Space Weather Laboratory
Sciences and Exploration Directorate - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

NASA Space Exploration & Space Weather Workshop

13th NASA Space Exploration & Space Weather Workshop

The 13th NASA Space Exploration and Space Weather Workshop was held on April 29-30, 2024 at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This two-day workshop showcased ongoing science and exploration activities supporting NASA's Artemis program and Moon to Mars Architecture. The workshop was held in person at GSFC and included a virtual option for remote participation.

The workshop agenda is available here.

List of Workshop Topics and Presenters:

Welcome and Opening Remarks (M. Lystrup, GSFC Director)
NASA HQ SMD Heliophysics Division (J. Westlake)
NASA HQ SMD Space Weather Program (J. Favors)
NASA OCHMO Human Spaceflight & Aviation Standards (D. Francisco)
NASA GSFC Sciences and Exploration Directorate (C. Peters-Lidard)
NASA GSFC Heliophysics Science Division (A. Pulkkinen)
NASA MSFC Heliophysics and Planetary Science Branch (D. McKenzie)
NASA JSC Gateway Program (S. Dudley & T. Horvath)*
NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) (B. Bailey)
LunaNet (D. Israel)
NASA JSC SRAG- Artemis Support (E. Semones)
HERMES (B. Paterson)
M2M Architecture Overview (J. Bleacher)
Parker Solar Probe (N. Raouafi)
Solar Orbiter (T. Nieves-Chinchilla)
PUNCH (N. Viall)
Psyche (R. Oran)
BepiColombo (B. Sanchez-Cano)
Mars Campaign Office (D. Ise)
The Mars Space Weather Collaboration (G. DiBraccio)
NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center- Artemis Support (H. Bain)
NOAA Office of Space Weather Observations (J.Spann)
NESC Space Environments Activities (J. Minow)
The Community Coordinated Modeling Center- ISEP (Mays)
NASA JSC SRAG- Console Operations (S. Johnson)
NASA GSFC Moon to Mars (M2M) Space Weather Analysis Office (T. Nieves-Chinchilla & M. Romano)

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