Astrobiology Analytical Laboratory - Missions & Projects
Astrobiology Analytical Laboratory - Missions & Projects

We served as science lead for contamination testing of the flight system, managed mission science, and are now analyzing samples delivered from asteroid Bennu in September 2023.

NASA's Curiosity Rover
We helped develop and test the chemical derivatization system on the Goddard-built, portable sample-analysis lab aboard Curiosity, called Sample Analysis at Mars, and now help interpret its results.

ESA's Rosalind Franklin rover
We assisted with ground testing of the Goddard-developed Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) instrument aboard the rover and will contribute to data interpretation and analysis of samples analyzed on Mars.

Mars Sample Return
We will help design the contamination-control system for the sample to be returned from Mars, and to preserve sample integrity to maximize the science output of the campaign. We will also help define the sample-analysis plans.

Apollo (ANGSA)
We are studying samples from the Moon collected by Apollo astronauts, some that have never been opened before.

We studied samples collected from comet Wild 2 and detected the glycine, methylamine, and ethylamine.

We studied grains returned from asteroid Itokawa for amino acids.

We are studied samples returned from asteroid Ryugu as part of the international preliminary examination team for soluble organics and are continuing to analyze samples.