Showing 1 to 17 of 17.
NASA Honor Award - Exceptional Achievement Medal
September 29, 2020
Recipients: Horace G Mitchell 606
GSFC Honor Award - Mission & Enabling Support
Recipients: NCCS Security Team (George Rumney) 606.2

SSED Peer Award
August 9, 2017
Recipients: Ernest T Wright 606.4
GSFC Honor Award - Mission & Enabling Support
Recipients: Discover Cluster Administration Team (Bruce Pfaff) 606.2
American Astronautical Society Lloyd V. Berkner Award
March 2013
Recipients: James C Tilton 606.3
GSFC Honor Award - Quality and Process Improvement
November 2011
Recipients: NCCS NASTRAN Team Pamela A Barrett 114 Benjamin H Emory 542 Peter Raymond Fetterer 567 Goddard Library Digital Projects Team (272) JPSS Information Technology Systems Team (470)
R&D 100 Award
October 13, 2011
Recipients: James C Tilton 606.3

Information Science & Technology Award
May 11, 2011
Recipients: Horace G Mitchell 606.4

GSFC Honor Award - Outreach
September 2010
Recipients: Steven M Graham 610 Scientific Visualization Studio Team Next Generation Lunar Scientists & Engineers Team Mark A Branch 549 Leigh R Janes 595
GSFC Honor Award - Science
September 2010
Recipients: Bryan N. Duncan 614 Alexander A Moiseev 661 Matthew A Greenhouse 665 Randy A Kimble 667 John W Keller 691 MERRA Team Goddard VLBI Group Team NASA Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS) SCU5&6 Team
Honorable Mention - Science Magazine Visualization Challenge
October 11, 2007
Honorees: Gregory W Shirah 606.4
NASA Honor Award - Group Achievement Medal
March 22, 2006
Recipients: Scientific Visualization Studio