth science satellites and other remote sensing techniques can fill in information gaps, but scientific data is just one piece of the larger puzzle when it comes to sustainable water resource management. What's needed, in addition to data, are strategies for information sharing, financing and cooperation among the many varied decision-makers in a watershed [Earth Sciences Applied Sciences Story].

Climate change could outpace EPA lake protections

May 2012 - December 2016

Lake Champlain may be more susceptible to damage from climate change than was previously understood, researchers have found Therefore, they say, the rules created by the EPA to protect the lake may be inadequate to prevent algae blooms and water quality problems as the region gets hotter and wetter. [ScienceDaily Article]

Watershed Moments

May 2012 - July 2016

Mohammed, I. N., 2016, Watershed Moments, Research on Adaptation to climate change in the Lake Champlain Basin, Vermont EPSCOR, Project funded by NSF EPS 1101317. [YouTube]

Understanding How Climate Change Will Impact Streamflow in the Lake Champlain Basin

May 2012 - June 2015

Accurately predicting future streamflow regimes is important to understanding future aquatic habitat, non-point pollution, and flooding possibilities. A changing streamflow regime may impact aquatic habitat for fish. Nutrient runoff into rivers is of a great concern in the Lake Champlain Basin as harmful algal blooms increase. Moreover, flooding has had devastating consequences at the State of Vermont in recent years. [ecoNEWS VT Story]

Talks, Presentations and Posters


Assessing the Impacts of Fires on Watershed Health

August 11, 2023

Mohammed, I. N., Lopez, A., 2023, Assessing the Impacts of Fires on Watershed Health, NASA Applied Remote Sensing Training Program (ARSET), 11th July, Virtual

Introduction to NASAaccess & SWAT-Online

December 18, 2022

Mohammed, I. N., 2022, Introduction to NASAaccess & SWAT-Online, Building Capacity on Scientifically Robust Tools and Methodologies for IWRM in La Plata Basin: Data Access Workshop, 18th November, Buenos Aires, Argentina. [PDF 23 MB] [YouTube]

NASA Customized Satellite-Based Data Acquisition and Model Integration Tools

November 4, 2022

Mohammed, I. N., Bolten, J. D., Le, M.H. and Venkat Lakshmi, 2022, NASA Customized Satellite-Based Data Acquisition and Model Integration Tools, The 1st Mekong Korea International Water Forum, 4th October, Seoul, South Korea. [MOV 252 MB]

Water Data Utilization and Capacity Building in the Mekong Region: Improved Hydrologic and Hydraulic Decision Support for the Mekong Basin (Module 3)

August 26, 2022

Mohammed, I. N., Bolten, J. D., and Pinida L. Kamphaengthong, 2022, Water Data Utilization and Capacity Building in the Mekong Region: Improved Hydrologic and Hydraulic Decision Support for the Mekong Basin (Module 3), 26th – 27th July, Bangkok, Thailand. [PDF 3.5 MB]

NASAaccess & SWATonline: Essential Skills (Module 2)

March 15, 2022

Mohammed, I. N., Bolten, J. D., and Pinida L. Kamphaengthong, 2022, NASAaccess & SWATonline: Essential Skills (Module 2), Water Data Utilization and Capacity Building in the Mekong Region: Improved Hydrologic and Hydraulic Decision Support for the Mekong Basin, 15th February, Virtual and hosted by Mekong River Commission. [PDF 28 MB]

Introduction to SWAT-Online & NASAaccess (Module 1)

August 23, 2021

Mohammed, I. N., Bolten, J. D., Lakshmi, V., and Pinida L. Kamphaengthong, 2021, Introduction to SWAT-Online & NASAaccess (Module 1), Water Data Utilization and Capacity Building in the Mekong Region: Improved Hydrologic and Hydraulic Decision Support for the Mekong Basin, 23rd July, Virtual and hosted by Mekong River Commission. [PDF 28 MB]

NASA-SWAT Hydrologic Decision Support Tools

November 22, 2019

Mohammed, I. N., 2019, NASA-SWAT Hydrologic Decision Support Tools, SWAT-SEA 2019 Conference and Workshops, 22nd October, Siem Reap, Cambodia. [PDF 25.8 MB]

The Freshwater Health Index: NASA-Conservation International Partnership

June 23, 2019

Vollmer, D., and I. N. Mohammed, 2019, The Freshwater Health Index: NASA-Conservation International Partnership, 2019 Biodiversity and Ecological Forecasting Team Meeting, 23rd May, Crystal City, VA. [PDF 3 MB]


Global Potential Riparian Zones Estimation

May 17, 2024

Mohammed, I. N., K. Shaad, J. Bolten, and M. Bezerra, 2024, Global Potential Riparian Zones Estimation, paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2024, Abstract EGU2024-2306, 14th – 19th April, Vienna, Austria. [PDF 28 MB]

Open-source Software Package and Web-based Environmental Modeling Application for Earth Observation (NASAaccess)

11, 2023

Mohammed, I. N., G. Romero*, J. Bolten, and J. Nelson, 2023, Open-source Software Package and Web-based Environmental Modeling Application for Earth Observation (NASAaccess), paper presented at AGU 2023 Fall Meeting, Abstract IN13D-0597, 11th – 15th December, San Francisco, CA. [PDF 7 MB]

NASAaccess – earth observation data tool

May 27, 2023

Mohammed, I. N., G. Romero, J. Bolten, and J. Nelson, 2023, NASAaccess – earth observation data tool, paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2023, Abstract EGU2023-1266, 23rd – 27th April, Vienna, Austria. [PDF 7.5 MB]

Woolsey Fire Impacts on Coastal Water Quality in Southern California

16, 2022

Lopez A. M., C. M. Lee, I. N. Mohammed, E. L. Hestir, T. C. Harmon, and D. Avouris, 2022, Woolsey Fire Impacts on Coastal Water Quality in Southern California, paper presented at AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, Abstract GC55H-0328, 12th – 16th December, Chicago, IL.

LMHDSs: An enhanced data visualization and access web portal for your Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model

15, 2022

Tondapu G., I. N. Mohammed, J. Bolten, J. Nelson, A.S. Limaye, B. Bhandari, F.J. Delgado, and A. Phalke, 2022, LMHDSs: An enhanced data visualization and access web portal for your Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, paper presented at AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, Abstract H42J-1415, 12th – 16th December, Chicago, IL.

Climate Change, Conservation, and Sustainable Management Strategies

13, 2022

Mohammed I. N., J. D. Bolten, N. J. Souter, K. Shaad, and D. Vollmer, 2022, Climate Change, Conservation, and Sustainable Management Strategies, paper presented at AGU 2022 Fall Meeting, Abstract U25C-2209, 12th – 16th December, Chicago, IL. [PDF 6.4 MB]

Assessment of water resources conservation and sustainable management strategies in the Lower Mekong River Basin

June 26, 2022

Mohammed, I. N., J. Bolten, N. Souter, K. Shaad, and D. Vollmer, 2022, Assessment of water resources conservation and sustainable management strategies in the Lower Mekong River Basin, paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2022, Abstract EGU2022-1323, 23rd – 27th May, Vienna, Austria. [PDF 7.2 MB]

Water Data Utilization and Capacity Building in the Mekong Region: Improved Hydrologic Decision Support for the Mekong Basin

15, 2021

Mohammed I. N., J. Bolten, V. Lakshmi, G. Tondapu, M.H. Le, P. L. Kamphaengthong, W. Wangpimool, 2021, Water Data Utilization and Capacity Building in the Mekong Region: Improved Hydrologic Decision Support for the Mekong Basin, paper presented at AGU 2021 Fall Meeting, Abstract H32F-05, 13th – 17th December, New Orleans, LA. [PDF 13.1 MB]

Water and Agriculture Management from Space – Building a Community of Practice through a Legacy of NASA Earth Observations and Tools

8, 2020

Bolten, J., I. N. Mohammed, N. Sazib, P. Oddo, S. Kumar, I. Mladenova, V. Lakshmi, K. Gaddis, D. Vollmer, K. Shaad, R. Srinivasan, P. Towashiraporn, S. Janprasart, P. L. Kamphaengthong, E. Copati, J. Spruce, T. Baker, and M. Reyes, 2020, Water and Agriculture Management from Space – Building a Community of Practice through a Legacy of NASA Earth Observations and Tools, paper presented at AGU 2020 Fall Meeting, Abstract H038-0024, 1st – 17th December, San Francisco, CA.

Enabling Sustainable Environmental Decision Making Through the NASA and Conservation International Partnership

7, 2020

Gaddis K., C. H. Resende de Sousa, M. Honzák, I. N. Mohammed, T. Fatoyinbo, C. S. R. Neigh, T. Larsen, T. M. Wright, R. Portela, J. D. Bolten, D. Vollmer, K. Shaad, N. J. Souter, M. Bezerra, S. McClain, D. Juhn, and W. W. Turner, 2020, Enabling Sustainable Environmental Decision Making Through the NASA and Conservation International Partnership, paper presented at AGU 2020 Fall Meeting, Abstract SY002-0008, 1st – 17th December, San Francisco, CA.

Influence of urbanization and flooding during tropical cyclone events in Houston, TX

June 21, 2020

Hammock, R. and I. N. Mohammed, 2020, Influence of urbanization and flooding during tropical cyclone events in Houston, TX, Capstone research project, Environmental Science Institute, University of Texas at Austin, 21st May, Austin, TX. [PDF 31.8 MB]

Sustainability of the Lower Mekong River under human impact: A freshwater ecosystem health investigation

June 7, 2020

Mohammed, I., J. Bolten, N. Souter, K. Shaad, and D. Vollmer, Sustainability of the Lower Mekong River under human impact: A freshwater ecosystem health investigation, paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2020, Abstract EGU2020-5675, 3rd – 8th May, Vienna, Austria.

The NASA and Conservation International Partnership

13, 2019

Gaddis, K., C.H. Resende de Sousa, M. Honzak, I. N. Mohammed, T. Fatoyinbo, C. S R Neigh, T. Larson, T. M. Wright, R. Portela, J. D. Bolten, D. Vollmer, K. Shaad, J. Favors, D. Juhn, and W. W. Turner, 2019, The NASA and Conservation International Partnership, paper presented at AGU 2019 Fall Meeting, Abstract PA54B-05, 9th – 13th December, San Francisco, CA. [eLightening]

Utilizing Satellite Based Observations and Physical Hydrological Modeling for Freshwater Ecosystem Health in the Lower Mekong River Basin

10, 2019

Mohammed, I. N., J. Bolten, N. Souter, K. Shaad, and D. Vollmer, 2019, Utilizing Satellite Based Observations and Physical Hydrological Modeling for Freshwater Ecosystem Health in the Lower Mekong River Basin, paper presented at AGU 2019 Fall Meeting, Abstract B23F-2592, 9th – 13th December, San Francisco, CA. [PDF 7.7 MB]

Improved hydrological modeling capabilities and decision support tools for the Lower Mekong River Basin through integrated remote sensing and ground observations

November 25, 2019

Mohammed, I. N., J. D. Bolten, V. Lakshmi, R. Srinivasan, S. McDonald, J. P. Spruce, S. Pulla, A. Markert, C. Meechaiya, F. Chishtie, P. Towashiraporn, and J. Nelson, 2019, Improved hydrological modeling capabilities and decision support tools for the Lower Mekong River Basin through integrated remote sensing and ground observations, paper presented at the 2019 SWAT-SEA Conference and Workshops, Abstract, 21st – 26th October, Siem Reap, Cambodia. [PDF 18 MB]

NASA web-based decision support systems tools: Climate data access, and retrieval (NASAaccess) and hydrological modeling visualization (SWAT-online)

May 12, 2019

Mohammed, I. N., S. McDonald, J. Bolten, S. Pulla, C. Meechaiya, A. Markert, J. Nelson, R. Srinivasan, and V. Lakshmi, 2019, NASA web-based decision support systems tools: Climate data access, and retrieval (NASAaccess) and hydrological modeling visualization (SWAT-online), paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Abstract EGU2019-5585, 7th – 12th April, Vienna, Austria. [PDF 338 MB]

Updating Regional Land-Use/Land-Cover Maps for Improved Hydrologic Modeling and Water Resource Management in the Lower Mekong Basin

February 9, 2019

Spruce, J., J. Bolten, I. N. Mohammed, R. Srinivasan, and V. Lakshmi, 2019, Updating Regional Land-Use/Land-Cover Maps for Improved Hydrologic Modeling and Water Resource Management in the Lower Mekong Basin, paper presented at AMS 99th Annual Meeting, Abstract 8.3, 6th – 10th January, Phoenix, AZ. [PDF 5.5 MB]

Strategies, practices, and challenges for interagency co-authorship in an international science and development program

14, 2018

Anderson, E. R., J. D. Bolten, F. Chishtie, A. M. Weigel, I. N. Mohammed, P. Ate, C. Meechaiya, V. Lakshmi, R. Srinivasan, D. S. Saah, K. Markert, K. Matheswaran, P. Oddo, S. McDonald, J. Spruce, P. Towashiraporn, W. Deeprawat, E. Sirichaovanichkarn, A. Limaye, M. K. Cutting, R. French, K. Casey, and D. Irwin, 2018, Strategies, practices, and challenges for interagency co-authorship in an international science and development program, paper presented at AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Abstract PA51B-0775, 10th – 14th December, Washington, D.C. [PDF 0.4 MB]

NASA Satellite-based Earth Observation Systems and Hydrological Modeling Enhance Capacity Building in the Lower Mekong River Basin

14, 2018

Mohammed, I. N., S. McDonald, C. Meechaiya, F. Chishtie, P. Towashiraporn, R. Srinivasan, V. Lakshmi, and J. D. Bolten, 2018, NASA Satellite-based Earth Observation Systems and Hydrological Modeling Enhance Capacity Building in the Lower Mekong River Basin, paper presented at AGU 2018 Fall Meeting, Abstract PA51B-0777, 10th – 14th December, Washington, D.C. [PDF 3.3 MB]

Insights on streamflow variability in the Lower Mekong River Basin using in-situ observations, modeling and NASA satellite observations

May 12, 2018

Mohammed, I. N., J. Bolten, R. Srinivasan, and V. Lakshmi, 2018, Insights on streamflow variability in the Lower Mekong River Basin using in-situ observations, modeling and NASA satellite observations, paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2018, Abstract EGU2018-8380, 8th – 13th April, Vienna, Austria. [PDF 13.0 MB]

Improved Lower Mekong River Basin hydrological decision making using NASA satellite-based earth observation systems

12, 2017

Mohammed, I. N., R. Srinivasan, V. Lakshmi, and J. D. Bolten, 2017, Improved Lower Mekong River Basin hydrological decision making using NASA satellite-based earth observation systems, paper presented at AGU 2017 Fall Meeting, Abstract H21Q-06, 11th – 15th December, New Orleans, LA. [PDF 2.6 MB]

Examining relationships between meteorological and algal bloom data on Lake Champlain

April 29, 2016

Johnson, A. and I. N. Mohammed, 2016, Examining relationships between meteorological and algal bloom data on Lake Champlain, paper presented in VT EPSCOR Student Research Symposium, 29th March, Burlington, VT. [PDF 0.7 MB]


The effects of meteorological variables and algal bloom occurrence in the Missisquoi Bay region

April 29, 2016

McChesney, C. and I. N. Mohammed, 2016, The effects of meteorological variables and algal bloom occurrence in the Missisquoi Bay region, paper presented in VT EPSCOR Student Research Symposium, 29th March, Burlington, VT. [PDF 0.4 MB]

The value of simple models: Performance of a spatially-explicit seasonal model for valuing water provisioning (InVEST)

18, 2015

Hamel, P., A. J. Guswa, B. C. Wemple, I. N. Mohammed, and R. Sharp, 2015, The value of simple models: Per-formance of a spatially-explicit seasonal model for valuing water provisioning (InVEST), paper presented at AGU 2015 Fall Meeting, Abstract H41G-1409, 14th – 18th December, San Francisco, CA. [PDF 1.3 MB]

Measuring the climate change impact on water quality using a weather generator Pegasus workflow

June 29, 2015

Hamed, A. A., I. N. Mohammed, P. Isles, M. Rynge, G. Bucini, Y. Tsai, and A. Zia, 2015, Measuring the climate change impact on water quality using a weather generator Pegasus workflow, paper presented at IAGLR's 58th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Abstract 1422032435, 25th - 29th May, Burlington, VT

An auto-regressive bayesian network to assess climate & nutrient variability impacts on water quality

June 29, 2015

Zia, A., A. Schroth, Y. Xu, P. Isles, A. A. Hamed, Y. Tsai, I. N. Mohammed, and A. Bomblies, 2015, An auto-regressive bayesian network to assess climate & nutrient variability impacts on water quality, paper presented in IAGLR 58th Annual Conference on Great Lake Research, Abstract 1421945464, 25th - 29th May, Burlington, VT.

Impacts of zoning policies on flood and water quality: An integrated assessment modelling application

June 21, 2015

Tsai, Y., I. N. Mohammed, S. Turnbull, A. Zia, and A. Bomblies, 2015, Impacts of zoning policies on flood and water quality: An integrated assessment modelling application, paper presented in 2015 ASCE World Environ-mental & Water Resources Congress, Abstract 597, 17th - 21st May, Austin, Texas

Modeling the impacts of climate change on water quality in Lake Champlain: Design of an integrated assessment model using Pegasus scientific workflow

11, 2014

Hamed, A. A., I. N. Mohammed, G. Bucini, Y. Tsai, P. Isles, S. Turnbull, A. Zia, and M. Rynge, 2014, Modeling the impacts of climate change on water quality in Lake Champlain: Design of an integrated assessment model using Pegasus scientific workflow, paper presented in 2014 Vermont Monitoring Cooperative and Mt. Mansfield science and stewardship conference, Abstract, 11th December, Burlington, VT. [PDF 3.3 MB]

Interactions of landowners’ land use decisions with flood and water quality

19, 2014

Tsai, Y, I. N. Mohammed, S. Turnbull, A. Zia, and A. Bomblies, 2014, Interactions of landowners’ land use decisions with flood and water quality, paper presented in AGU 2014 Fall Meeting, Abstract H41D-0850, 15th -19th December, San Francisco, CA. [PDF 4.1 MB]

Coupled dynamics to assess human impact on watershed hydrology

19, 2014

Mohammed, I. N., Y. Tsai, S. Turnbull, A. Bomblies, and A. Zia, 2014, Coupled dynamics to assess human impact on watershed hydrology, paper presented in AGU 2014 Fall Meeting, Abstract H41D-0849, 15th -19th De-cember, San Francisco, CA. [PDF 3.87 MB]

Impacts of landowners’ land-use decisions on flood and water qual-ity: An integration of land-use agent-based model and RHESSys

July 5, 2014

Tsai, Y., I. N. Mohammed, and A. Zia, 2014, Impacts of landowners’ land-use decisions on flood and water quality: An integration of land-use agent-based model and RHESSys, paper presented in 2014 ASCE World Environmental & Water Resources Congress, Abstract 67, 1st -5th June, Portland, Oregon. [PDF 1.5 MB]

On the phosphorus loading estimation to Lake Champlain

May 2, 2014

Wiggans, E. and I. N. Mohammed, 2014, On the phosphorus loading estimation to Lake Champlain, paper presented in VT EPSCOR Student Research Symposium, 2nd April, Burlington, VT. [PDF 15 MB]

Streamflow regime sensitivity to climate change impacts within Lake Champlain Basin

13, 2013

Mohammed, I. N., B. C. Wemple, and A. Bomblies, 2013, Streamflow regime sensitivity to climate change impacts within Lake Champlain Basin, paper presented in AGU 2013 Fall Meeting, Abstract H31B-1162, 9th -13th December, San Francisco, CA. [PDF 3.2 MB]

Regional and State Level Water Scarcity Report: Northeast United States

17, 2010

Nicoletti, C. K., C. A. Lopez-morales, J. H. Hoover, B. G. Voigt, C. J. Vörösmarty, and I. N. Mohammed, 2010, Regional and State Level Water Scarcity Report: Northeast United States, paper presented in 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, Abstract H43C-1264, 13th-17th December, San Francisco, CA.

An examination of the Sensitivity of Runoff in the Northeastern US to 20th Century Development

17, 2010

Mohammed, I. N., D. G. Tarboton, R. Cohen, and U. Lall, 2010, An examination of the Sensitivity of Runoff in the Northeastern US to 20th Century Development, paper presented in AGU 2010 Fall Meeting, Abstract H43C-1263, 13th-17th December, San Francisco, CA. [PDF 4.5 MB]

An Approach to Modeling the Water Balance Sensitivity to Landscape Vegetation Changes

19, 2008

Mohammed, I. N., and D. G. Tarboton, 2008, An Approach to Modeling the Water Balance Sensitivity to Landscape Vegetation Changes, paper presented in AGU 2008 Fall meeting, EOS Trans. AGU 89(53), Abstract GC43C-0748, 15th - 19th December, San Francisco, CA. [PDF 1.7 MB]

How Watershed Management Affects Water Production? A Water Balance Sensitivity Approach

May 1, 2008

Mohammed, I. N., and D. G. Tarboton, 2008, How Watershed Management Affects Water Production? A Water Balance Sensitivity Approach, paper presented in 2008 USU Spring Runoff: Water Management and Water Science in a Water-Short West, Abstract 46, March 31st - April 1st, Logan, UT. [PDF 6.8 MB]

How watershed management and land-use affect water production in Utah?

May 6, 2007

Mohammed, I. N., and D. G. Tarboton, 2007, How watershed management and land-use affect water production in Utah?, paper presented in 2007 Spring Runoff Conference: Water Science and Water Management in a Water Short West, Abstract 3, April 5th - 6th, Logan, UT. [PDF 5.0 MB]

The Great Salt Lake Salinity, How It Affects Evaporation?

April 28, 2006

Mohammed, I. N., and D. G. Tarboton, 2006, The Great Salt Lake Salinity, How It Affects Evaporation?, paper presented in 2006 Spring Runoff Conference: The Great Salt Lake Basin: Science, Ecology, Management, Policy, Abstract 24, 27th - 28th March, Logan, Utah. [PDF 4.5 MB]

Modeling the Dynamics of the Great Salt Lake as an Integrator of Regional Hydrologic and Climate Processes?

9, 2005

Mohammed, I. N., and D. G. Tarboton, 2005, Modeling the Dynamics of the Great Salt Lake as an Integrator of Regional Hydrologic and Climate Processes?, paper presented in AGU 2005 Fall meeting, EOS Trans. AGU 86(52), Abstract H41C-0422, 5th - 9th December, San Francisco, CA. [PDF 1.4 MB]

What makes the Great Salt Lake level go up and down?

November 17, 2005

Tarboton, D. G., I. N. Mohammed, and U. Lall, 2005, What makes the Great Salt Lake level go up and down?, 2005 GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Abstract 64-7, 16th - 19th October, Salt Lake City, UT, p. 162. [PDF 3.7 MB]

Connecting the Dynamics of the Great Salt Lake Volumes to the Volume - Area Relationship

November 18, 2005

Mohammed, I. N., and D. G. Tarboton, 2005, Connecting the Dynamics of the Great Salt Lake Volumes to the Volume - Area Relationship, paper presented in GSA 2005 Annual Meeting and Exposition, Abstract 174-5, 16th - 19th October, Salt Lake City, Utah, p.393. [PDF 1.7 MB]

Professional Societies

American Geophysical Union (AGU)

2004 - Present

European Geophysical Union (EGU)

2017 - Present

Golden Key International Honor Society (GK)

2007 - Present

Sudanese Engineering Council (SEC)

2001 - Present

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

2009 - 2012

National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

2007 - 2012

Geological Society of America (GSA)

2004 - 2012

Special Experience

Quantitative Skills

  • Distributed hydrologic modeling (RHESSys, SWAT)
  • Statistical Modeling (Parametric and Nonparametric)
  • Data Analysis Techniques (NetCDF, GRB)
  • Stochastic methods in Hydrology
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Digital Elevation Model Analysis

Computing Skills

  • Statistical and Mathematical Tools: R, MATLAB, Maple
  • Spatial Data Analysis: ArcGIS (ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcToolbox, ArcGlobe) with Python scripting, GRASS
  • Programming Languages (Python)
  • Database Management: Access
  • Remote Sensing Image Analysis: ERDAS IMAGINE
  • CUAHSI tools: HydroSeek, HydroExcel, HydroGET, HydroDesktop
  • Geoscience Data Analysis: Integrated Date Viewer (IDV)
  • Graphic 3D Modeling tools: Photoshop