Sciences and Exploration Directorate - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

2015 Intern Posters

CISTO had several summer interns this year. Their posters are available here in PDF format. Click the thumbnails for the full-sized poster.

Novel Visualizations of Global Climate Simulation Using WebGL
Cherrie Wang, Daniel Duffy and Bill Putman
C. Wang poster thumbnail
Implementing Automated Security Monitoring using OpenSCAP
Graham Mosley, George Rumney, and John Jasen
G. Mosley poster thumbnail
GEOS-5 Mobile Application
Joseph Clamp, Daniel Duffy and Bill Putman
J. Clamp poster thumbnail
A System Engineer's Virtual Assistant (SEVA)
Jitin Krishnan, Trevor Reed, and Patrick Coronado
J. Krishnan and T. Reed poster thumbnail
Landing an Autonomous Vehicle on a Moving Target
Logan Brentzel, Nicholas Perkins, and Patrick Coronado
L. Brentzel and N. Perkins poster thumbnail