
Andrea M Portier


Andrea M Portier's Contact Card & Information.
Phone: 301.614.6232
Org Code: 612
Mail Code 612
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Missions & Projects

Brief Bio

Andrea Portier works at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and serves as Applications Lead for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission and the Applications Coordinator for the Atmosphere Observing System (AOS). In these roles, she engages with different stakeholder communities to understand and quantify how NASA satellite data products are applied for decision-making as well as promote and educate potential users about how NASA data can benefit their work and lives. These efforts include identifying stakeholder interests and requirements for satellite observations, creating strategies to engage and expand the user community, increasing awareness of NASA precipitation and aerosol data products, and improving data access and visualization of satellite products for rapid ingestion and analysis. Prior to working at NASA, Andrea served as a Science Assistant at the National Science Foundation in the Division of Ocean Sciences’ Marine Geology and Geophysics Program. Andrea holds a M.S. in Geological Sciences from University of Florida, and received a B.S. and a B.A. from Ohio State University in Geological Sciences and International Studies.

Current Projects

Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission

Senior Mission Applications Lead

Atmosphere Observing System (AOS)

Applications Coordinator


Master of Science, Geological Sciences, University of Florida- December 2015

Graduate Thesis: “Sediment Provenance in the Gulf of Mexico: A Test of the Regolith Hypothesis”

Bachelor of Science, Geological Sciences with honors research distinction, Ohio State University- June 2012

Honor Thesis: Dissolution Kinetics of Andesitic- Dacitic Ash: Experimental Weathering Rates

Bachelor of Arts, International Studies: Development Studies specialization, Ohio State University- June 2012



2023. "NASA’s Global Precipitation Measurement Mission: Leveraging Stakeholder Engagement & Applications Activities to Inform Decision-making." Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 29 100853 [10.1016/j.rsase.2022.100853] [Journal Article/Letter]